Where to treat insomnia?
It would seem that we all occasionally encounter insomnia. Rotating all night in your own bed, you make attempts to at least briefly forget yourself in a dream. But it is not possible. The next day you will naturally feel somewhat broken and tired. And now imagine that this state pursues you for years.
Indeed, in our world there are people who do not sleep at all. But this does not please them at all. It is possible to adapt to this rhythm of life, but because of the constant feeling of fatigue the human body works at the limit. So, the patient has comorbid diseases.
Causes of insomnia and ways to fight the disease
Sometimes insomnia occurs because of the influence of external factors. For example, if a person is forced to work in shifts or often travel by plane, experiencing all the "delights" of a constant change of time zones, then insomnia is a standard reaction to such a rhythm of life.
Besides, many people know that people are by their nature unique. No wonder we all are divided into types by daily activity."Owls" are very different from "larks".A "pigeon" is a category that is not known to everyone. If a person is forced to change his habitual way of life for a long time, this affects the quality of sleep. Not everyone can reconstruct their organism. And as a payment, the body suffers from insomnia.
The treatment of insomnia is often practiced by psychologists.
Of course, initially you can try to get rid of the problem yourself. There are several practical tips and recommendations that give simply amazing results.
First of all, you need to lead a calm and measured lifestyle. Many understand that in modern realities of our existence the above-described recommendation seems almost impossible. But you should understand that insomnia is not always a separate disease. Sleep disorders often indicate that there are more serious problems. And you need to revise the rhythm and way of your own life so that the present problem does not develop into much more serious ailments and functional disorders.
Every day for a couple of hours before going to bed you need to reduce physical activity, do not eat heavy food. Long walks in the open air also have a positive effect. However, it is worth remembering that walking near a busy road or under a fence of an industrial plant is not worth it. There is no fresh air, in principle, which means that the desired effect will not be achieved.
Sometimes you can not get rid of the problem yourself. And then you have to turn to specialists. For a start, you can visit the sleep laboratory. Many are convinced that in such institutions they are struggling exclusively with snoring and apnea. However, it is possible to identify the cause of sleep disorders with the help of modern equipment, which is used here.
Treatment of insomnia in the Russian Federation
Clinical sanatorium "Barvikha"
143083, Russia, Moscow region, Odintsovo district, Barvikha sanatorium.
Phone: +7( 495) 6356908.
Do not be surprised if the doctor will arrange a real interrogation beforehand. In order to get rid of the problem, you need to identify its cause. And it can be anything.
Laboratory of sleep
Russia, 192019, St. Petersburg, ul. Bechterew 3 to 6.
Phone: +7( 921) 9732600.
Treatment of insomnia in European clinics
In Europe, the treatment of insomnia is often practiced in psychiatric clinics. Do not be afraid of such institutions.
Psychiatric clinic
Phone: +7( 495) 2121982
In Israel, similar treatment is of a sanatorium nature. It is proved that the waters of the Dead Sea have a beneficial effect on the condition of patients.
IMS Group
Israel, Ashkelon, ul. Ben Gurion, 5.
Phone: +972506962539.