Sunflower root heals joints, Kidneys will clean better than grass!

Few of us are familiar with the useful properties of a sunflower, or rather its root. It has a beneficial effect on the state of the cardiovascular, nervous systems, improves the functioning of the kidneys and joints, promotes the elimination of toxins from the body, reduces the headache. The healing properties of the sunflower root can quickly and painlessly get rid of a number of diseases, as well as improve the health status.

Sunflower properties


Sunflower is considered to be a universal culture.

  • Sunflower oil is the most important food product and the main component for the production of drying oil.
  • Sunflower flower petals are used for the production of medicines.
  • Decorative sunflower hybrids are popular with landscape designers and flower growers.
  • The stems of the plant are a source of alternative fuel.
  • The root of a sunflower is the "heart of a plant", since the root system provides nutrition to the entire plant. The root of the sunflower is widely used for medicinal purposes.
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    • Healing properties of the plant used in folk medicine:
      • purification of blood vessels from cholesterol plaques,
      • excretion of urates from the bladder,
      • crushing of stones in the gallbladder and kidneys,

      • cleansing of the cartilage tissues of the joints and excretion of salts from the body,
      • treatment of osteochondrosis andcystitis,
      • normalization of blood pressure,
      • relief from heart and headaches,
      • purification of the whole body.

      The therapeutic effect of decoction of sunflower root is due to the presence of specific alkaline alkaloids and a large number of potassium salts. Alkaloids destroy salts, and potassium increases diuresis.

      Prolonged application of the drug leads to accumulation of potassium in the body and dehydration. Therefore, the decoction should be combined with the daily use of a sufficient amount of liquid.

      During the treatment with sunflower root, it is necessary to completely exclude from the diet acidic juices, as well as products containing a large amount of organic acids - sorrel, pickles and others. It is recommended to drink clear water during the day and switch to a vegetable diet.

      Kidney stones

      Currently, removal of stones from the kidneys is successfully performed in clinics with the help of ultrasound. Fashionable equipment invented over the past few years, works very efficiently, but it does not pass without a trace for the body.
      Natural medicines in this respect are absolutely safe for humans. The root of sunflower painlessly and without surgical intervention removes stones from the body naturally. Since the sunflower root does not cope with all kinds of stones, it is necessary to find out their nature before starting treatment.
      For the removal of stones from the kidneys use a decoction cooked according to this recipe. Take a glass of crushed roots, pour three liters of water and cook five minutes from the time of boiling. The broth is cooled, drained and stored in a refrigerator. A day drink a liter of broth in small portions. Then the roots are cooked again for ten minutes, and the broth is drunk in three days. Again, the roots are roasted in three liters of water for twenty minutes, they drink the broth, and the roots are thrown away.
      Sunflower roots are treated for two months. At this time, alcoholic beverages, sour, sharp and smoked dishes should be completely excluded from the diet. During the first month of this treatment, one centimeter of stones dissolves. The patient may be concerned about the burning sensation that occurs during the dissolution of salts in the body. About ten days later it passes by itself.
      To remove sand from the kidneys use a recipe of the decoction: one hundred grams of ground sunflower roots are poured with a liter of water and insist for five hours. Drink the resulting broth for one day.


      Cystitis is one of the most unpleasant pathologies of the urinary system, accompanied by frequent and painful urination.

      Cystitis is treated with antibiotics that have many side effects and often lead to the development of dysbacteriosis.

      Sunflower roots improve the general condition of the body, prevent the transition of the disease into a chronic form and accelerate the treatment of acute cystitis.

      To treat the disease, the rooting of sunflower roots is used. Take two hundred grams of washed and dried roots, chop, pour in three liters of water and cook for two minutes. Leave the ready broth to infuse for an hour.

      Then it is filtered and drunk three times a day for a month.

      This decoction is also used for the treatment of osteochondrosis and excretion of salts from the body.

      External application of

      For pains in the joints and muscles, bruises, headaches, a strong decoction of the roots, which is used only externally, helps. Take a glass of crushed roots, pour a liter of water and boil an hour. Wet a piece of gauze in a decoction and apply to a sore spot. On top wrapped in a film, put cotton wool and wrap everything with a warm kerchief. Compress put on at night. With intense headache, the broth is rubbed into the whiskey.


      Sunflower roots are cleaned with tea, which also fights with salt deposits, dissolves kidney stones, strengthens immunity. Prepare tea from fresh roots, which are thoroughly washed, cut off from them all unnecessary, slightly dried. Shredded roots are the basis for tea. Store them in a warm, dark and dry place.
      To make tea boil one and a half liters of water, pour it a hundred grams of sunflower roots, boil for two minutes and drink. For three days you should drink the entire amount of tea. Then they prepare a new portion, only now they boil the tea for seven minutes. After drinking this drink, they again pour the roots with water and boil for fifteen minutes. This agent helps to remove salts.
      The first results appear in two weeks. As soon as the urine becomes transparent, the treatment stops or reduces the amount of tea drunk per day.

      Salts in the joints

      Salts in the joints - a problem pursuing modern humanity, leading a sedentary or sedentary lifestyle. Previously, such a pathology worried mainly only the older generation, now salt in the joints are found even in children.
      Application of sunflower roots is very important for soft and painless removal of salt from the joints. Decoction of sunflower roots does not restore the damaged cartilaginous tissue. In general, it is used for prophylactic purposes, not allowing the development of serious complications. If the disease progresses and causes painful sensations, tincture of calligraphy of fragrant, also known as golden mustache, helps quite well. To read about the properties of the plant and its application for the treatment of joints, you can click on the link: Us Uses the golden doctors, it helps the joints and heart!

      Treatment of this pathology is effective only in conjunction with phytopreparations, which stimulate the regeneration of cartilaginous tissue. Such means include, for example, horsetail field.

      The healing properties of the sunflower root ensure the destruction of insoluble compounds and the removal of salts from the body. The broth destroys only conglomerates formed from organic acids: oxalic acid - oxalate, uric - urate, cholesterol. Oxalates, as well as stable compounds of phosphoric and carbonic acids do not disintegrate under the influence of sunflower active substances.
      To prevent the deposition of salts used such a decoction. Take the root of a sunflower, pass it through a meat grinder, a hundred grams of the resulting root is poured with a liter of water and boiled for ten minutes. Then it is cooled and filtered. Take the resulting broth when you get thirsty for three months. As soon as you want to drink, you can take a decoction, since sunflower root treatment has no contraindications and limitations.

      To remove salts from the joints, it is necessary to combine the use of the therapeutic agent inside with the outer wrap and compresses

      Diabetes mellitus

      What else is the sunflower root useful for? Its regular use significantly lowers the level of sugar in the blood and normalizes the work of the whole organism. For this, it is required to prepare a decoction from the hairs of the sunflower root. They are well dried before brewing, crushed and used to prepare a broth. The root of the sunflower is poured with boiling water, leave to be infused in a dry, dark place until the infusion is completely cooled. Then it is filtered and taken for one hundred milliliters every hour. You can drink only freshly prepared broth.


      No contraindications for the use of sunflower root have been identified. During pregnancy and during breastfeeding it is better to refrain from using it. This is due only to an increase in diuresis, since the root of the sunflower does not contain a dangerous amount of aromatic substances and oils, so it is not capable of damaging the body of a pregnant woman or fetus, and also cause allergic reactions during breastfeeding.
      Do not use decoction of sunflower root to persons who are not sure of the origin and composition of kidney stones, since this agent can not destroy insoluble phosphoric acid compounds and carbonates.
      Contraindication for the treatment of sunflower roots is the use of raw materials harvested in industrial plantations. This is due to the abuse of herbicides, fungicides and other chemicals. It is forbidden to use chemically processed raw materials in folk medicine.

  • Mar 15, 2018
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