An interesting dietary technique was developed by a dietician from Samara, Mikhail Ginzburg. This technique is described in detail in his book "How to Overcome Overweight", published in 1999.As it is not difficult to understand from the title of the book, the main goal of Ginzburg's method is weight loss. However, his recommendations can also be used by people with normal weight.
In the pages of his book Ginzburg analyzes in detail the characteristic features of the diet of the inhabitants of developed countries for our time and comes to the conclusion that the main mistake in feeding the "typical" modern man is absolutely excessive consumption of fats. And, accordingly, the essence of Ginzburg's methodology is the transition to low-fat nutrition.
What is a low-fat diet
Usually the "average" person eats about 100 grams of fat per day. Recommendations of many nutritionists boil down to the fact that it is desirable to limit fat intake by 70 grams per day. Ginzburg also calls the figure much smaller - 30-50 grams per day. Consumption of not more than 50 grams of fat per day, in his opinion, will make your food really healthy and useful, and further reduction of this figure, to 30-40 grams, will help to lose weight substantially.
And to reach this figure is not so difficult. The main quantity of fats we get from just a few products. Here they are, the main "enemies of the people":
Fat content in the most commonly used products ( per 100 grams of product) | |
Product | Fat content |
Beef lard | 5-10 |
Beef fat | up to 30 |
Beef sausages | 10-14 |
Pork lean | 25-35 |
Salo | 70-75 |
Sausages, sausages, boiled sausages | 25-30 and more |
Smoked pork sausages | 35-45 |
Pelmeni with the addition of minced pork | 18-25 |
Butter | 75-80 |
Margarine, mAslayers | 65-75 |
Ghee and cooking fats | 92-98 |
Sour cream | 15-40 |
Solid and processed cheeses | 30-50 |
Chocolate | 40 |
Creamy ice cream | 15 |
Vegetable oil | 95-99 |
Mayonnaise | 70 |
Shortbread biscuit | 12-25 |
As you can see, the plate is quite small. And, besides her, you do not have to remember anything and calculate! Because the fat content of other products is so small that with all the desire it is very difficult to use them so much to exceed the treasured figure - 40 grams of fat per day.
On average, making your menu of low-fat foods not mentioned in this plate, we will receive about 20-25 grams of fat per day. Accordingly, you can pamper yourself with 15-20 grams of fat. For example, add a piece of pork grams per 70, or a couple of spoons of vegetable oil, or a half-pelt of pelmeni to the day's low-fat diet. ..
Fatty and low-fat products
Let's comment on a few more lines of this table.
Not everyone knows that cheese is a very fatty product. But the fat content of most hard and processed cheeses is about 45-50 percent. A low fat content only for soft cheeses such as brynza and suluguni.
Sausages, sausages, so-called "sausages without fat" - "milk", "doctor's", "prima". .. The name is what: sausage without fat! Yes, in addition - "Doctoral"!It would seem that it could be more useful! In fact, although the fat in them with the naked eye is not visible, their fat content is from 25 to 35 percent. And besides a huge amount of dyes and other food additives. ..
Many people consider vegetable oil to be very useful, almost a dietary product. They call him "lean oil". .. But the fat content of vegetable oils is almost 100 percent! Synonym: vegetable oil = a dietary product - absolutely wrong! Yes, they, in comparison with animal fats, mainly consist of more useful polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are not deposited on the walls of our vessels in the form of atherosclerotic plaques. But their caloric content and the ability to accumulate in the fat stores of the body from this does not become less!
Various kinds of butter substitutes: so-called light or ultra-light oils, margarines, etc. Recently, they are advertised very actively, and are served in advertising again as extremely useful, dietary products. It is not true! Their fat content is almost equal to the fat content of butter and is about 60-75 percent. In addition, although they are mainly made from vegetable fats, these fats are hydrogenated, that is, they are subjected to special treatment in order to remain solid at room temperature. As recent studies have shown, these hydrogenated fats for the body are even more harmful than animal fats.
It should be noted that this tablet was compiled by Mikhail Ginzburg on the basis of an analysis of the diet of the "average" resident of the central Russian belt. If you are an adherent of some exotic cuisine, then you need to know the fat content of the products most often consumed by you and, if necessary, supplement this plate( for example, high fat content has such an exotic fruit for us, like avocados, popular in many countries of the world, but notwe have).
Learn to "see" fats in products!
Almost all the products mentioned above can be replaced without pain in low-fat. Instead of pork, eat lean meat( beef, veal).Without restrictions, you can eat lean fish, especially sea fish. But the bones, of which soups are often cooked, contain a lot of fat. There is practically no fat in caramel and marshmallow, in marmalade and jams, while the fat content of chocolate and chocolates approximates to 50 percent.
Very often we "do not notice" how much we consume vegetable oil. For example, fry on it lean beef or stew vegetable stew. Or we fill up with a couple of spoons of vegetable salad butter and remain in full confidence that we eat low-calorie, diet food. And count-ka, how many calories in one portion of such a "dietary" salad is due to vegetable oil!
Many products are produced in different types, with different fat content. You can buy plain or low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt. Sour cream is produced with fat content and 30%, and 10%.Fatiness of ordinary mayonnaise - about 70 percent, but you can find varieties, the fat content of which is 40-45 percent. Produced fat-free condensed milk( fat content of the usual - 8-12% per cent).And so on. .. You can always find a substitute for a less fat product! And even at a festive table, you can usually find low-fat meals.
So - learn to see fat in these or other products! Give preference to less fatty foods.
But carbohydrates, Mikhail Ginzburg believes, are not as scary as they are painted. If you strictly adhere to the principles of low-fat food, then flour and sweets( except for rich cookies, cream ice cream, creams and chocolate, that is, again, foods with a high fat content) can be used almost without restrictions. Reduce and control the intake of carbohydrates is necessary only if the reduction in fat intake does not lead to the desired result.
Who benefits from low-fat nutrition
First of all, as already mentioned, low-fat diet will help in combating obesity. But also having a normal weight it does not hurt.
As a result of a number of studies it has been established that low-fat nutrition is a powerful factor in preventing such diseases as hypertension, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, and certain tumors. And not only prevention. Often, those who switched to low-fat nutrition experience a decrease in blood pressure, right up to normalization, a significant decrease in blood sugar levels.
This means that low-fat meals can be recommended for people suffering from hypertension, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus( or having a predisposition to these diseases), as well as to anyone over 50 years old.
Dangers and pitfalls
Those who decided to switch to low-fat meals, we must remember about one important fact. Serious restriction of fat consumption for a long time can lead to a deficit of essential polyunsaturated fatty acids, which the human body does not produce.
To avoid this problem, Mikhail Ginzburg recommends daily consuming a significant amount of fish, and on those days when there is no fish in your diet, take 1-3 grams of fish oil. The need for other animal and vegetable fats, necessary for the construction and renewal of cells and for the normal flow of metabolic processes, is a maximum of 10-15 grams per day. We will get enough of this from ordinary low-fat products.
Instead of
conclusion Interesting fact: the highest life expectancy is in Japan and the Scandinavian countries. These countries traditionally eat a little fat and a lot of seafood.