Coconut oil is a cosmetic natural product that is obtained without the addition of artificial flavors, dyes and other substances.
All useful properties are laid by nature, so coconut oil for the face is used as a natural and harmless cosmetics.
It is especially suitable for people with very delicate and sensitive skin, when any other cosmetics can cause irritation or allergy.
How useful is the scoop oil?
The benefits of natural coconut oil are due to its constituent substances:
- lauric acid - coconut oil is almost 50% composed of this substance that has antibacterial properties;
- hyaluronic acid - is part of the connective tissue, so it eliminates fine wrinkles, and also creates a moist environment on the surface of the face;
- triglycerides - one of the components of cell membranes, restores the structure of epidermal cells and improves oil absorption;
- thiamine( vitamin B1), part of the composition of coconut oil for the face, protects from the effects of ultraviolet rays, low temperature, prevents aging;
- pyridoxine( vitamin B6) - has anti-inflammatory effect;
- folic acid - improves cell regeneration, protects from external stimuli;
- niacin( vitamin PP) - improves the complexion;
- ascorbic acid - rejuvenates;
- vitamin E is a good antioxidant, it prevents the lipid peroxidation of cell membranes, slowing down the aging process.
Also in this natural product are oleic, palmitic, caprylic, stearic, arachidonic, linolenic and other fatty acids. They determine the hydration, nutrition, softening and protecting the skin of the face from the effects of the environment. With frequent use this product will help keep the skin healthy and prolong its youth.
Non-refined coconut oil for the face is also used in the fight against pigment spots, to eliminate dry skin, increase its elasticity and elasticity, as a sunscreen.
This remedy restores the normal activity of the sebaceous glands regardless of skin type( dry, oily or combination).
Thanks to its unique beneficial properties, coconut fat is used in the manufacture of various cosmetics for the skin and hair.
Important: Coconut fat should not be used if there is an individual intolerance. To check, you need to put a little money on the elbow and leave it. If after 24 hours there is no redness or other undesirable reaction, the product can be safely used.
How to use coconut oil?
Coconut oil has a beneficial effect on any type of skin, but it is especially useful for dry, coarse, flaky, fading skin. From coconut oil make facial masks or apply it in its purest form.
- Mask with rice flour and green tea
To a teaspoon of coconut oil add 2 tbsp.spoons of rice flour( you can grind the rice in a coffee grinder), mix, add freshly brewed green tea and mix very well. Tea should be added so much that the mass became thick as sour cream. Apply to clean skin, after 20 minutes, rinse with water without soap. Do once a week. The mask is suitable for any skin. - Eye Mask
Mix 50 ml of coconut fat with 10 ml of liquid vitamin E. Lubricate the eyelids, the skin near the eyes 2 hours before going to bed for 15 minutes. Repeat the mask is recommended twice a week. - Mask with milk and bread for sensitive skin
Mix a teaspoon of butter with 10 g of wheat bread soaked in warm milk. Add two more spoons of milk and mix everything. Apply to the face with light movements, hold for 20 minutes. - Coffee mask for skin cleansing
To a tablespoon of coffee grounds add a teaspoon of coconut fat, mix. Apply to the face with light circular motions, leave for 10 minutes, then rinse with water. It is a fine scrub for cleansing the face, which should be used twice a week. - Rejuvenating mask with rosemary
Spoon the teaspoon of coconut fat a little with a water bath, add 4 drops of rosemary essential oil, mix. Rub into the skin, leave for 20 minutes, wash your face with clean water. - Mask for fading skin with orange oil and blue clay.
Take 1 teaspoon of coconut oil and blue cosmetic clay, add 3 drops of essential oil of orange. Stir and grease the cleansed face, soak 15 minutes. - Honey mask
Take one st.spoon of fresh liquid honey and sour cream, add a teaspoon of coconut fat, mix. Apply on face, soak for 20 minutes. Repeat twice a week. As part of this mask, coconut oil for the face will benefit from any type of skin. The double healing effect of this mask is due to the presence of honey in the recipe. About its beneficial effect on the skin can be found by reading the article: The mask of honey softens the skin, There is no inflammation, and the face is refreshing! - Cream mask with chicken egg
100 g of coconut fat melt with a water bath, add beaten egg and a tablespoon of honey, mix. Leave for one night in the refrigerator. Lubricate the face with coconut cream every evening after washing. - The simplest classical mask
Unrefined coconut fat melt in a water bath. After a warm bath on the cleansed face, apply the product in a warm form. Hold for 10 minutes, then repeat the procedure. After another 10 minutes, wash.
Tip: if coconut fat has hardened, then you can just hold it in your hands, because it melts at a temperature of 25 degrees or more. If you like to use solid oil, then keep it in a cool room at a temperature of no higher than 20 degrees. To keep the product dense, you must store it in a warm room( in the bathroom or in the kitchen).
Coconut oil for the face with regular application will make the skin more youthful, supple and moisturized, noticeably improve its color and eliminate fine wrinkles. Most masks must be done every 3 days. The results will not be long in coming.