Monthly for an ovarian cyst

This new growth, like the ovarian cyst, can be observed at any age since the onset of puberty. In addition to the unpleasant sensations that accompany it, threats to health, sometimes it is an obstacle to pregnancy. Monthly with a cyst become different than normal. Often this is the only symptom by which a disease can be suspected. Attention to everything connected with the cycle will help to detect it sooner and cure it sooner.


  • 1 What is the
    • cyst 1.1 Menstruation and follicular cyst
    • 1.2 Influence of the endometrioid cyst on menstruation
  • 2 What happens to the cyst during menstruation
    • 2.1 What happens when the cyst ruptures
  • 3 Is it possible to resolve the cycle with the
  • 4 cyst Is it necessary to get rid of cysts
  • 5 Features of menstruation after surgery

What is the

cyst This is a neoplasm located on the surface of the ovary or inside the organ, looking like a capsule filled with fluid or tissues. In connection with the peculiarities of his location, the question is natural: can there be a period with a cyst? After all, the ovaries take a direct part in the menstrual cycle. To understand this, it is necessary to know what neoplasms are and how to connect their appearance.

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There are several types of cysts that have different origins:

  • Follicular. It is a neoplasm arising from an unheveled egg. It does not leave the follicle, remaining in the shell and accumulating fluid;
  • Dermoid. It is formed from germ cells and contains, in addition to liquid, parts of sweat, glandular, hair and skin inclusions;
  • Paraovarial. It is formed from the tissues of the appendage located above the ovary;
  • Luteal. The basis of its formation is the cells of a degrading yellow body. It is formed under the influence of gestagens;
  • Endometrioid. Received the name because of the material that forms it. The proliferation of endometrial cells reaching the ovaries provokes the formation of capsules with dark brown contents on the organs.

As you know, the ovaries take a direct part in the process of menstruation and other stages of the cycle. They produce the hormones necessary for this, from them comes the female sexual cell. When there is an unnatural obstacle on the organ, it is not surprising that the monthly ones in the ovarian cyst acquire a different character than before. They change the timing of their offensive, consistency, appearance, accompanying sensations, but the loss of menstruation for a long time does not preclude pregnancy. And if it is established that it is not there, but the monthly ones do not come, it means that apart from the cyst, it is necessary to search for accompanying gynecological or endocrine disruptions.

Menstruation and follicular cyst

The follicular cyst and menstrual cysts are closely related and interdependent. Not released in its time from the shell of the egg provokes the release of hormones that move the menstruation for an indefinite period. Delay of menstruation with an ovarian cyst is a common symptom caused by the inability of ovulation. It can be from 5 days to a month. This is due to the significant role of hormones, which are often the cause of its appearance and continue to exert its influence on the cycle even after the formation of a capsule with a liquid. These days the basal temperature does not rise above 36.8 degrees, although there should be 37.1.

Features monthly for the cyst of the follicular type, if it grew to 6-10 cm, are the following parameter changes:

  • Abundance. Allocation takes place intensively throughout the period;
  • Duration. Menstruation does not stop until 7 or more days;
  • Soreness. This can not be compared with the sensations of ordinary menstruation. Pain is noted not only in the lower abdomen and sacrum, but also in the side from the side of the cyst arrangement. It is complemented by a feeling of raspiraniya in the stomach and increased gas formation.

Lean monthly with an ovarian cyst is also possible. They are caused by hormonal disorders with a low amount of progesterone in the body, estrogens and also supplemented with premenstrual flow.

Small follicular tumors, due to their hormonal origin, are able to disappear on their own. They do not show such noticeable symptoms. A small follicular cyst goes after the menstrual cyst in many cases, so the woman does not suspect its existence in the past.

Influence of the endometrioid cyst on menstruation

The spread of the endometrium to the ovaries causes the formation of capsules filled with chocolate-colored liquid. Usually both organs suffer, so the influence of such a neoplasm on the character of menstruation is even more extensive. Monthly for an endometrioid cyst changes in such a way that a woman discovers:

  • Allocations several days before the critical and after them. They are small, smearing;
  • Abundant discharge during menstruation. This is caused by an increase in the volume of endometrial cells and, correspondingly, the number of burst blood vessels. Ovarian cyst during monthly also separates the outer layer of tissues with damaged capillaries;
  • Increase the duration of critical days. This is caused by the widened area of ​​the endometrium, which does not have time to go beyond the standard period;
  • Weakness, nausea, fever. Their cause is an increase in blood loss due to an inflammatory process located on the surface or internal tissues of the ovaries;
  • Strengthening the pain syndrome. The ovarian cyst before the monthly increases in size due to thickening of the endometrial layer covering the organ, pressing on surrounding tissues. Weaker, but non-persistent pain remains after menstruation. It becomes sharper and during sex, provoking also the output of brown secretions.

Despite the increase in the area of ​​the endometrium and the associated increase in the volume of secretions, women sometimes ask: Can a cyst cause a delay in menstruation? Irregularity of their arrival is associated with hormonal disorders, which prevent the body from developing in the right way, so that by a certain time it is ready to replace the functional layer with a new layer. And even the increased number of endometrial cells, in comparison with the norm, can not make menstruation come on time.

Delay of menstruation due to cysts of this species may have an even more pronounced and persistent character than with follicular neoplasm.

What happens to the cyst during menstruation

This should be stopped, since the behavior of the cyst is due not only to the difference in menstruation before and after its appearance, but also the cycle in general.

Usually a woman feels like a cyst hurts before the menstrual period. The sensation is manifested in that part of the abdomen, where the neoplasm is located. The pain is pulling or aching, it is supplemented by a feeling of heaviness. Active sex life can make it permanent or strengthen, provoking the torsion of the foot of the neoplasm or the ovary itself. With this diagnosis, a woman should be cautious in body movements. Sharp tilt, turn, lifting of gravity can cause not only change of position of a neoplasm or an organ, but also rupture of a capsule with a liquid.

Cyst during menstruation increases pain. Education presses on the ovary, and if its size is large enough, then on the bladder and the intestines. Therefore, a woman has to go to the toilet more often, she feels fermented, rumbling in her stomach. Constipation or, on the contrary, diarrhea is common.

Ovarian cysts after menstruation may completely disappear and not be seen on ultrasound, if the cause of its appearance was a malfunctioning organ with a delay in the oocyte follicle. Endometrioid formation only moderates its activity, which is expressed by a decrease in the unpleasant sensations associated with it in the abdomen for a while.

The cyst after a delay in menstruation may increase in size, due to hormone feeding. If the delay is quite a long time, the pain in the abdomen from the side increases, begins to give in the leg.

What happens when the cyst ruptures

How the cyst burst during the menstrual period, one can guess by the following signs:

  • Severe pain in the lower triangle of the abdomen;
  • Sudden onset of nausea, vomiting;
  • Chills;
  • Irradiation of pain in the area of ​​the coccyx and anus.

If the tumor was follicular and small, breaking the capsule with the liquid is not so dangerous, although pain can not be avoided. Endometrioid, luteal, parovarial or dermoid cysts in this case cause the outflow of contents into the abdominal cavity, which provokes peritonitis and requires immediate medical attention. The woman needs to operate in order to remove the liquid.

Is it possible to regulate the cycle with

? The delay in menstruation causes women to look for ways to normalize the cycle. Because it is caused by a violation of the composition and quantity of hormones produced by the ovaries, efforts should be applied in this direction. If the follicular-type neoplasm does not dissolve on its own, how to induce a period in the cyst, the specialist should decide. The most effective and often used options are:

  • Dufaston Reception. The drug fills the blood with progesterone, which contributes to the maturation of the egg. Its abolition stimulates the production of estrogens, which helps with its reverse development and ensures the preparation of the endometrium for rejection;
  • Receiving Utrozhestan. The mechanism of its influence is analogous to Dufaston;
  • Reception Dysmenorm. It is a homeopathic preparation based on bee venom, which has a meadow as a part of the chamber. It normalizes the cycle and reduces the soreness of menstruation;
  • The use of a large number of vitamins C and E. Both of them affect the production of hormones. Their deficit always hinders the production of the right amount of these substances. Therefore, decoctions of parsley seeds, nettle leaves, ascorbic intake will help to accelerate the arrival of menstruation with a cyst without harm to the reproductive system.

The importance of a competent and not self-selected treatment is due to the fact that the follicular cyst, which is often treated with conservative methods, is hormonal in nature. If you choose therapy with the wrong drugs, the situation will worsen, and a small neoplasm instead of decreasing and disappearing will grow. Then it will have to be deleted by surgery. Monthly after the follicular cyst with the correct method of treatment can begin during the course of taking these drugs. Then they stop it, again pass the test for hormones, based on the results of which the therapy is prescribed by oral contraceptives.

Sometimes the tactic of returning menstruation to normal is to give the ovaries a break. That is, in order to stop it immediately appoint OK, in which the monthly absences for several cycles. They are restored after the withdrawal of drugs.

Do I need to get rid of the

cyst? The health problems that this neoplasm creates creates the need to get rid of it. In this regard, many are interested in whether the cyst can go out with a monthly cyst. This is likely if the capsule is follicular. When the hormonal background is restored under the influence of drugs or the time, the cyst dissolves along with the liquid inside. As the cyst goes with the menstrual period, one can understand if one observes the consistency of secretions. In them a clot is visible, which turns out to be its shell. Allocations at some stage can become more liquid and lighter than usual.

An endometrioid cyst or multiple neoplasms of other species is not easily surrendered. They get rid of them by taking hormonal drugs. Disappearing cysts in order to avoid their rupture or degeneration into a malignant tumor will have to be operated on. Most often, a laparoscopic method is used for this, which provides a more sparing effect and a short rehabilitation period.

Features of menstruation after operation

Monthly after removal of a cyst in norm should come in time. The operation does not disrupt the ovarian's work, therefore delays due to this usually do not happen. Laparoscopy with a cyst is usually done in the second half of the cycle or on 7-8 days, then to trace the exit of the mature sexual cell. That is, the monthly ovarian cysts can begin after 2-3 weeks. If you make a discount on the stress experienced by the body and the effect of general anesthesia, then their appearance is possible in a month and a half.

It is important to pay attention to the nature of menstrual flow, for it is evidence of a normal recovery after an intervention. If they are too abundant, this could mean bleeding, which should immediately be referred to a doctor. But even in the first menstruation, there may be more intensive discharge than usual, as well as abdominal pain from the side of the operated organ, small clots.

Monthly after laparoscopy cysts should not be with an unpleasant odor and altered color of mucus. All this, as well as large clots, a rise in temperature - signals about the infection, which must be immediately eliminated.

Do not fall out of the boundaries of normal mucus discharge with bloody additions immediately after the intervention and lasting 3 weeks. It is important to monitor their appearance and smell.

Faster normalization of the cycle will help the intake of vitamins, sexual rest and lack of physical activity for a month after the operation. Full restoration of the functions of the reproductive system will take six months. After this time a woman can become pregnant without fear.

Menstruation after the follicular cyst, if it had to be operated, returns to the norm in the same way as when removing formations of other species. To be held for a longer period in all cases, she can with traumatizing the ovary during the operation. But this circumstance is immediately obvious, thanks to painful sensations, large clots in secretions.

The cyst is the reason for the delay in menstruation, and a cycle failure can cause not only unimportant health, but also infertility. Therefore, it is important not to start its development, so as not to have to remove the ovary entirely. After all, it significantly reduces the chances of becoming pregnant. Control the condition of the organs will help regular visits to the gynecologist, attentive attitude to menstruation and everything that is associated with it.

  • Mar 15, 2018
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