Many gynecological ailments are treated conservatively at an early stage. Not an exception and frequent endometriosis, in which the agent is shown to be vizanne. It is hormonal, affecting the uterine mucosa in order to eliminate foci of the disease in it. It is logical that the monthly after the Byzantine will acquire other characteristics than before it. But what in this case is considered the norm in critical days?
- 1 About
- 2 How the reproductive system responds to the beginning of the
- 2.1 The absence of menstruation: what does it mean
- 3 ? Complexities with menstruation in Byzantine?
- 3.1 How to avoid the side effect of
- 4 ? After completing the use of Byzanne
- 4.1 What happens after menstrual period after treatment
- 4.2 Absence of menstruation after Byzantium
The main constituent of Byzantium is Dienogest. It is a hormone of the progestogenous series, depressing estrogens. Byzanne is assimilated in the stomach, but its influence mainly concerns the endometrium. It is in this organ that a decrease in the amount of estrogens occurs.
The drug is used for 3 months, sometimes up to six months, reception is daily. It is desirable that it be carried out at the same time. With the course of the therapeutic period, Byzanne also affects the function of the ovaries, slowing the aging process of the germ cell, but not hindering it completely.
This leads to the fact that the monthly for Byzanne will certainly change. After all, the effect of the drug is directed to the bodies that take part in them directly and control the process.
How the reproductive system responds to the onset of
reception Endometriosis is in most cases characterized by the intensity of the menstrual period and the pain associated with them. These signs and make a woman go to the doctor, help to identify the diagnosis. And the therapy of the disease should provide a reduction in pathologically overgrown endometrial tissue, and therefore, influence the formation of menstrual mucus. Therefore, the first thing that interests the patient who started using the medicine, are the monthly ones in the Byzantine.
Normally the process is prepared by the body throughout the menstrual period. Under the influence of hormones, the follicle grows, the germ cell ripens, and the endometrium thickens. For the development of the internal uterine surface, estrogens are produced. Their excess promotes the spread of its tissues to those areas of the body, where they should not be. The drug interferes with this process, reducing the presence of estrogens in the uterine mucosa and suppressing the activity of the ovaries in the formation of the follicle, which mainly produces these hormones. But its effect does not fall on the organs with a single admission, but goes on increasing. Therefore, the monthly for Bysanne is normal in the first 3 cycles of therapy.
The initial picture of the functioning of the reproductive system is not the same as the reaction to the drug, there are all kinds of options for the passage of critical days. Some of them lead to its forced cancellation. But the meager monthly for the reception of Byzantine is not a testimony to it.
Absence of menstruation: what does it mean
Normally, when taking Bizanna, there should be monthly ones in the form of smearing excretions, not more. And their presence is allowed throughout the therapy in critical days.
Difficulties with menstruation in Byzantine
The medicine, although it has good capabilities in suppressing endometriotic foci, is not suitable for everyone. It responds to adverse reactions, among which:
- Abundant menstruation. The endless months on Byzanne are unacceptable, in this case it is necessary to cancel the medicine and look for other ways to defeat endometriosis. Often they are in girls with low blood coagulability or, if necessary, take funds that reduce its viscosity. Therefore, the therapy of these endometriosis tablets with hypertension and atherosclerosis requires strict medical supervision. If there are no other health problems, but against the background of taking the drug Byzanne, the menstruation does not stop, they can completely cancel and recommend scraping. In some cases, along with her appoint Traneksam, Ascorutin, other funds that eliminate bleeding;
- Change in the type of menstruation. The woman discovers that when you received Byzanne came monthly with clots. You need to know that dienogest can increase the viscosity of the blood. The development of the endometrium during an illness is uneven. Both these causes of clotting should not prevent the use of the drug when indicated in the first cycles. If it turns out that further with the reception of Byzantines are monthly of a similar nature, it will have to be canceled;
- Arbitrary bleeding. They are of a breakthrough nature and are the result of the functional cysts formed on the ovaries. Bleeding looks like monthly, during the reception of Byzantines are dangerous because of their intensity, because they cause anemia, a decrease in protective forces. This all can provoke a new exacerbation of the disease.
How to avoid the side effect of
Side effect in the form of bleeding of various types are capable of provoking several circumstances:
- Alcohol. Byzanne, when the menstrual period starts, interferes with the division of the endometrium cells, but the alcohol dilates the vessels, including those located in its thickness. Even a small dose can cause their ruptures, discharge with blood and pain in the abdomen;
- Dysfunction of the digestive system. Vomiting and diarrhea in themselves are an external reaction when taking Byzanne. But since the tablets are drunk daily, then with these manifestations, the dose may not have time to assimilate. The increased level of estrogen in connection with the incident can cause bloody discharge from the vagina. To avoid them, you need to swallow an extra dose.
After completing the use of Byzantine
, Endometriosis often becomes the cause of the inability to become pregnant. Therefore, upon completion of treatment, the most pressing question for many: after how many months after the Byzantine period begin?
It should be understood that the body needs some time to recover. Ideally, it will be 2 or 3 months. But not all reproductive system works fine, especially with this diagnosis. Do not rejoice if the monthly came right after the Byzantine. This may be a relapse of endometriosis, which is characterized by increased bleeding from the genital tract.
If you have to wait a long time for the days when the monthly starts after the reception of Byzanne, you can not also exclude the impact of stress, which is accompanied by both an ailment and treatment. To promote it may be a depressive condition, which is one of the side effects when taking the drug. All this, too, is able to postpone menstruation for a longer period.
What is menstruation after completion of
treatment? Monthly after cancellation of Byzanne can have absolutely any character. It is caused, as a difference in the impact on the body, and the results of therapy, which does not always lead to the desired:
- Monthly after the cancellation of the blessed profuse can be a sign of hormonal adjustment caused by the restoration of the function of the ovaries. In most cases, the first allocation is just this. In the absence of suppression of estrogens, the uterine mucosa begins to develop rapidly, and when it is replaced with tissues, more is produced and withdrawn. But the same sign may indicate a revival of the foci of endometriosis;
- Modest in volume, the monthly after the reception of Byzantine indicates a progressive restoration of the functioning of the ovaries and, possibly, insufficient development of the endometrium. But they are also a signal of the hormone deficiency resulting from the recent treatment;
- Smear instead of monthly after the vizanne in the first 2-3 cycles can be considered as a result of insufficient recovery of ovarian functions and growth of the mucous uterus. If this continues, it is a signal of a serious hormone deficiency and a malfunction in the reproductive system.
In a word, whatever the monthly ones after the Byzantine came, you can not properly assess them yourself. Even a gynecologist can do this only after examining the ovaries, the follicle, the thickness of the endometrium.
Absence of menstruation after Byzantine
When a woman does not have a period after Byzantine, "what to do?" Is the first question that comes to her mind. Two cycles makes sense just wait until the ovaries "wake up" and begin to work on the development of the mucous uterus. This is also advised by gynecologists. Without their knowledge to drink medicine, even use herbs and homeopathy in order to call menstruation dangerous.
If the monthly after the completion of the use of Byzanne does not come on, it means that the hormonal disorder has gone too far. In this case, external intervention is required to restore the reproductive system. The specialist appoints a study for hormones( genital and thyroid gland), according to the results of which therapy is selected. Perhaps the appointment of oral contraceptives that restore the growth of the endometrium. Byzanne makes it more dense, which eliminates the foci of endometriosis, but also hinders its development.
In order to restore the menstruation funds can appoint:
- Norkolut;
- Utrojestan;
- Progesterone.
Monthly after the application of Byzanne often give a woman a lot of anxiety. It is difficult to understand whether they mean recovery or carry new problems. Medical control is needed here, more than ever and at all stages of therapy, and at its end. Often Byzanne helps to restore the normal functioning of the reproductive system, allowing you to do without surgery, or to prevent the recurrence of endometriosis after surgery. Some women as a result of therapy with the drug could get pregnant already in the second cycle, although for many years they could not do it.