Choosing the best venotonic drugs for varicose veins: reviews, pluses and minuses

The walls of the veins of the lower limbs are subject to much higher blood pressure than the venous system of the upper body( more than 4 times).

As a result, they are subject to high loads and greater stretching, which leads to a violation of their structure and functions.

The therapeutic effect of the modern venotonizing drugs ( VP) is aimed at compensating the impaired functions of the veins by improving the contractile function of the smooth muscle cells of the veins and reducing the permeability of the capillary walls, which in turn reduces the flow of blood plasma into the perennial tissues and reduces swelling,blood.

In addition, venotonic drugs for leg varicose reduce pain, reduce inflammation, positively affect the peripheral circulation system.

  • Content Classification venotoniki
    • Flavonoids Saponins
    • Rutoside
    • Combined Medications
    • Synthetic drugs are most effective
  • venotoniki
  • Reviews of venotoniki

Classification venotoniki

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Drugs are divided into several FarmGruppa in its composition:

  • containing plant extracts - flavonoids and saponins;
  • containing rutozide;
  • combined;
  • are synthetic.


These are herbal biologically active substances( class of vegetable polyphenols) contained in vegetables, fruits, red wine, green tea, etc.

This tablets of venotonics of this group mainly use such bioflavonoids as quercetin, kahetin, rutin, diosmin, hesperidinand some others.

The most famous venotonic systems based on them -, Vasoket, Venolek, Diosmin, Antistax, Venarus, Detralex, Reparil and others.

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Saponins are natural organic compounds( glycosides) found in many plants, including medicinal products( licorice, horse chestnut, Manchu aralia, field horsetail, marigold medicinal, crow, ginseng, bark of soap wood,digitalis, etc.).

Saponins have hemolytic activity. In view of their biological activity, they mainly use saponins such as escin, digoxin, digitonin, tigonin, amolonin, and some others.

Based on these components, there are venotonic valves for veins - Aescin, Cyclos 3 forte( saponins and flavonoids), Escuzane, Venitane, Herbionus esculus.


Rutosides( glycoside of flavonoid quercetin) are separated into a separate group because of their high P-vitamin activity. They extract rutozids from leaves and flowers of buckwheat, rue fragrant, Japanese sophora, tea leaves, green fruits of walnut( pulp), etc.

From rutoside-containing drugs in medicine use Venoruton, Routin, Venorutinol, Troxerutin, Troxevasin. These venotonizing agents have a sufficiently strong stimulating effect on the smooth-muscle elements of the vein walls.

But more often rutosides are used in combination preparations, which allows them to increase their bioavailability, enhance the useful properties of bioactive substances.

Combined medications

Such ointments, gels and venotonic tablets use contain both compounds of bioactive substances of vegetable origin of various pharmaceutical groups among themselves, and their complexes with synthetic or semi-synthetic substances.

These are such drugs as Angionorm, Venotonik Dopelgerz, Vitrum Memori, Anvenol, Troxevasin Neo, Indowven, Venorm, Venitan Forte.

Their action helps to fight the body with inflammatory processes that occur in diseases of the human venous system, strengthens the vascular walls, and removes puffiness.

Synthetic preparations

Synthetic venotonic drugs include medications, consisting of such synthesized substances as calcium dobezilate, tribenozide. It is believed that the mechanism of action of these substances goes along the path of inhibiting the mediators of inflammation and pain in the chronic pathology of the veins.

Commonly used are such drugs as Doxie-Hem, Glivenol, Calcium Dobesylate, Tribenozide.

Find out what preparations and procedures can cure reticular varicosis from our material.

If you are prescribed a venozonik Escuzan, the instructions for use are compulsory. Also in the article you will find information about the pros and cons of the medicine.

The most effective venotonics

The effectiveness of venotonics is individual due to the individual perception of any component of the drugs, the presence of concomitant diseases.

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Consider the most effective venotonics with varices:

  1. Detralex in its composition contains bioflavonoids diasmin and herpesperdine derived from plant material. It reduces capillary permeability, fragility of blood vessels, improves elasticity, has a rather powerful anti-inflammatory effect, increases the tone of venous vessels. Bioavailability is very high, after 4 hours, venous outflow begins. The drug is available in tablet form, 500 mg of flavonoid fraction in each tablet. Its analogues are preparations Venarus, Venazol. Of contraindications - the period of lactation and individual non-perception of the active substances of the drug.
  2. Escudane is a preparation with the main active substance of Eszin, which is extracted from the fruits of horse chestnut. The drug is available in liquid form( drops) and in tablets( Escuzan 20), has a pronounced anti-edematous, venoprotective and anti-inflammatory effects. The active substance of the drug acts on the whole venous system of the body, therefore it is also useful in such a disease as hemorrhoids. And drops and tablets are taken three times a day, a therapeutic daily dose of 60 mg or 45 ml. The analogues of the drug are creams and gels Venitan and Herbionus Esculus. The use of the external preparation together with oral administration will lead to a faster and more stable therapeutic effect.
  3. Venoruton in its composition contains hydroxyethylrutosides as the main active substance. Reduces the severity of manifestations of venous insufficiency - puffiness, pain syndromes, convulsions. Oppressing the inflammatory process of the vascular walls, increases their resistance to adverse effects. The drug is on sale in the form of gel, tablets and capsules. It is convenient for its complex use( tablets plus gel).
  4. Angionorm is a complex herbal preparation, it includes an extract( in the dry residue) from a mixture of such components - hawthorn, hips, horse chestnut and licorice root. It is used as part of complex therapy, manifests anti-aggregation and anti-inflammatory activity, has a moderate analgesic effect. It is well absorbed by the body and acts on it as a restorative. Produced in the form of tablets.
  5. Dopelgerz venotonik is a bright representative of a complex preparation. It includes such useful and bioactive components as blueberry juice, red wine concentrate, black currant juice, bilberry extract and prickly pinna, grape powder, nicotinamide, vitamins B2 and B6.This venotonik is a biologically active additive, which has the ability to improve venous circulation, reduce edema, relieve fatigue and heaviness in the legs, stimulate metabolic processes in the body. It is used both in complex therapy and for prevention of venous insufficiency. It is produced in liquid form, in volumes from 250 to 1000 ml in a vial.
  6. Glivenol in its composition contains tribenozide( a synthetic substance from the class of glucofuranosides).Has a phlebodynamic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect on the venous system of the body, reduces the permeability of the capillary wall. Produced in tablets and capsules, the maximum daily intake is 800 mg. Under the name Procto-Glivenol candles and ointment with the same active substance are produced.

Reviews about venotoniki

Let's study the responses of people who took venotonic for the legs and other parts of the body.

I have varicose veins. Pain in the legs at the end of the day does not allow to fall asleep. The doctor has written out me venotoniki, I accepted two months Detraleks and during this time used a cream Venitan.

Carrying out all the prescriptions of the doctor, at the same time wore a compression jersey. The veins did not go away, but they became less noticeable, the pain went away, the general well-being improved. The main thing to be treated is as much as prescribed by a doctor!

Karina A., age 31, 18.03.14

Work sedentary, began to notice that the legs by the end of the day as lead are poured, calf muscles sometimes, especially at night, cramp. On the Internet in the online consultation asked a doctor, advised to use venetonikami.

I was afraid to take medication on my own, I drank a three-month course of venipuncture Dopelgerz. And a rush of strength felt, and the weight in my legs was gone. Good vasoconstrictive drug, thank you very much for your advice.

Igor D., 42, 21.05.14

I have chronic venous insufficiency, a hereditary disease and in the family I have accumulated experience how to coexist with it. With courses( twice a year) drinking venotonics, I like Ginkor Fort. I also use Ginkor gel. The effect is happy, but we must not forget that any treatment requires discipline in the implementation of instructions of a doctor!

Marina B., 38, 28.05.14

Modern medicine offers us a wide selection of venotonic drugs.

They relieve pain, impart a tone to the walls of veins, strengthen them, regulate the outflow of venous blood, relieve swelling and are the basis of therapeutic therapy for medical preparations of venous insufficiency of the lower limbs of man.

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