Violation of the menstrual cycle

Regular monthly - one of the evidence of the health of the reproductive system that accompanies a woman from adolescence through the menopause. Any deviations in it frighten and force to address to the gynecologist. And this is correct, because the causes of this phenomenon can be very serious and require treatment. But sometimes the menstruation cycle is not violated at all. Is it worth worrying or waiting until it's restored? How to adjust the cycle? The only answer for all these questions does not exist.

Contents of

  • 1 What to consider as a deviation
    • 1.1 When the monthly is forced to sound an alarm
  • 2 Why it is broken
    • 2.1 Diseases that are accompanied by a cycle violation
  • 3 Is it possible to determine the cycle failure independently
  • 4 Treatment of menstrual disorders
    • 4.1 Medical therapy
    • 4.2 Surgical intervention

What is considered a deviation from the norm

In a healthy woman of childbearing age, menstrual periods take place with a periodicity of 21-35 days for 3-7 days. The volume of blood withdrawn from the uterus should not be more than 80-100 ml. During menstruation, especially in their first days, there is pain, malaise, drowsiness or irritability. Indicators may slightly do not correspond to the indicated values ​​due to the characteristics of the woman's body. But only the doctor who observes the patient for more than one month is able to confirm this.

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At the beginning of adulthood, when the body is still developing, the inconsistency of the cycle is permissible. This is due to the instability of the hormonal background in young girls. It should not be looked for in the instability of the disease symptoms cycle for the first 2 years. In such circumstances it is not necessary to use the expression "menstrual cycle disorder", because here it is not.

Women who are soon expecting a 50th birthday( menopause), also note the changes in the terms of the monthly, the number and color of the discharge. Their reproductive function fades, the ovaries do not work as intensively as before. The hormonal background also undergoes changes, which is expressed in the instability of the cycle. This is absolutely normal.

When a month is made to sound an alarm

If a woman has crossed the first line and has not reached the second, she should be careful and alarmed at:

  • Unreasonable irregularity of the cycle. From time to time it can be with full health. But monthly in 40-60 days or earlier, than through 20, the norm can not be considered;
  • Hard to bear pain in critical days. A small malaise is inevitable, but if the sensations are such that one does not have the strength and requires a potent medicine, this is a pathology;
  • Excessively intense discharge. The replaceable layer of the endometrium to the period of menstrual thickens and is filled with spiral arteries, which stains the withdrawn masses in a bloody color. But the increase in the functional part of the rejected is a limit. And when the gasket needs to be changed every couple of hours and more often, it's already bleeding. It makes the woman feel much worse than in the usual critical days.

Why it is violated

All causes of the violation of the cycle are divided into several subgroups:

  • External. This is the most harmless part of the reason for failure. Stressful state, a sharp change in climatic conditions of life, violations of the principles of nutrition can affect what is happening inside the body. It is worth eliminating them, and the functioning of the reproductive system will return to normal, unless, of course, the process has gone too far;
  • Medicated. They could be attributed to the first subgroup, but the intake of drugs is always forced by some diseases, so it makes sense to consider this cause separately. Most often the cycle is affected by hormonal means, but not only. Faults in this area are caused by anticoagulants, antidepressants, corticosteroids. What can affect both the start of taking medication, and cancellation;
  • Pathological. These are diseases and conditions for which a monthly malfunction is characteristic. There are so many of them that it is worth considering each separately. Monthly in this case may be abundant or meager, frequent or extremely rare. Sometimes bleeding occurs unexpectedly between menstruations. Or when a woman has already stopped waiting for them, that is, a year or more after the onset of menopause.

Diseases that are accompanied by a violation of the

cycle Everything that happens during the period, including the preparation of the body for them, occurs with the direct participation of hormones. They are "guilty" not only they, but also the organs that produce them, as well as those that are involved in the process of regular renewal of the functional layer of the endometrium. That's why the list of ailments causing problems with menstruation is so great:

  • Diseases of the ovaries. This is the most frequent cause of cycle violations. This includes the problems of synchronizing the work of organs with the pituitary gland, and traumatizing the ovary tissues, the medicamentous effect on it, malignant ovarian tumors;
  • Failure in the hypothalamic-pituitary system, which is responsible for the functioning of endocrine glands. In these circumstances, the production of hormones that determine the regularity of the cycle( follicle-stimulating and other) is disrupted;
  • Diseases of the adrenal glands and other estrogen-producing tissues. This group of hormones affects the development of the uterus, the allocation of the dominant follicle. Their deficit provokes an irregular cycle of menstruation, if not altogether absence;
  • Polyposis of the endometrium. Benign neoplasms cause the occurrence of intermenstrual bleeding. This is an excretory discharge. And monthly in normal terms are more abundant;
  • Endometriosis due to overgrowth of organ tissue causes intense discharge, and even with severe pain;
  • Inflammatory diseases of the uterus in a chronic form provoke disturbances in the development of the endometrium. Its functional layer does not ripen, so do not be surprised that the monthly cycle has lost its way;
  • Artificial abortion, if done abnormally, can damage the endometrium. Menstruation is lost, and with the additional inflammatory process accompanied by severe pain in critical days;
  • Surgery on the ovary can affect the functioning of the organ, that is, make it difficult to form follicles, which means postpone the timing of menstruation;
  • Diseases of the liver with the degeneration of its tissue into cirrhotic increase the concentration of estrogens. Monthly runs are much more frequent and intense;
  • Coagulation failure gives prolonged menstruation, although at regular intervals;
  • Malignant neoplasms localized in the reproductive organs can also lead to the fact that the monthly ones go then do not go;
  • Dysfunctional uterine bleeding is caused by a disruption in the production of hormones responsible for the cycle. Menstruation becomes more prolonged and plentiful. It is also possible to postpone them for a long time, although the bodies have not been changed;
  • Recent pregnancy and childbirth. After them, after a considerable time, when the cycle is time to normalize, this may not happen.

Is it possible to determine the cycle failure yourself

Feel bad in this area a woman is capable of herself. After all, each, at least, maintains a calendar of critical days. But to identify the causes of violations of the menstrual cycle because of their diversity is capable only of a specialist and, perhaps, not one. The list of necessary studies is not accidental, but is a specific algorithm:

  • Interrogation of the patient about medications taken, possible recent birth or abortion, other external circumstances capable of disturbing the cycle;
  • Visual and gynecological examination. Depletion, pallor of the skin, mucous and eye proteins, possible changes in liver size, thyroid gland, discharge from the mammary glands are revealed. When gynecological examination, the meaning is painful sensations from the feeling of the cervix, the nature and amount of secretions, visible neoplasms in the pelvic region;
  • Taking smears and samples for infection. Their long existence in the body can cause a violation of the cycle of menstruation;
  • ultrasound of the pelvic organs or abdominal cavity. This examination will show changes in the uterus and ovaries, will give an idea of ​​the presence and size of the follicles. If pathologies are not found in this area, it makes sense to conduct an ultrasound of the thyroid gland to find out whether the failure in the cycle is the result of malfunctions with it;
  • General and biochemical blood tests, coagulogram. There are violations of its coagulability, as well as diseases of the hematopoietic tissue. The most important aspect is counting the concentration of hormones in the blood;
  • Hysteroscopy. Allows examination of the state of the endometrium, the presence of polyposis. Taken material can be sent to a histology to determine if there are malignant cells;
It is not necessary to assign all survey methods at once. Sometimes enough to determine the cause of menstrual failure. But it happens that only complex diagnostics is able to specify it. And it happens that in addition to the above, an expensive but very informative method of examination is also used - the MRI.Thanks to it, pathological changes of tissues are known up to neoplasms.

Treatment of menstrual disorders

A woman who has encountered a similar problem is more concerned not with the causes of the failure, but with how to restore the cycle of menstruation. But it is the elimination of provoking factors and direct culprits of menstrual disorders that is the most effective therapy. After all, in the overwhelming majority of cases, a serious cycle failure is a symptom of the disease. Treatment is possible in several ways.

Medical therapy

It is logical that all negative factors of influence on the process must be eliminated first. For this it is necessary: ​​

  • To forget about hard diets;
  • Exclude exorbitant physical activities;
  • Replace drugs that are bad for the cycle, others that do not affect it;
  • Try to normalize your psychological state.

Intensive bleeding with menstruation requires symptomatic treatment with hemostatic drugs:

  • by Vikasol, Etamsilate. They are injected into the muscle plus take the tablet form of the drugs;
  • by Trinescum. The agent is administered by means of a dropper and further taken in tablets;
  • Aminocapronic acid. It is administered intravenously via a dropper.

Symptomatic treatment is meaningless without hormonal therapy. Regulation of the menstrual cycle is possible when using oral contraceptives containing a large amount of estrogens and progesterone. Sometimes hormone therapy is the main part of treatment.

Often the following hormonal drugs are used to restore the menstrual cycle:

  • Dufaston. Its main active substance is a synthetic analogue of progesterone dydrogesterone. It thickens the endometrium, which causes the menstruation with a delay. Naturally, if a woman does not have a pregnancy. Usually, a pill of the drug 2 times a day from 11 to 25 days of the menstrual cycle;
  • Utrozestan. It is also prescribed for failures of monthly, caused by progesterone deficiency, from the 16th to the 26th day of the cycle. Sufficient dose - 1 capsule 2-3 times per day.

Norethisterone and Medroxyprogesterone acetate are used less often for the normalization of menstruation.

If problems with the menstrual cycle torment a woman older than 40 years, it is advisable to prescribe medications so that the monthly disappeared completely or partially:

  • Danazol. It suppresses the production of follicle-stimulating hormone by the body, which reduces the volume of secretions. A day is taken not more than 400 mg of the drug;
  • Gestrinone. Has an overwhelming effect on the tissue of the endometrium, which leads to its atrophy. In addition, the drug reduces the level of hormones responsible for menstruation. Dosage - capsule 2.5 mg 2 times a week.

Gonadoliberin agonists are prescribed for the complete cessation of menstruation, which block the hypothalamic-pituitary system, that is, directly interfere with hormone production. These drugs are Decapeptil, Buselerin, Goselerin. Their use is not possible for more than six months. Otherwise, a woman is threatened with osteoporosis, which many will not pass with age.

Surgical intervention

Sometimes the process is started, or from the very beginning it is clear that surgery is the only possible method of getting a woman out of menstrual irregularities. This is the case with severe bleeding, age after 40 years, persistent anemia or lack of ability to clearly identify the cause of the disease. Then the question of how to normalize the menstrual cycle is solved by one of the following methods:

  • Scraping the uterine cavity;
  • Burning of the endometrium with a laser beam;
  • Endometrial balloon ablation;
  • Removal of the uterus.

Regular, normal monthly - a necessary condition for a happy pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby. Violation of the menstrual cycle should not be left without attention and in adulthood. After all, even then a woman wants to be healthy and attractive.

Before using any medications, always consult a physician specialist. There are contraindications.

  • Mar 15, 2018
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