Diet in hypertension

In arterial hypertension, as it is easy to guess, first of all it is necessary to exclude from the diet or severely restrict products that promote pressure. It is strongly recommended to exclude completely:

  • products containing caffeine in significant quantities( strong tea, coffee, cocoa);
  • sharp, salty, smoked products and dishes, canned food, spices;
  • fatty foods( fatty meats, fish, fish oils, hard fats, ice cream);
  • buns, cakes, pastries, primarily with butter cream;
  • most offal( kidney, liver, brain);
  • alcoholic beverages. Although more recently there have been reports that small amounts( up to 200 grams per day) of good dry red wine( but not vodka or mutterings!) Will not harm, but rather vice versa.

Seriously restrict when hypertension is necessary to use the following products:

  • table salt. When hypertension is almost the enemy number one. It is recommended to limit its use to 3-5 grams per day( usually the "average person" eats 10-15 grams of table salt per day).When exacerbating the disease, salt should be completely ruled out;
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  • digestible carbohydrates( sugar, jam, honey, sweets);
  • animal fats( butter, sour cream).At least 1/3 of the amount of fats must be vegetable oils;
  • liquid( including soups) - not more than 1-1.2 liters per day.

In moderate amounts, you can consume potatoes, beans, beans, peas. Bread - up to 200 grams a day, mostly black. A basis of nutrition in hypertension should be:

  • low-fat meat, fish( mostly in boiled form);
  • milk, lactic acid products, low-fat cottage cheese, low-fat cheeses;
  • crumbly porridge( oatmeal, buckwheat, millet);
  • soups: vegetable vegetarian, cereal, dairy, fruit( taking into account the total amount of liquid consumed per day).Low-fat meat soups are recommended not to be used more than twice a week;
  • fruits, vegetables( fresh cabbage, pickled white cabbage, fresh cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, pumpkin) in raw, cooked form, in the form of vinaigrettes, salads with vegetable oil;
  • products rich in lipotropic substances, potassium and magnesium( apricots, dried apricots, apples and others).

The diet plays a special role in hypertension if the increased pressure is observed against the background of excessive weight. And this now occurs more and more often. There are data( averaged, of course) that every extra kilogram increases blood pressure by 1 mm Hg. Dietary nutrition in hypertension, which develops against the background of obesity, should promote not only the normalization of the water-salt balance and lipid-carbohydrate metabolism, but also the reduction in body weight.

In hypertension in combination with obesity, it is recommended to reduce the caloric intake of food by, first of all, reducing the fat content to 20-30% with an increase in the carbohydrate share to 50-60%, but not due to digestible carbohydrates. Fasting and "hard" low-calorie diets with hypertension are contraindicated.

Therapeutic diets
  • Mar 15, 2018
  • 23
  • 439