Nettle tea is endowed with a number of healing properties, which are very important for our body. With it, you can overcome various diseases and strengthen the immune system, which becomes especially relevant in the spring - it is at this time of year often deterioration of well-being, and this is due to a long time outside the walls of a stuffy apartment in the winter months. But this drink can be shown to use by far not all, as it has some contraindications. Therefore, today we want to tell you what is the benefit and harm of tea from the nettles - this information will allow you to overcome many ailments and not to do harm to your health.
About the benefits of the burning plant
Many people consider nettle a weed, but in fact this plant, which has a "burning character", is able to display a lot of medicinal properties;and tea with nettles has the same benefits. It is capable of activating vital forces, effectively purifying blood and replenishing the lack of vitamins and trace elements.
Being a storehouse of nutrients, nettle tea can be used in the following cases:
- disorders in kidney function;
Recommendation! Regularly using nettle tea, you can effectively cleanse the kidneys, which, in turn, is the prevention of urolithiasis!
- heart problems;
- low hemoglobin and erythrocyte levels in the blood;
Important! This property of the drink becomes especially relevant for women during pregnancy!
- allergic reactions;
- metabolic disorders;
Note! As you know, improving metabolism contributes to natural weight loss, so nettle tea is a real godsend for people with obesity. And to achieve the desired result, every morning on an empty stomach to drink one cup of this drink.
- a breakdown;
- mood disorders;
- vitamin deficiency;
- rehabilitation after a severe illness.
Do not forget about the contraindications of
So, we talked about the beneficial properties of nettle tea. Now it is necessary to highlight its contraindications.
- The drink helps increase blood clotting, so its use is not recommended for high blood pressure.
- Bleeding that has occurred due to cysts, polyps, tumors of the uterus and its appendages also apply to contraindications.
- To refuse the use of nettle tea is recommended for diseases requiring surgical intervention.
- Regarding kidney disease, in this case, this drink should be treated with extreme caution and must consult your physician beforehand.
Procurement of raw materials
The collection of nettle leaves for tea should be done during the flowering period of the plant, which begins in May and ends in August. It is best to do this in dry weather in the afternoon.
If there is a need for large volumes of the blank, the collection is performed using a braid or sickle.
The collected grass is first dried in the shade for 3 hours - this method allows you to reduce its "burning", after which the leaves can be cut off the stem with bare hands. Drying is carried out in a well-ventilated room or under canopies, spreading the raw materials on a fabric or paper with a layer no more than 3 cm.
Important! Only leaves are allowed to dry, since the stems contain a special pigment that breaks the purity of the green shade of dry raw materials, which in turn leads to a significant decrease in its quality!
The leaves of the nettle need to be turned from time to time - this will allow them to dry evenly. If you notice that part of the raw material has acquired a brown, black or yellow shade, then it should be thrown away.
On the readiness of the leaves will testify:
- is a saturated dark green color;
- bitterish taste;
- is a peculiar herbal smell with hints of hay.
It is allowed to store the dried raw materials in paper bags or boxes made of cardboard in a dry place.
Brewing tea
Nettle tea can be prepared from both dry and fresh raw materials.
Classic recipe
- Leaflets put together in a saucepan.
- Pour in room temperature water and cover with a lid.
- The mixture is brought to a boil gradually, best on low heat.
- After the liquid boils, turn off the fire and leave the tea for 30 minutes.
Take a ready-made drink three times a day for 15 minutes before meals.
Vitamin Drink
To enhance the benefits of nettle tea, it can be enriched with other equally valuable components.
- Put 3 tablespoons of nettle leaves in a saucepan.
- Add 3 tablespoons of rose hips, which should be crushed with a mortar and 2 table spoons of cowberry.
- Pour 500 ml of boiling water and cover.
- Insist the drink for 3 hours.
- To profile.
Take this vitamin remedy recommended for 30 minutes before meals.
As you can see, nettle tea is an excellent remedy for diseases. He is the source of good health, vitality and vitality.