Make a decoction of the bark of oak and stay healthy!

Decoction of the oak bark has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. He successfully fights against diseases of the skin, mucous larynx and oral cavity. This remedy helps to heal burns, various kinds of urogenital diseases, to eliminate diarrhea and intestinal bleeding. Decoctions from the oak bark have an antinoferent and astringent effect. They can be used for bad breath odor and sweating of the extremities.

Decoction of oak bark has found the widest application in various branches of medicine

Useful properties and application of

The use of this remedy is due to the fact that it contains tannins that favorably affect the human body. Oak broth can be used in various ways:

  • inside - for violations of the digestive tract, dysentery, bleeding hemorrhoidal nature. In this area, it has an astringent effect;
  • rinses - helps strengthen the gums, eliminates bad breath, successfully fights against angina, stomatitis, gingivitis. Acts as a disinfectant for the oral cavity;
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  • lotions - with inflammatory skin diseases, wounds and burns;
  • baths - help to eliminate excessive sweating of limbs;
  • syringing - with gynecological diseases, for example, vaginitis, erosion, colpitis;
  • externally - in cosmetology for the restoration of hair health and in the fight against seborrhea.
Decoction of oak bark successfully fights with pathogenic microflora and prevents irritation of tissues

For hair

Broth of oak bark is used for hair healing. With its help you can get rid of dandruff, restore fragile hair, restore their shine and healthy radiance. Consider the most popular and effective recipes.

  1. For the treatment of weak, lifeless hair. In a container pour a liter of water and bring to a boil, add 30 g of the drugstore and cover with a lid. Half an hour later the product is ready. It should be filtered and used as a conditioner after each washing of the head.
    This broth is able to restore the natural color of dark hair
  2. From hair loss. Half a glass of dry raw material is combined with the same amount of onion husk. Blend the mixture with water, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for an hour. Broth the oak bark to cool at room temperature, filter. The composition is recommended to rub into the scalp after each wash, and it will not only strengthen the hair follicles, but will also accelerate their growth.
  3. For dandruff. In this case, a decoction prepared according to the above-described recipe is used. But there are differences in use. Apply it to the roots of hair two hours before shampooing. After that, a polyethylene cap and a terry towel are put on the head. After two hours, the product is washed off with plenty of warm running water.

Oak broth is very important and useful for our hair. It gives them splendor, makes them shiny and sates with healthy radiance. If you combine it with other components, for example, honey, essential oils or herbs, you can prepare a huge number of various masks and balms.

Among other things, this broth is often used as a tint:

  • brunettes in oak infusion is enough to add a small amount of natural freshly brewed coffee;
  • for fair-haired fair sex representatives who want to make their hair even lighter, it is recommended to mix ordinary chamomile with bark.

With diarrhea

Since the bark of oak is capable of having astringent effect, it is successfully used for gastric disorders. The substances included in its composition have a powerful anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect, they have a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract and protect them from irritation.

The tradition of using decoction of the bark of oak with diarrhea goes back to the distant past. Our ancestors were raw for this drug to procure alone. The best time was considered to be early spring, and the ideal bark for broth could be removed from young shoots.

Tip! If you want to follow the example of the ancient healers, then remember that it is desirable to use the bark of young trees, whose age is no more than 20 years. Raw materials collected from old oaks contain much less useful substances.

Looking at ancient recipes, it is worth noting that this tool also shows its effectiveness in diseases of the spleen and liver, helps with poisoning with mushrooms and dysentery. Suitable for the treatment of gastrointestinal bleeding.

How to get rid of diarrhea with oak broth

Why does diarrhea occur? The reason for its appearance lies in the activation of intestinal peristalsis, when the amount of liquid contents in the stomach increases significantly. This is due to the use of poor-quality food, and when the body refuses to absorb such food, indigestion occurs. A similar effect occurs when overeating, drinking water, which contains bacteria and viruses, and taking laxatives.

Let's figure out how to properly prepare a decoction of the oak bark to eliminate these troubles. The recipe is quite simple:

  • 10 g crust crush;
  • the raw material is placed in a glass container;
  • add 200 ml of boiling water;
  • cover and leave for 3 hours;
  • after the specified time, filter the filter.

Take this drug should be 30 ml 3-4 times a day.

Important! Remember that the broth is not recommended for long-term constipation and hemorrhoids. Also, do not exceed the recommended daily dose and drink the product for a long time.

In conclusion, I would like to note, whatever disease you may be treated with oak broth decoction, always approach this in a comprehensive manner. A healthy lifestyle will have only a positive impact and contribute to a speedy recovery.

  • Mar 15, 2018
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