Products to improve memory and brain function

Forgetfulness all people suffer from time to time. If you once forgot to turn off the TV or left the keys to the apartment at home, this does not mean that the functions of your memory have seriously deteriorated. Forgetfulness is the natural result of stress and nervous overexertion in young people. However, the deterioration of memory in the older age may be a sign of dementia - a fairly severe syndrome, in which loss of cognitive abilities occurs.

To ensure that you do not fail, it's worth including in your diet products that normalize brain functions.

Which products will help improve memory and brain function

Aging of the brain and the whole organism is associated with the negative impact of free radicals that attack and oxidize cells. With free radicals, antioxidants are successfully fighting, which are many in fresh vegetables, fruits, beans and nuts. With the regular use of these products, the brain accumulates a stock of antioxidants that protect the brain, including its department responsible for memory, from aging. The strongest antioxidants are selenium, vitamin A and E.

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In the summer, doctors advise to eat blueberries. These amazingly useful berries can also be frozen and added to various dishes in winter and autumn. The unusual color of blueberries is explained by the huge amount of anthocyanins - powerful antioxidants.

Our brain also needs polyunsaturated fatty acids( omega-3), which protect the blood vessels of the brain. These acids are found in vegetable oils and oily fish.

Many of their diets today exclude eggs, but in vain. The eggs contain choline, which improves the functioning of brain cells. Especially useful eggs for pregnant women, because choline contributes to the proper development of the child's brain. The yolks contain a lot of vitamin B, which reduces the content of homocysteine ​​- a substance that adversely affects the brain.

One apple a day, eaten with a peel that is rich in quercetin, can improve brain function and memory. Quercetin protects brain cells better than vitamin C.

Turmeric is the most useful seasoning for the brain. An unusual yellow color is given to her by curcumin. Curcumin reduces inflammatory processes, prevents oxidative processes and takes care of the health of the vessels of the brain.

Those people who want to have a good memory, for breakfast should eat porridge or wholemeal products. In oatmeal, a lot of protein and fiber, so this mess is not digested quickly, and glucose gets into the blood evenly, providing good brain work.

Today many doctors explain the development of dementia with a high content of homocysteine. This dangerous amino acid helps to reduce vitamins B6 and B12, as well as folic acid.

Nutrition and health
  • Mar 15, 2018
  • 73
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