There are a large number of diets. Among them, both traditional methods of losing weight, and original, sometimes confusing. The latter includes the protein-fat diet, developed by the Polish dietician J. Kwasniewski. For 30 years, he observed the development of the human body under the influence of consuming large amounts of fats and proteins, provided that the diet reduced carbohydrate rich. As a result, the expert came to the conclusion that fatty foods contribute to the burning of extra pounds.
The principle of the action of the protein-fat diet
According to experts, the basis of life of any organism is the energy coming from outside, the source of which is food consisting of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. For the protein-fat diet is characterized by the use of a large amount of animal food, which includes fats, proteins and the rejection of carbohydrates. The exclusion of the latter, contributes to the inclusion of other components in the metabolic processes.
In addition, according to Kwasniewski, fats not only become the main energy carrier, but also trigger mechanisms for spending "stocks" of glycogen accumulated by the body. As a result, there is an independent burning of fatty tissues, the process of weight normalization is activated - full lose weight, people who require additional kilograms, recover.
Menu options for the week
Protein-fat diet is a unique phenomenon, if only because it can be used both for weight loss and for weight gain, which is required for athletes engaged in bodybuilding and weight lifting. According to Kwasniewski, eating should be 2-3 times, and more and will not want, due to the fact that the food is very high in calories. At the heart of the protein-fat diet are fatty foods of animal origin. Let's consider the options for the menu of the protein-fat diet.
For a set of muscle mass
Protein-fat diet promotes an increase in healthy weight. Actually this is for people who are trying to get better, who consider themselves excessively skinny, and athletes. The use of natural food will replace artificial protein cocktails used by athletes to gain muscle mass. When developing a diet for this diet should be made a diet so that two parts of the protein accounted for 3 parts of fat. Based on this, let's present an approximate menu:
- 1( 4) day
- 5 soft-boiled eggs;
- a glass of sour cream;
- piece of bread;
- 30 g of cheese.
- 250 grams of liver stewed in cream and boiled potatoes;
- 50 g of sauerkraut;
- piece of bread;
- is a cup of tea.
- pancakes with unsweetened curd cheese;
- a glass of milk 6%.
- 2( 5) day
- 200 g semolina with butter( 2 tablespoons);
- cup of unsweetened tea.
- 200 grams of roasted bacon and boiled pasta;
- a glass of sour cream.
- 5 boiled hard-boiled eggs;
- a glass of milk 6%.
- 3( 6) day
- fried eggs from 5 eggs on interior fat;
- piece of bread with smaltz;
- cup of slightly sweet tea.
- 100 g fried goose breast and 100 grams of boiled rice, greased from cooking meat;
- a glass of cream,
- 200 g cottage cheese with sour cream without sugar;
- a glass of unsweetened tea.
- 4( 7) day
- cheese cakes with curd cream and cream;
- a glass of milk of 6%.
- 250 g of fettuccine( meat in cream with pasta);
- a glass of sour cream.
- 5 soft-boiled eggs;
- piece of bread with butter;
- cup of unsweetened tea.
For weight loss
To lose weight, Kwasniewski proposes to increase the amount of fat in the diet. In his opinion, such a diet will help to overcome the feeling of hunger, which is typical for all those who lose weight. Eating a dietician allows at any time even in the evening after 6. However, from his words, the body itself will refuse to overeating due to the saturation of the fat-rich food. Let's look at an approximate menu for weight loss, calculated for a week.
- 1( 4) day
- one fried sausage in Bavarian;
- piece of bread;
- a glass of sour cream.
- 200 g of potatoes with burrs;
- one salted cucumber;
- piece of bread and butter;
- is a cup of tea.
- 200 grams of pancakes with cottage cheese and whipped cream;
- a glass of unsweetened tea.
- 2( 5) day:
- Pancakes with curd cheese;
- a glass of cream.
- 250 g of potato stew with bacon and chicken stomachs;
- piece of bread with nut paste;
- cup of slightly sweet tea.
- 3-4 hard-boiled eggs;
- a glass of sour cream.
- 3( 6) day
- 200 g rice porridge on 6% milk;
- a glass of sour cream.
- trout baked with mushrooms in sour cream;
- piece of bread;
- 50 g of cheese;
- a glass of unsweetened tea.
- 3 eggs;
- piece of bread and butter;
- glass of 6% milk.
- 4( 7) day
- 3 pancakes with meat and burbot;
- glass of 6% milk.
- 150 g fried bacon with pasta;
- piece of bread;
- a glass of sour cream.
- 150 g curd with whipped cream;
- a glass of unsweetened tea.
Nutritional advice
According to Kwasniewski, such nutrition will contribute not only to normalizing weight, but also to improving well-being. However, in order for the diet to have an effect, the author recommends adhering to a number of requirements. The main place in this case, he takes food in a relaxed atmosphere. During the meal, you should forget about the TV, about the affairs. In addition, the following tips should be observed:
- Avoid snacks.
- Food should not be taken more than 3 times a day.
- After eating, observe a 15-minute rest. Physical activity is allowed only after 2 hours.
- It is necessary to exclude from the diet fiber, cereals, bran.
Video opinion of a nutritionist about the protein-fat diet
There are a lot of conflicting opinions about the benefits of the Kvasnevsky diet. One such is the statement about the harm of the protein-fat method of nutrition. To find out how useful or dangerous such a diet is, you can, thanks to video, a consultation of one of the leading Russian nutritionists A. Kovalkov. He will tell about the historical roots of the protein nutrition of the peoples of the Far North, who did not use plant food in their diet. In addition, you will learn about all the nuances of using high-calorie nutrition and its role in human life.
Reviews of the results of losing weight
Inga, 27 years old : "I'm fond of weightlifting, so I have a question about increasing the mass. To do this, I need protein, which I took from special food additives. Now the coach has translated into a protein-fat diet. For half a year I have eaten exceptionally fatty foods, which surprisingly the mass is added, but there is more energy. "
Vasilisa, 44 years old : "I consider this diet to be complete nonsense. I did not use it and I'm not going to spoil my health with such a load on the liver. Just imagine, eat fat, and then wash it with cream. To me it is already bad. Everything should be in moderation. Only a balanced diet can be beneficial. "
Katya, 16 years old : "I have obesity. To lose weight, I tried a lot of methods, but always broke down, because I really wanted to eat. Now I "sit" on a fat diet. I do not want to eat. I eat three times a day. For two months I lost 4 kg. I hope for success. "Photos before and after losing weight