Signs of pregnancy before the delay of menstruation

There are many medical methods to determine pregnancy in the early stages. Some of them are available outside the walls of the women's consultation, for example, test strips. But the future mothers often themselves know about the changes awaiting them. The reason for this - the first signs of pregnancy before menstruation. In some, they manifest themselves noticeably, while others observe smoother symptoms. But when pregnancy is confirmed by a specialist, almost all women remember the unusual sensations that accompany her very first days.

Contents of

  • 1 When and why to wait for the first symptoms of
  • 2 Symptoms of
    • 2.1 1. Breast sensitivity
    • 2.2 2. Increase in basal temperature
    • 2.3 3. Decrease in body temperature
    • 2.4 3. Frequent urination
    • 2.5 4. Digestive system
    • 2.6 5. Implantation from the genital tract
    • 2.7 6. Severity in the pelvic region
    • 2.8 7. Pain in the area of ​​the sacrum
    • 2.9 8. "Revolution" in the intestine
    • instagram viewer
    • 2.10 9. Why do pregnant women have a headache
    • 2.11 10. Toxicosis
  • 3 whether to go to the gynecologist for confirmation of pregnancy

When and why wait for the first symptoms

Is it important to know about his condition to the nearest term period? Yes, because such information can be decisive. After all, some signs of pregnancy before the delay of menstruation are similar to the symptoms of gynecological and other diseases. The woman begins to be intensively treated, wanting to get rid of the self-diagnosed. And does not imply the emergence of a new life, for which the use of many drugs can be dangerous, if not fatal.

The appearance of the first noticeable signs of pregnancy before the month is possible in the next week after conception. In some women, due to personality characteristics of the body, they can only appear after a few weeks. In any case, do not ignore the unusual sensations, it is more rational to be attentive to health. And you do not need to take tablets with the slightest indisposition.

Symptoms of

1. Breast sensitivity

Tenderness in the mammary glands, their high sensitivity in many people occurs before menstruation. But sometimes this circumstance will tell how to find out the pregnancy before the month.70% of women note his appearance 8-10 days after conception. Comparing the soreness of the breast before the months and early in pregnancy, they argue that in the second case, the sensations are more pronounced. Another sign of the onset of conception is the darkening of the nipples. All these sensations are inextricably linked with an increase in the concentration of progesterone in the blood. The body is preparing for the future feeding of the newborn.

2. Increase in basal temperature

Determination of pregnancy before delay of monthly is possible with regular measurement of basal temperature. If conception does not occur, this indicator shortly before the monthly decreases. Increasing the basal temperature to 37 degrees and slightly higher at this time can signal a pregnancy: normally developing or ectopic.

3. Lowering body temperature

The first days after conception are sometimes accompanied by chills and hyperthermia. There is a decrease in immunity. There is a general weakness and drowsiness - frequent early signs of pregnancy. If a woman in principle does not have such feelings and for them there are no other objective reasons, it is probably the fault of this - the birth of a new life in her body. Pregnancy inevitably accompanies hormonal changes, which cause increased fatigue, a constant desire to lie down. This also includes a frequent change in the mood of the future mother. Progesterone, designed to protect the fetus and the process of its development, depressing affects the psyche of a woman, causing irritability and drowsiness in the first days of pregnancy.

3. Frequent urination

There are more unpleasant, but very characteristic signs of pregnancy before menstruation. A woman often starts to urinate. Sometimes during the night she has to get up several times. It is easy to suspect cystitis or a different disease of the bladder, but they are supplemented by sharp pains in the abdomen, a sensitive rise in temperature. If there are only frequent trips to the toilet, perhaps this is a pregnancy. Because of the rush of blood, the genitourinary system begins to function a little differently than before conception, which is manifested by this symptom. The same cause causes some swelling of the fingers, especially noticeable when the palms are compressed into a fist.

4. Digestive system

In pregnant women, it often begins to rebel from the first days, which is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • Aversion to smells and morning sickness. At what rejection are able to evoke aromas that formerly please or do not cause negative emotions: favorite spirits, flowers, food. Alcohol and tobacco are even more disgusting than before. At the same time, a strange craving for odors arises that does not cause any emotions before. There are pregnant, adored to inhale vapors of gasoline or acetone. The same predilections can develop in food. Until the first one begins to call out rejection, but I want, for example, to eat chalk;
  • Vomiting. Half of the pregnant women have to face this from the first days. Experts are sure that this is a neuroendocrine disorder caused by disorders of the nervous system. These early signs of pregnancy before menstruation can give information about yourself several times a day. This can also be caused by disorders of the digestive system;
  • Increased salivation. This sign can lead to losing weight of a pregnant woman. It is associated not so much with the change in taste and other preferences, as with the irritation of certain areas of the brain. If a woman constantly swallows saliva, the acidity of the gastric juice changes, which affects digestion negatively.

5. Implantation from the genital tract

Before menstruation, pregnancy can be determined from the bloody discharge from the vagina. They are also brown and cream colored. Typically, this is a small amount of mucus. A woman can take them for heralds of menstruation or her first day, which for some reason came too early. In fact, this is how the implantation of a fertilized egg into the uterine wall is manifested. This sign can manifest itself more than once and should not cause concern during this period of time. The appearance of excretions after the periods of failed monthly should make the woman turn to a doctor to avoid a miscarriage.

Too bright color of implantation testifies not only about the occurred conception, but also about cervical erosion. The influx of blood to the pelvic organs due to pregnancy provokes its increased bleeding.

Legal concern should cause and the occurrence of thrush. Discharge during pregnancy contains an increased concentration of hydrogen ions, which protect against harmful microbes and at the same time are a favorable environment for yeast fungi.

6. Gravity in the pelvic area

Before the menstrual period, pregnancy can also be determined with special sensations in the pelvic area. The uterus has not yet begun to increase, but has already acquired an unusual sensitivity to her earlier. This is expressed by a weak pulling pain due to the flow of blood to the organ. Some women feel unpleasant tingling in the uterus, periodically arising and disappearing.

Due to the increased blood supply to the pelvic area, women who are already giving birth get an unpleasant surprise in the form of increased hemorrhoids.

7. Pain in the area of ​​the sacrum

Almost always the pregnancy is accompanied in the early period by weak shooting back pain. As a rule, it gives to the legs, it feels at the same time in the pelvic region. Such feelings periodically resume and with the development of pregnancy.

8. "Revolution" in the intestine

Many people mistakenly believe that difficulties with stools can occur much later, when the uterus increases and begins to press on the intestines. Meanwhile, signs of an early pregnancy before menstruation rarely go without increased gas formation. This is due to the slowing down of the intestinal processes:

  • Food Promotion;
  • Abbreviations of his smooth muscles.
The reason for this is all the same hormonal changes that cause increased blood supply to the vessels of the intestine and a small swelling of its walls.

9. Why is the headache of

worn in pregnant women? Although it is believed that it hurts in all women, unless they are disturbed by anything else, this can also be a sign of the onset of conception. It is important to monitor the blood pressure. It can be manifested by the sensation of a "splitting" head. In pregnancy, the pressure is usually reduced. This is especially felt by women, in whom it was previously low.

Provide a jump in blood pressure can:

  • Long standing in a standing position;
  • Hot tub;
  • Stay in the heat and stuffiness.

Headache is capable of becoming so strong that a woman faints, although it has never seen anything like it before.

10. Toxicosis

The most popular symptom is of course - nausea. There is intolerance of certain products. Due to the fact that receptors become aggravated during pregnancy, a woman begins to feel more smells and tastes, even those that she did not feel before, so that the taste and smell of food changes, so that it becomes more saturated, sometimes to the contrary,nausea.

Should I go to the gynecologist for confirmation of pregnancy

The first signs of pregnancy before the menstrual period in the complex leave no doubt about the onset of conception in most women. The absence of menstruation in due time once again confirms this. Another proof of what happened will be a pharmacy test, which for greater reliability is done three times.

And yet, even at an early date, you need to see a gynecologist. After all, all of the above symptoms also occur in the ectopic pregnancy, which requires immediate surgical intervention. They are universal for such a state in principle.

The specialist even at visual inspection will determine if the woman was mistaken or the conception really happened. Indirect symptoms will help in this:

  • Swollen vulva;
  • Change in color of vaginal mucosa and cervix( it becomes slightly bluish);
  • Softening of the uterine isthmus, established by two-hand examination;
  • Possible asymmetry of the uterus body with swelling at the attachment point of the fetal egg.

It is worth noting that pregnancy after menstruation symptoms is absolutely the same. But a woman can not long believe in her existence, having decided that conception is out of the question. In fact, this is fixed in 30% of cases. The main reason for this - the irregularity of the menstrual cycle, there are others. This is an additional reason to visit a specialist if a woman chooses the listed signs.

  • Mar 16, 2018
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