Painful menstruation is now a fairly common complaint from patients on admission to a gynecologist. For the removal of pain, women usually use a variety of medications, in particular, use aspirin for menstruation. Acetylsalicylic acid or its derivatives have long been popular in many countries around the world. However, this is not an inoffensive medicine, it has a lot of side effects. What is a familiar aspirin?
- 1 Pharmacological properties of acetylsalicylic acid
- 2 Contraindications to the use of
- 3 Aspirin during menstruation: what do experts say
- 4 Is it possible to influence the menstrual cycle with
- 5 What is dangerous and how the overdose of
is manifested Pharmacological properties of acetylsalicylic acid
In the pharmacy network, this folk remedy is presentedunder a variety of names. These are "Aspirin Cardio", and "Trombo Ass", and other well-known trademarks. These drugs are based on vitamin C or acetylsalicylic acid.
This substance is a natural antiaggregant and belongs to the NSAID group. Most often, the drug is used to relieve dental and headaches, various neuralgia, migraine and pain in the muscles. Acetylsalicylic acid is widely used to reduce body temperature in various inflammations and infectious diseases.
Contraindications to the use of
On the question of many patients, whether it is possible to drink aspirin during menstruation, most specialists do not give an unambiguous answer. When taking this medicine, it is necessary to take into account all the side effects of acetylsalicylic acid.
There are absolute and relative contraindications to the use of aspirin. The first group includes:
- The presence of any diseases of the esophagus and stomach. Aspirin causes irritation of the mucosa and may lead to ulcerative development.
- This drug is not recommended if patients have chronic bronchitis with an asthmatic component. Aspirin can provoke spasm of bronchi and bronchioles, which leads to an increased attack of bronchial asthma.
- The drug is prohibited for use during pregnancy, especially in the first and third trimester. Such restrictions apply to the period of lactation in women.
However, in medical practice, there are also relative contraindications for the treatment of acetylsalicylic acid. In this case, the doctor usually warns the patient about the possible consequences of this therapy. This includes various diseases of the liver and bile ducts, pyelonephritis in acute or chronic stages, trophic ulcers of the legs and feet caused by the presence of varicose disease in the patient. Problems with the central nervous system can also become an obstacle to the use of aspirin for the relief of a painful attack of various etiologies.
Aspirin during menstruation: what
In terms of their monthly intensity, they depend on the woman's hormonal background, lifestyle, physical activity and many other factors. Not the least role in the power of bleeding is played by medications used by a young woman during this period.
Many patients complain of severe pain syndrome that accompanies menstruation. To stop such manifestations, they resort to the use of various medications.
The mucous wall of the uterus during this period is a continuous bleeding surface, and hormonal shifts during menstruation and so reduce the viscosity of the blood and adversely affect the production of fibrinogen and thrombin in the body of a woman. Aspirin will further reduce the likelihood of blood clots and enhance menstrual flow.
In the pain syndrome in "critical days" for a woman, it is preferable to use to reduce pain paracetamol, ibuprofen and other non-steroid hormones that do not affect the blood coagulation system. Use of acetylsalicylic acid can be started no earlier than 2 to 3 days after the termination of menstruation.
Whether it is possible to influence the menstrual cycle with the help of the drug
There is a fairly common belief that acetylsalicylic acid causes menstruation. This issue is rather controversial, but there is a certain reason for such a statement.
The whole point is that the preparation is based on vitamin C, which in the female body, among other things, takes an active part in the increased release of estrogen in the patient's blood. The hormone estrogen is an active participant in the development of the endometrium. Under its influence, spastic contractions of the uterine wall occur, which often leads to premature and profuse periods.
On many women's websites, there are recommendations to use aspirin in tablets for the early invocation of menstrual bleeding. Some women follow similar recommendations to transfer the time of the onset of menstruation.
It should be noted that any experiments with the hormonal sphere are fraught with unpredictable consequences. In addition to the menstrual cycle, which can lead to prolonged and expensive treatment, lovers of extreme sports can cause excessive uterine bleeding, especially if you combine the use of anticoagulants with thermal procedures.
If a doctor's question sounds, and if aspirin can cause a monthly, the specialist should explain to the patient all the dangers of taking this drug during menstrual bleeding.
It is for this reason that the drug is prohibited during pregnancy. Excitation of the uterine wall by estrogen can lead to the termination of pregnancy, and reduced coagulability contributes to severe bleeding.
We recommend reading the article on how to trigger monthly. From it you will learn about whether you need to cause menstruation, about medications from the delay and effectiveness of traditional medicine methods, such as hot baths, soothing decoctions and infusions.
Than dangerous and how the overdose of the
manifests itself. In life there are situations when the medicine is mistakenly taken in a dose exceeding the permissible amount. In most patients, this can be manifested by dizziness, noise in the ears, a drop in blood pressure. Possible dyspeptic disorders in the form of nausea, vomiting, pain in the stomach.
In some women, taking aspirin increases bloody discharge, which can lead to the development of symptoms of anemia. Assistance in this case requires an emergency.
First of all, the gastric lavage is carried out with the subsequent intake of activated carbon and drugs enveloping the mucous membrane. Well-proven use of "Almagel A".
The use of aspirin during menstruation or, even more so, to correct them, can cause significant damage to a woman's health. Acceptance of any medications should be carried out only under the supervision of a doctor, especially during menstruation.