Disputes over the consumption of alcoholic beverages have been going on for a long time.
The ardent fans of a healthy lifestyle are already tired of screaming that alcohol is poison and their opponents are waving:
"Come on, a glass of cognac or a glass of wine has not hurt anyone yet, and scientists recommend it", alcoholics drink silently,not paying the slightest attention to both camps.
You can treat alcohol differently, making it the enemy number 1 is not necessary, but if you often became interested, that helps with the hangover , it's time to seriously think about stopping such a strong friendship with wine, vodka, cognac, whiskey, beer and other alcoholic beverages.
What helps to avoid a hangover?
I never understood people who drink so much that they suffer from a hangover the next morning. Is this the point?
In the evening, you pour alcohol, and so much to expose yourself to ridicule( sometimes not remembering anything of what I did), and in the morning you feel so bad that you regret what you did.
Some kind of very frantic fun, do not you think so?
But to avoid a hangover is easy: do not drink too much. Drink a couple of glasses of cognac / vodka / whiskey, a glass of wine / champagne - this is enough to be with everyone on the same wavelength and feel a slight excitement.
The next morning you will feel just fine!
According to doctors, in addition to moderation of alcohol consumption helps to avoid a hangover:
Eating in the stomach.
If you have a celebration in the evening, be sure to have a normal breakfast and lunch - the stomach before drinking alcohol should not be empty.
Well, at the very banquet, too, you need not only to drink, but also to have a snack.
The right choice of drink.
The most dangerous alcoholic beverages are cognac, red wine and champagne.
They are the ones with an unreasonable amount of cause the most severe hangover.
It is better to drink vodka or white wine, but again - observe the norm and do not mix drinks!
Refusal of cigarettes.
Smoking is generally harmful, and in combination with alcohol nicotine will give a double strain on the body and nothing you can not quickly get rid of a hangover.
Easy way to quit smoking
But other folk remedies( butter or a pack of activated charcoal, eaten before the booze, dancing before dropping to bring alcohol more quickly, etc.) will not help you to warn neither alcoholic intoxication, nor a hangover.
What helps with a hangover: drinks
Excess alcohol in the body causes it to dehydrate. Replenish moisture reserves can be ordinary or mineral water. On a day when you are hung over with a hangover, drink plenty of water.
But our people with a hangover are treated not only with water - sometimes they drink other drinks.
Doctors are very skeptical about the consumption of certain drinks in hangover syndromes.
1. Alcohol hangover does not help, but only harms
"Wedge wedge out", - guiltily explains the bruised wriggler from the evening and cheerfully overturns the stoppick of vodka.
But can I get drunk in the morning? Doctors say: "You can not!".
The fact is that the habit of getting drunk became popular with alcoholics with abstinent syndrome.
In this syndrome, the body experiences a breakdown due to the fact that it lacks the usual component of ethanol, which gets to it together with alcohol.
Daily consumption of alcohol, and then a sharp rejection of it cause a breakdown, similar to the addict. That's why the alcoholic, having taken part in a hangover with a hangover, feels relieved and convinces everyone: "Drink and you help".
With people who drink extremely rarely, and even rarer - too apt, this number does not work. They feel disgust for him the next day after drinking alcohol. And this is normal!
The only thing that helps with a hangover and then - in small doses - is beer, and beer - live. There are a lot of vitamins, including - and the group
B. In addition, this is an excellent diuretic, and the faster the urine from your body, the better.
2. Kefir is a great help for a hangover
In the stormy student years, one of my classmates treated a hangover with yogurt, claiming that it helps her like nothing else. If we saw her in the morning with a bottle of kefir, then yesterday there was some party in the hostel.
Doctors with the recipe of my classmate agree: lactic acid helps with a hangover to replenish the stock of alcohol-killed minerals and vitamins, to support the work of the liver and intestines, to make you more alert.
Safe rate of kefir, not to increase the already high acidity during the hangover, - 600 - 700 ml.
If you have a problem with acidity, then kefir can be replaced with milk.
3. Juices
Orange or tomato juices help with a hangover, because:
- helps to remove the remaining alcohol;
- replenishes the body with vitamins and minerals;
- removes the headache;
- gives strength.
It is important that the juices are natural, the packaged surrogate will not help you, but only - it will do much harm.
4. Tea, coffee - drinks that help with a hangover
The caffeine contained in these drinks helps to cheer up and wake up, so it becomes a little easier to carry a hangover. In addition, tea and coffee are good diuretics.
But do not abuse these drinks, otherwise you will increase the load for your heart, and it's not easy for him to fight the results of your yesterday's stupidity.
What helps with a hangover: 5 types of food
If you believe people who suffered from a hangover( for their experience, I'm sorry, I can not rely), then the next morning any smells( both food and drink) cause disgust. But I still have to eat.
Experienced wrestlers with hangover syndrome claim that there is nothing better than a hot soup or broth - they immediately return to life.
The recipe is really good. If there is nobody to take care of brewing soup, do it yourself or go to a restaurant.
But in addition to soups, there is another food that helps with a hangover:
Chill, jellied or jelly.
Gelatin, which is a part of these dishes, contributes to the rapid splitting of ethanol, so if after a last night's feast left a little bit of cold, jelly fish or tongue, immediately start breakfast.
Tomato salad.
Tomatoes are an excellent antioxidant that contains many vitamins and useful elements.
And how the liver will thank you for such a breakfast.
Eat them in whatever way you want( cheese, cooked, fried) - after such a breakfast is sure to feel better.
The British are still smart people, they came up with the most wonderful breakfast, which helps both healthy people and those who suffer from a hangover.
Fruit salad.
I already spoke about the benefits of citrus juice for the hangover.
Add bananas and kiwis to oranges to replenish potassium.
The best dressing is yoghurt.
What helps with a hangover: folk recipes
I honestly was shocked when I found out how many people are looking for recipes that help with a hangover. Well, you can not drink so much!
And yet you can not believe all the advice that you find on the Internet, without exception. For example, a hot bath or a shower, exercise, a handful of medicines will only aggravate your situation.
"Aspirin, a glass of orange juice and a hot breakfast - the best that helps with a hangover"
One of my friends before the wedding often suffered from a hangover. Not that he was an alcoholic, but every weekend he hung out with friends, consuming a lot of alcohol.
Then thanks to his wife and child settled down, but I, mindful of his drinking, decided to ask what helped him from a hangover.
So Ruslan called me three components of his anti-hangover therapy:
- aspirin tablet;
- a glass of orange juice;
- a tight hot breakfast( most often - scrambled eggs and sausage).
After half an hour - an hour after all this, it became much easier for him, and he could start some work. Try, perhaps, the recommendations of Ruslan will help you.
For viewing, we recommend a video on how to get rid of a hangover:
5 useful tips that help with a hangover
If it so happened that you were a victim of a hangover, know what helps from it:
If possible, lie down and have a good night's sleep.
When you wake up, you will feel much better.
Enema and vomiting.
What is unpleasant to read?
Then it was not necessary yesterday how much to drink.
By inducing vomiting and cleansing the intestines with an enema, you take out a good part of the substances that are poisoning your body.
Walk in the fresh air.
Fresh air and a leisurely pace will help you to recover quickly and recover from alcohol injections.
Contrast shower.
This is generally a useful tool to wake up, cheer up and mobilize your body.
It also helps very well from a hangover.
This, of course, is an extreme measure, but if it's too bad for you, you can go to the pharmacy and buy Medichronal, Antipohmelin, Alka Seltzer, Zorex or something like that.
What if you can not fall asleep?
And yet, despite all of the above, I want to emphasize once again, that helps with hangover is better than abstaining from alcohol absorption in huge quantities.