Inflammatory processes on the mucous membrane of the mouth can cause both different types of bacteria and fungi. Inflammation and ulcerative formations in the oral cavity provoke stomatitis. There is no single treatment for the disease, but medicine offers a whole range of medications that help to effectively combat the disease.
Among the various drugs that are used to treat stomatitis, sprays stand apart. We'll figure out how to choose an effective and safe spray for treating adults and children.
Contents of
- With whom will you fight?
- Spray as a treatment for stomatitis: pluses and minuses
- Aerosols for adults
- What is suitable for children
- Rules for the application of
- Possible contraindications and side effects
Who will fight?
Stomatitis provokes the formation of sores on the mucosa in the oral cavity, the presence of which is accompanied by an inflammatory process.
Small patients are most susceptible to stomatitis of fungal origin due to the habit of all pulling into the mouth. Adults are susceptible to the disease for a number of reasons, among them:
- diseases of the digestive tract;
- of blood disease;
- impaired personal hygiene;
- presence of parasites;
- hormonal disorders;
- presence in the mouth of low-quality prostheses.
There are many types of stomatitis, treatment of each goes according to its scheme and requires an integrated approach.
In the absence of adequate therapy, the disease can provoke many other health problems. Frequent consequences are: inflammatory processes and the spread of infection to the upper respiratory tract, which provokes diseases of the throat and larynx. It is very important not to miss the beginning of the development of the disease and to cure it in time.
Spray as a remedy for the treatment of stomatitis: the pros and cons of
For the treatment of stomatitis, medicines in the form of sprays are often used. This dosage form is very effective at local use, after all, the entire oral cavity can be treated with a spray, including lesions. The spray is evenly distributed over the mucous membrane.
The effectiveness of the aerosol depends on the components that make up its composition. Almost always the medicine contains painkillers and disinfectants, often in the composition there are extracts from medicinal herbs, essential oils, enveloping and emollients, antibacterial components.
The disinfectant and healing properties of specialized sprays are effectively used in stomatitis.
Aerosol allows to produce high-quality irrigation of the entire oral mucosa. In this case, the active substance is easily distributed in all hard-to-reach areas.
Additional advantages of aerosol formulations in the treatment of stomatitis:
- , due to direct exposure to the affected areas, it is possible to achieve the maximum rapidity of the onset of the therapeutic effect;
- microparticles of the drug easily reach the lesion;
- sprays tend to quickly anesthetize and disinfect the mucous membrane of the mouth;
- strictly fixed dosage;
- , thanks to a hermetically sealed bottle with a spray gun, complete sterility and safety of the product is achieved.
At the same time, the therapeutic effect when using only sprays is not always sufficient and satisfactory - sometimes the treatment of the disease requires an integrated approach. In this case, doctors prescribe other drugs other than aerosols.
Aerosols for adults
TOP-6 medicines in the form of a spray for the treatment of stomatitis in adults:
- Geksoral is an effective spray that is often used for stomatitis. The active substance is an antiseptic hexetidine. This spray reduces oxidation in bacterial cells, prevents the synthesis of membrane amino acids of fungi. The medicine also contains ethyl alcohol and oils, anise and eucalyptus.
- Hepilor .Like the previous medicine also has hexetidine, as well as chlorobutane and choline salicylate. One of them works as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory drug, and the second is an analgesic component.
- Orasept .The composition includes antiseptic hydroxybenzene, which has a harmful effect on microorganisms.
- Propol for .At the heart of this drug, propolis is a product of beekeeping. It has a fungicidal, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect.
- Miramistin .The drug has both antimicrobial and antiviral effects. Affects the cytoplasmic membranes of bacteria, as a result of which they are destroyed.
- Strepsils Plus .This is a combined medicine that has antimicrobial, antifungal, analgesic properties. It includes 2 active substances: 2,4-dichlorobenzyl alcohol and amyl methacreazole. The first dehydrates bacterial cells, which approximates their death, and the second inhibits the synthesis of protein, and leads to the same result. Spray is used to destroy a wide range of microorganisms and fungi.
All these drugs are effective for stomatitis and after each treatment of the oral cavity facilitate the patient's condition.
What will suit children
Not all the means that can be used by adults, will suit children. To treat children use such sprays:
- Hexoral .The description is located in the previous list.
- Chlorophyllipt .It is a herbal medicament, the main active ingredient of which is eucalyptus oil. This aerosol has an antiseptic effect and helps to quickly heal affected areas.
- Tantum Verde .The active substance in the drug is benzidamine hydrochloride. It is an analgesic antiseptic that effectively reduces inflammatory processes. Eliminates a number of microorganisms and fungus Candida.
- Ingalipt .The preparation consists of 2 main components: soluble streptocide and essential oils. Has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and analgesic properties.
- Lugol - spray is used to treat the affected mucous membrane and ulcers during stomatitis.
All of these drugs have the common property that they have a low level of danger, so these aerosols are the most suitable for children.
Application rules
The medicine is delivered directly to the foci of infection, and the dosage is easily adjusted by the force of pressing the nebulizer. All the features of using a particular medicine are contained directly in the instructions. We offer you to familiarize yourself with the general requirements:
- before treatment, rinse the mouth with warm water;
- it is permissible to make a maximum of 3 sprays( for some media, such as Lugol, and only one at all);
- when holding the mucous membrane, hold your breath;
- after oral cavity treatment, do not take food or drink for 30 minutes;
- use only one kind of aerosol for treatment.
Accessibility and ease of use made this form of medication popular for the treatment of diseases of the mouth and throat.
It is much more convenient to use an aerosol than to take a tablet. The spray acts directly on the affected areas without participation in the treatment of the stomach and circulatory system.
Possible contraindications and side effects of
It should be remembered that sprays have contraindications for use:
- first trimester of pregnancy;
- children under 3 years old, and for older children there are restrictions in dosages;
- breastfeeding;
- individual drug intolerance;
- is an obstructive respiratory system illness( bronchial asthma, emphysema, chronic bronchitis).
Each specific spray has its own contraindications depending on the composition. All the necessary information is indicated in the instructions for use.
In case of suspected stomatitis, the patient should visit the doctor, where he will be prescribed the appropriate treatment. The doctor takes into account contraindications and other diseases that the patient has. It must be remembered that one should not self-medicate.
If you start a therapeutic course on time, you will be able to avoid complications and to cure the disease as soon as possible.