How to normalize the stool in case of constipation with teething?

Teething in babies is always a big event in the life of the baby himself and his parents. This is due to the fact that this event is the main indicator of the growing up of the baby, and also indicates the correctness of its physical development.

But the process of eruption of the first teeth in toddlers is almost always painful enough and is accompanied by many unpleasant concomitant symptoms.

During this period, the baby often itchy gums, which provokes excessive salivation, which can cause an allergic reaction in the chin and cheeks. And also significantly increases the risk of disruption in the digestive system, in particular when teething can be constipation.

Why strengthens with teething?

The appearance of the first teeth is almost always accompanied by various kinds of disorders, often manifested in the change in the chair of the child.

There is often an upset stomach caused by excessive salivation, which can lead to the appearance of diarrhea.

As for constipation, it manifests itself quite rarely and is usually caused by the fact that during this period the child is more zealously and thoroughly chewing food. For this reason, feces can be quite small.

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But still, if the child has no stool for more than 3 days, then parents should consult their pediatrician. In addition, it is also worth paying attention to the accompanying symptoms, which will help determine if the baby has constipation.

Among others are:

  • pain in the abdomen;
  • the child at the act of defecation is very tuzhitsya;
  • frequent colic, which are accompanied by pain;
  • appearance of feces in the form of fairly dense and individual fragments.

The main reasons for which constipation occurs during the period when the teeth are cut are as follows:

  • incoming food in the body of the child is almost completely absorbed and therefore very little stool is formed;
  • dehydration of the body, as teething is almost always accompanied by a rise in temperature, so it is necessary to provide the baby with an abundant drink;
  • improper feeding of a mother who breastfeeds a baby, for example the fact that she feeds on her diet products that have a binding effect;
  • because during teething children are usually very moody, but they are not very active, it can also affect the condition of the stool.

How to help your child with constipation:

And what to do if your teeth hurt painfully:

Associated symptoms - to help parents

In addition to constipation, when the teeth climb, the child may experience the following unpleasant symptoms:

  • fever;
  • irritability, aggression, appetite may worsen;
  • if, along with these symptoms, the baby has a vomiting reflex, it is worth turning to the treating pediatrician;
  • cough, which is caused by heavy salivation;
  • pain in the ears.

How to help a child, if it is fastened?

The process of teething is almost always accompanied by painful sensations. And a small child because of their age is difficult to bear them, and therefore kids can become whiny, irritable. And to facilitate this process, parents should gain a little patience and give their crumbs more care, as well as pay attention to the attendant symptoms.

To help your baby during the teething and normalize the chair, it is necessary first of all:

  1. Give him plenty of liquid, but, according to experts, it is better if the water is filtered, rather than boiled ordinary water.
  2. It is necessary to revise the diet of both the baby and breastfeeding mother. Basically, the food should consist of products that have a large amount of vitamins, as well as broths from prunes and dried apricots. And to avoid the occurrence of constipation, it is necessary to exclude from the diet products that have a binding effect.
  3. It is very important that the baby during this period had the opportunity to activate his motor activity. If the child is very small, then parents should help him. But if he is a little older, you need to give him the opportunity to actively move himself.
  4. In addition, the child must necessarily give products with a harder surface and fiber in the composition, for example, apples or bread crust.
  5. You can also use special toys for babies, which can scratch the gum, biting them( teethers).They are especially effective if they are pre-cooled.
  6. It is necessary to use special gels and ointments that help to relieve the inflammation of the gums.

Given the advice of experienced moms and recommendations of specialists, you can maximally ease the child's condition, and give yourself a good night and a good mood.

  • Mar 16, 2018
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