An evergreen pomelo tree( pomelo) or pompilus related to the genus citrus, grows in China and Thailand. His fruit is considered a record among relatives, since it can weigh several kilograms. The Englishman Sheddok, who was the first in the XIV century to bring the seeds of a large sweet exotic fruit to the West Indies and Europe, thereby immortalized himself in his name.
- chemical composition
- Types
- Useful properties
- Women
- For
- Men For
- children How to Choose
- How to use
- How to store
- Recipes
- therapeutic use
- For prevention
- atherosclerosis Cough and to remove
- sputum When anginaand colds
- For cleansing the intestines from
- dysfunctions With diabetes
- For weight loss
- In cosmetic
- Face tonic
- Mask for dry skin
- Mask for oily skin
- Body scrub
- In culinary
- Salad
- Prawns with pomelo
- Jam from rind
- Fruit salad
- Harm and contraindications
Chemical composition
Sugar in its composition of more than 8%, so the fruit pomelo sweet taste. Sheddok is also rich in vitamins. Thus, the content of vitamin C in the pomelo fruit of medium size exceeds the daily requirement for it, slightly less beta-carotene, there are vitamins PP and group B.
There are also minerals - potassium, iron, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, zinc. Discovered in pimple spermine protects cells from damage, prevents their aging. The rind of the fruit is rich in flavonoids, essential oils. In 100 grams of fruit contains:
- of vitamin C - up to 60 milligrams;
- of vitamin A - up to 35 milligrams;
- potassium - up to 230 milligrams;
- calcium - up to 26 milligrams;
- phosphorus - up to 23 milligrams.
There are pectins, enzymes in the product. It is a rich source of folic acid, which makes this fruit useful in pregnancy. But the citric acid, which irritates the stomach, is very small in it.
to contents ^Kinds of
Many people consider pomelo a hybrid of some fruits. And this is far from the truth. In fact, this is an independent kind of citrus fruit, which participated in the creation of grapefruit and sweets. Different types of pomelo differ in the shape and color of pulp:
- Khao horn has white flesh and a yellow-green peel.
- Khao nam hung pear-shaped with yellow-white pulp and yellow-green skin.
- Khao paen is large in size and flattened in shape with a greenish skin. Flesh white with a light acidity and barely noticeable bitterness.
- Khao phuang - except in Thailand, is grown in California. The fruit is similar to a large pear, the structure and coloration resembles a lemon. The skin is greenish, turns yellow when it ripens. Flesh sourish without bitterness. Almost without pits.
- Thongdi - round in shape, compared to other species has a relatively thin peel of green color. The flesh is pink, with a lot of seeds.
Useful properties
The use of pomelo for a man consists, first of all, in the content of a significant amount of vitamins, especially ascorbic acid. It supports the general condition of the body, helps to get rid of hunger, improves memory, helps concentration. Thanks to vitamin P, the risk of gastric diseases decreases.
In addition, pomelo:
- serves as a prophylactic against thrombi, reduces the risk of cancer and participates in the recovery processes after chemotherapy and surgery;
- is useful for poisoning, removing toxins;
- effectively fights against bronchitis, asthma, relieves coughing attacks;
- strengthens bones thanks to calcium, and the phosphorus contained in it helps to activate the work of the brain;
- pulp and sheddock juice kills pathogenic microorganisms, improves skin color and structure, normalizes sebaceous gland function, regenerates skin;
- glycemic index of pomelo fruit is rather low( 30 units), therefore, with diabetes, vitamin pomel fruit is very useful;
- perfectly quenches thirst.
For women
Regular use of the sheddok favorably affects the female body:
- Withdrawing the slag, it improves the skin condition.
- Serves effective prevention of breast cancer. Fiber and pectin improve blood circulation, metabolism, digestion. Therefore, the fruit pomelo is used in diets for weight loss.
- This citrus is recommended for pregnant women for many reasons. First, it serves the prevention of toxicosis. Secondly, it replenishes calcium deficiency. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on the mood of future mothers, prevents prenatal depression, helps not gain weight, struggles with constipation. A useful fruit pomelo is better to eat at pregnancy on 3 slices together with tightly fitting its or his film in one reception.
For men
Delicious fruit pomelo has useful properties for men:
- Eliminates alcohol poisoning, making it easier to hangover.
- Being an aphrodisiac, it increases the potency, promotes spermatogenesis.
- Increases efficiency, improves attention and focus.
- Strengthens bones and vessels.
For children
To give a pomelo fruit to children under one year is contraindicated. It can cause them an allergic reaction. For older children, it will help to strengthen immunity, protect them from colds. Pomelo can improve memory, help in concentration of attention.
However, it should be borne in mind that children benefit from what is growing in the relevant climatic zone. Therefore, to introduce pomelo into the children's diet should be cautiously, in small portions. Stimulating the food interest in it, it is useful to decorate with fruit desserts, ice cream, include it in fruit salads.
to contents ^How to choose
Pomelo ripens at the end of winter, this time is most suitable for buying an exotic product. When choosing a benign goodness, you should pay attention to the following:
- The rind must be uniform, shiny and smooth.
- The fruit should smell nice.
- The mature fruit is evenly colored on all sides.
- Preference should be given not too large, but a heavy specimen, it should not be soft to the touch.
How to use
How to eat a fruit pomelo? A large citrus fruit is cleaned lighter than grapefruit. First make a small incision on the peel, then it is easy to take off with your hands. Then it is cut in half, cut the internal membranes between the lobules. After this, the flesh can be easily separated.
In each segment of the fruit there are several bones. Usually they are located at the edges of the lobules. These seeds are chosen with a spoon or knife.
How to store
Unclean, quality fruit can be stored even outside the refrigerator for several weeks. The finished product is stored under the food film in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days.
to the table of contents ^Recipes for application
Delicious and fragrant exotic citrus has medicinal properties and is widely used in the treatment and prevention of diseases, cosmetology and dietary nutrition.
to contents ^For therapeutic purposes
to contents ^For the prevention of atherosclerosis
Slice a few slices of fruit and, mixed with a spoonful of olive oil, eat every day. This helps in cleaning the blood vessels.
to table of contents ^Cough and sputum
Freshly squeezed juice can be heated to 40 degrees and sipped in half a glass a couple of times a day. This remedy also helps with kidney problems.
With sore throat and cold
Gargle with a pomelo juice, half diluted with water. Regular rinsing of the mouth with diluted juice prevents caries and bleeding gums.
to the table of contents ^To clean the intestines from
toxins For breakfast, eat half a kilogram of exotic fruit. Then give up food for a few hours.
to the table of contents ^With diabetes
Regularly drink freshly squeezed medical juice, eat fruit slices, use them in fruit salads, desserts and dietary dishes.
to the table of contents ^For weight loss
When carrying out fasting days associated with overweight it is useful to include pomelo in the diet. It's done this way:
- The early breakfast consists of a glass of fruit juice.
- The second breakfast should be easy.
- Lunch should be full, but not too high in calories.
- During a snack or first snack, it is advisable to eat half a pomelo with mineral water without gas.
- The second snack also consists of half a citrus fruit.
- For dinner, eat salad, half pomelo or drink fruit juice.
Even 1 week of such a diet will allow you to experience clear results.
to the table of contents ^In cosmetic
to the table of contents ^Face tonic
Wash disc with fresh juice wipe face and neck twice a day. For dry skin, dilute the juice with an equal amount of water.
to the table of contents ^Mask for dry skin
Mix 50 grams of crushed pulp with a teaspoon of lemon juice and the same amount of oatmeal and honey. The medicine is applied to the face, avoiding the areas around the nose and eyes. It is aged for 15 minutes and rinsed off with warm water. The mask moisturizes and rejuvenates the skin.
to table of contents ^Mask for oily skin
Prepare a mixture of pulp of a fruit slice and a tablespoon of low-fat kefir. The agent should be applied to the skin for 10-12 minutes. Then do this again, and after 15 minutes, wash it off with warm water.
to table of contents ^Body scrub
Grind rind of pomelo and half a lemon. Add to them a tablespoon of sugar( or sea salt) and a little olive oil. Ready to scrub on wet skin, massaging movements. After 15 minutes of exposure, the product should be rinsed with a contrast shower.
to table of contents ^In culinary
Pomelo is widely used in national Thai dishes. In addition to salads, the pulp is suitable for making marmalade, as a filling in baking, additives for side dishes and sauces for meat and fish. And from the peel are delicious candied fruits and jam.
to table of contents ^Salad
- pomelo;
- salad bun;
- boiled chicken breast;
- solid cheese;
- sour cream;
- walnuts.
Peeled pulp pomel to grind and combine with salad, finely chopped meat, grated cheese and nuts. Serve with sour cream.
to contents ^Shrimps with pomelo
- pomelo;
- 200 grams of shrimp or krill meat;
- boiled egg.
Cut into slices of fruit cut into small pieces, mix with crushed shrimp and mashed egg, season with sauce to taste.
to the table of contents ^Jam from the rind
Peel pomel several days soaked in water, changing it twice a day. After twice bring the water with the skin to a boil, each time changing the water. All these manipulations are necessary to get rid of bitterness.
Cool the half-finished product with 3 glasses of sugar and 2 glasses of water, let it brew for several hours. After this, the cooking process is carried out three times for 20 minutes. After each cooking, the semi-finished product should cool down. In the end, you can roll jam in jars.
to the table of contents ^Fruit Salad
- pomelo;
- half a lemon;
- 2 kiwi fruit;
- orange;
- pear;
- any berries;
- maple syrup or honey.
Cut the fruit and fill it with maple syrup or honey. You can also use orange liqueur or neutral yogurt.
to contents ^Harm and contraindications
Pomelo has a number of limitations or contraindications in use. It is not recommended to use pomelo:
- to those who have an allergy to citrus, as this is fraught with attacks of suffocation and swelling of the throat;
- in peptic ulcers with increased acidity during exacerbation;
- for hepatitis, kidney and bladder problems, with acute colitis.
Nursing mothers have a fruit you can not before the baby turns 3 months old. Begin with a small portion, increasing it in the absence of allergies in the baby.
Fruit is incompatible with certain medicines.