In modern dentistry materials are widely used to fill the canals of teeth, which contain calcium hydroxide, the most famous and effective of them is Metapex.
The substance is a paste in which, along with the main component, iodoform is also present. This combination of chemical compounds causes excellent radiopaque and powerful bactericidal effect of the filling material.
Metapex has a pasty structure, placed in a syringe, weighing 2.2 grams. The kit also includes sterile disposable tips( 20 pcs.) And a special ring that can rotate, thus changing the direction of the tip. The total weight of the set is 83 g., The size is 22.8 × 6.1 × 2.2 cm.
- Scope of application
- Advantages and curative effect
- Scheme of application
- Storage features - how to preserve material properties?
- Adverse reactions
- From the practice of using
- Buying and analogues
Scope of application
Due to its high versatility the substance is successfully used in the following cases:
- random pulp autopsy or pulpotomy;
- apexification;
- leakage of the tooth canal;
- inactivation of microbial infiltrate in infected channels;
- stimulation of the formation of hard tissues of apex;
- creation of a solid-tissue barrier for protection in cases of perforation, ossification and destruction of bone tissue;
- treatment of dental canals in children with undeveloped apex in milk teeth and in people with periodontitis.
Metapex is also used as a permanent filling material in the infected channels of the roots of the teeth.
Advantages and therapeutic effect
Filling material has a large number of advantages. In comparison with other similar means, it differs:
- excellent radiopaque;
- for the preparation of a paste an insoluble silicone base is used, so it can be used at any time to permanently seal the dental canals;
- ease of introduction into the root canals, as well as when necessary extraction from them;
- thanks to disposable nozzles provides protection from penetration of cross-infection;
- odontotropic effect;
- remarkable antibacterial effect, which is achieved due to the presence of iodoform, capable of storing Ph medium, with an index of 12.5.
The last quality of the chemical compound contributes to the fact that after the injection of Metapex into the area of inflammation, the paste becomes completely sterile after 2 days, as more than 99% of pathogenic microorganisms perish.
It should be noted that the therapeutic effect that is achieved with the administration of the substance completely excludes secondary inflammatory processes at the site of application even in patients with severe complications( cysts of various origin, etc.).
Scheme of application of
To ensure the maximum therapeutic effect when using Metapex, follow the instructions:
- Initially, the root canal is treated, then it is cleaned and dried.
- A syringe with a filling material is prepared. For this, a nozzle and a rotary ring are put on.
- The tip is then inserted into the tooth channel, which is filled by pressing the syringe piston, after which the tip is slowly withdrawn.
- A sterile cotton ball removes excess funds.
- As the final stage, the used tip is removed from the syringe, a new one is fixed. To prevent leakage of the paste, a protective cap is put on.
Do not allow material to penetrate beyond the boundaries of the apex.
Storage Features - how to save material properties?
When storing the material for sealing, you must adhere to several important requirements.
It is forbidden to store sealing material near functioning heating devices or other technical equipment that emits strong heat, as well as under light sources, as this can lead to loss of consistency of the paste, its separation, or drying out.
To maintain the substance, the optimal temperature is + 25 ° C, the humidity is normal. Do not forget that the syringe should be stored after use with the protective cap closed.
When using the paste, side effects of an allergic nature in the form of rhinitis, hives and Quincke edema can be observed. Therefore, it is undesirable to use it for allergic people.
Metapex is not recommended for people who are hypersensitive to iodine.
From the practice of using
On the Internet, you can meet a lot of feedback, both from specialists and ordinary people, confirming the quality and safety of Metapex.
Has applied repeatedly this filling weight and for the present there were no censures from patients. The paste copes with extensive inflammatory processes, there are no relapses. I advise.
Katerina, dentist
Purchase and analogs
Metapex can be purchased at any online store that sells medical supplies and accessories, however, the price for filling paste on each of them is different and ranges from 500 to 1,000 rubles.for the set.
Direct analogues of the agent - Silapex and Kalasept.