Cramping pain with menstruation: the reasons for how to relieve the condition 2

In most women, menstruation occurs with abdominal discomfort, minor pain. This is unpleasant, but normal and, if desired, easily removable. And some describe their feelings, like fights with menstruation, similar to the birth. How can they be caused, and how to deal with a severe manifestation?


  • 1 Symptoms reported at the gynecologist
  • 2 Causes of painful menstruation
    • 2.1 Natural
    • 2.2 Pathological
  • 3 How to ease the condition of

Symptoms reported at a gynecologist's appointment

The main symptom leading a woman to a specialist is a sudden, sharp, repeated abdominal pain throughout the period of critical days. It exhausts, it breaks not only efficiency. Relief does not bring even a bed rest, a woman weakens. Monthly are like fights, but this is not the only thing that does not give rest.

The pain is supplemented by other unpleasant symptoms:

  • with vertigo before loss of orientation, pain in the occiput and forehead;
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  • sometimes raising the temperature slightly above 37 degrees;
  • flatulence, discomfort in the intestine;
  • with nausea, combined with thirst;Irritability or apathy;
  • with an appetite disorder with increased interest in sweets;
  • discomfort and pain in the mammary glands in combination with swelling;
  • fluid retention in the body, especially noticeable on the hands and feet.

Among the listed signs, along with spastic pain, one or more may predominate. And often he gives no less trouble than fights during menstruation.

Causes of painful menstruation

A cause causing intense cramping pain is very important. It can be conditionally natural, that is, through the fault of the special composition of hormones. Do not exclude diseases for which this symptom is characteristic. Therefore, you can not tolerate the feeling, be sure to go to the doctor. Whatever cramps are caused, there is always a chance to get rid of them or reduce the intensity.


If, from the menarche period or a couple of years from the onset of menstruation, there are fights with menstruation, the cause may be hiding in the characteristics of the hormonal background.

There are several conditions that lead to severe manifestation of the types of balance of substances:

  • deficiency of endorphins and enkephalins relieving pain;
  • incorrectly flowing luteal phase of the cycle, in which the uterus is forced to contract intensively;
  • high concentration of prostaglandins, forcing the smooth musculature of the body to intense movements;
  • endometrium failure, in which its detachment is difficult;
  • low pain threshold.

The uterus shrinks in critical days for all, without exception. But the above circumstances force her to do so with pain, affecting a large number of nerve fibers. Hormonal disorders provoke and contractions before menstruation, when the reproductive system is still preparing for renewal. Syndrome, as in critical days, is complemented by other manifestations of PMS.

Sometimes this is caused by congenital anomalies in the development of the uterus and its appendages( narrowing of the cervix, adhesions in the cavity, bends, dislocation).These features interfere with the detachable mucosa completely outwardly or lead to strong fluctuations together with the organ of the tubes and ovaries.

We recommend reading the article on back pain with menstruation. From it you will learn about the causes of discomfort in the back before menstruation, the emergence of pain in critical days, possible diagnoses, pain sensations with delay and ways to relieve the condition.


Pain in menstrual periods may be a manifestation of a disease or a dangerous condition, among which:

Cause Why this happens
Miscarriage Premature detachment of the fetal egg usually begins with a pulling pain, giving back to the lower back. Allocations from the first moments of the origin of the problem are smearing. But as the pain increases, so does their volume, threatening to turn into massive bleeding.
Ectopic pregnancy If a fetal egg is implanted in the fallopian tube or cervix, it may be spontaneous separation from the site of localization. This happens with pain, the allocation of a small, but with each time increasing amounts of blood. The process can be confused with monthly.
Birth of the myomatous node The benign tumor present in the organ, especially located near the neck, can begin to separate independently from its walls. The women who transferred it tell that such fights are similar to pains with menstruation, but much stronger and more painful. And selections in the process are much more. The pain still gives into the anus, the perineum, and besides it there are frequent urination and constipation.
Intestinal pathologies They may be of unequal character, different parts of the organ also suffer. Depending on this cramping pain is felt left or right. But with it there is vomiting, flatulence, bowel movements are imprinted on the surface of the abdomen( it can be asymmetrical).
Gynecological pathology Adenomyosis and inflammatory diseases of the genitals often acquire a particularly painful course during menstruation. This grasping pain, giving back, abundant discharge.
Contraception IUDs or pills sometimes so change the balance of hormones that a woman "every month seems to give birth."
Renal colic If it coincides in time with critical days, clogging the ureteral stone makes binding the gripping pain that is giving to the area of ​​the uterus. It is accompanied by a one-time vomiting.
Infringement of the hernia The entry of the intestinal tract through the weak abdominal wall under the skin is very painful. And if this coincides with menstruation, it is not always possible to immediately identify pathology, especially in full women.

How to relieve the condition of

When the stomach is aching with monthly ones so much that it resembles birth pains, one can not wait. Especially if critical days before did not deliver such problems. Each of these causes of suffering leads to the need to be treated, sometimes urgently and surgically.

If it is determined that there are no pathologies, but the monthly ones still make life a nightmare, you need to start with changes in lifestyle:

  • not to be stressed;
  • actively move outside the menstrual period, to be on the air;
  • do not smoke, minimize the presence of alcohol;
  • learn asanas from yoga to learn to relax;
  • does not overeat, for 3 - 4 days before monthly exclude fatty, sweet, coffee;
  • apply a warm water bottle to the stomach during an attack of pain.

More effective, supplementing the described ways to calm down contractions, are medicines:

  • Soothing "Valerian Extract", "Motherwort", possibly, "Relanium".Having removed nervous tension, they will bring the hormones to more stable values.
  • Painkillers "No-Shpa", "Baralgin", "Spazgan", "Ketanov".The first three will reduce the contractile activity of the uterus, the last medicine relieves of acute sensations."Ibuprofen" will contribute not only to the elimination of pain, but also to minimal inflammation.
  • Hormonal "Zhanin", "Yarina", "Silest", "Regulon".Drugs regulate the cycle in general, reduce the likelihood of pathologies, stabilize the balance of substances.

It is possible and necessary to return critical days to the norm. It is important to do this without self-activity, especially with regard to the choice of medicines. They are useful to supplement with vitamin therapy, physiotherapy, herbs. But every method should be discussed with the doctor.

  • Mar 16, 2018
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