The Hindus believe that most health problems arise from the contamination of the body with metabolic products and toxins. The reason for this - unhealthy and improper nutrition. If one adheres to one of the oldest teachings - Ayurveda, many problems can be avoided.
Ayurveda is translated from ancient Indian as "knowledge of life".Scientists call Ayurveda the method of mental and physical healing due to harmonious nutrition.
Basic dietary rules for ayurveda
Adherents of Ayurveda divide products into three groups: tamas, rajas and sattva. Groups are called gunas. The food of the sattva group is considered harmless and easy, helps restore mental balance, stimulates brain activity and soothes nerves. Rajas produce energy, but they are not considered as pure as sattva. In addition, they increase physical activity. The products of the tamas group are the most toxic and harmful, which pollute the human body.
However, Hindus do not consider the sattvic diet the most useful. Everything depends on the temperament, energy and other qualities of each person. The Ayurveda diet on sattvic products is ideal for people of creative professions. But sensible and nervous people, as well as manual workers, will accept rajasic products.
Products from different groups of
What kind of food is one or the other group and how to use it correctly?
Sattva is only pure food, so eating eggs, fish and meat under strict prohibition, that is sattvic foods, is vegetarian food. The most useful are seasonal fruits, greens and vegetables.
However, some of the vegetables adherents of ayurveda are referred to the rajas group. This is radish, chilli peppers, onions, garlic. In addition, frequent use of potatoes and cabbage is not approved.
Among sattwic products, there are also oats, wheat, and brown rice. Bean cultures belong to the rajas group. People who adhere to the sattwic diet often eat almonds, walnuts, dairy products, with the exception of cheeses. However, dairy products must be low-fat and natural.
The most energy in the sattwic diet are coconut, olive and sesame oils. From sweets you can use honey, cane and palm sugar.
From spices in high esteem ginger, turmeric, coriander, cardamom, fennel and cinnamon. The remaining spices belong to the rajas group, and their number is limited. Of the drinks in the sattva group there are herbal teas, milk, spring water, and black and green tea in small quantities.
Ayurveda diet regime
Ayurveda diet is based on very strict rules. And if everything is more or less clear with the products, then everything is much more difficult with the regime of the day. The diet implies a strict daily routine and absolutely does not suit owls and lazy people. The fact is that you will have to cook on your own and often, and with pleasure. Only so the food will be filled with energy.
According to Ayurveda, food can not be re-heated for a second time, that is, it is necessary to cook only once. You can sit down to eat with a strong sense of hunger. To define it is not difficult: if you want to eat even a piece of dried bread, then you are hungry.
Admirers of ayurveda have breakfast no later than eight in the morning. The best breakfast in Ayurveda is rough porridge with dried fruits. Lunch should pass between 10 o'clock in the morning and 2 o'clock in the afternoon.
Compatibility of products
Compatibility of products is mandatory, especially for those who have digestive problems. Animals and vegetable fats do not mix, in one dish they do not combine vegetable and animal food, starchy vegetables do not combine with vegetables that have a sour taste. Also, it is not recommended to use acidic vegetables together with flour products, cheeses, milk, cottage cheese. Cabbage and legumes are absolutely incompatible, as does milk with cucumbers. In one meal, fresh and thermally processed foods are not consumed.
Liquid is allowed only twenty minutes before the main meal or an hour and a half after it. The stomach should be filled 2/3 after the main meal. Sitting at the table in a bad mood is impossible, because negative emotions will weaken the digestive fire. You can eat only by sitting, because in a standing position, according to Ayurveda, harmful substances accumulate.