Grandmother's advice against the formation of the cervix

Almost every woman during her life, regularly visiting a gynecologist, faces various diseases of the cervix. At 10 - 15% of the representatives of the fair sex cysts are found in this place. The reasons for the appearance of such new formations are many, but, as a rule, all structures are benign in nature. Often, after learning about such a disease, a woman in confusion and frightened, ignores the advice of a doctor. Remembering grandmother's advice, many are starting to get rid themselves of the cervical cyst, treatment with folk remedies becomes more important. Is this tactic correct? What kind of tumor on the cervix is ​​so often misleading women?

Contents of

  • 1 The causes of the appearance of
  • 2 formations The causes of the health of a woman
  • 3 Treatment of cysts
    • 3.1 Traditional medicine
    • 3.2 Alternative medicine

Reasons for the appearance of

formations Cervical cyst is a round, benign formation of various sizes, determined during gynecological examination or with ultrasoundorgans of the small pelvis.

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There are several varieties of cervical cysts, each of which has its own cause of .During life, the sexual organs of a woman are exposed to various influences, which can contribute to the appearance of cervical cysts.

Classification of formations:

  • retentional( due to filling the gland inside the cervix with a secret);
  • endometrioid;
  • parasitic( eg, echinococcal);
  • dizontogenetic( as a result of disruption in development);
  • frame( formed after tissue necrosis).

Provoking factors:

  • Erosion, ectopia of the cervix. As a rule, these conditions require treatment, often the use of small gynecological operations - cauterization with electric current, laser, chemical solution. As a result of all these procedures, a scab is formed on the cervix, under which active healing takes place. Disturbance of the process, excessive epithelialization and blockage of the duct of the gland lead to the formation of cervical cysts, which, gradually filling with a secret, increase in size.
  • Tears and injuries after childbirth. Incorrect collation of tissues, divergence of seams, deep lesions or attachment of inflammation - all this is a starting point for the formation of cervical cysts.
  • Any infections in the vagina and cervical canal, including sexually transmitted infections, provoke the appearance of such neoplasms.
  • Endometriosis can affect any part of the female's reproductive system. With the formation of foci on the neck, this is manifested clinically by cysts of different sizes.
  • Women who are approaching the menopause period increase the number of such structures. This is primarily due to changes in the hormonal background.
  • Any manipulation of the cervix, which can lead to its traumatization, can also provoke the formation of cysts. These are abortions, scraping, hysterosalpingography and the like.

As a rule, for the appearance of cysts on the cervix, a combination of several factors is necessary. But the essence boils down to the following. Throughout the cervical canal, there are many glands( including the Nabotovs), which regularly form a secret that performs a certain function( creates a mucous plug in the canal, protects against infections, promotes conception, etc.).Under the action of provoking moments, the gland lumen overlaps( its exit is covered with epithelium, it is restrained as a result of tumor growth, etc.).For some time, the secret produced by it accumulates, stretching the walls. Then there is an increase in the gland with a secret in size, it goes beyond its usual location. Visually with gynecological examination or sometimes on ultrasound( if located in the depth of tissues) it looks like a cervical cyst.

Cervical cyst

Threatens women's health

In practice, retention cysts are more common, and endometrioid cysts are more common. All are benign, never degenerate into cancer cells, but can provoke various changes on the cervix.

In most cases, such formations do not bother a woman, and often she learns about them only after examining the gynecologist. Sometimes there may be strange vaginal discharge of chocolate or red color, there may be pain and discomfort in the abdomen, including with sexual intimacy.

Cervical cysts can provoke permanent inflammation, which will be seen in smears from the cervical canal. Sometimes the contents become infected and inflamed, bringing a lot of problems to the woman. Cope with this complication is not easy.

Multiple cysts can cause infertility. Large-sized formations disrupt the outflow of menstrual blood, causing changes in the cycle: prolong the duration, soreness and the number of days of "smearing".

We recommend to read an article about nodular cervical cysts. From it you will learn about the causes and symptoms of the disease, the dangers of the neoplasm, the ways of treating the cysts.

Treatment of cysts

Any woman, and especially if cysts of the cervix are found, the gynecologist should be visited regularly. Only a doctor after examination can make a verdict on further treatment or observation of such formations.

Surgical intervention can quickly rid the girl of the problem. But sometimes a woman is frightened by both surgery, and the cervical cyst itself, treatment with folk remedies seems to her to be the most optimal variant of interference into the body. Nevertheless, it is worth noting that both methods can be combined.

Traditional medicine

Surgical treatment is indicated for large sizes of formations, with a significant number of formations, as well as in the event of complications. The following types of interventions are performed:

  • electric shock;
  • cryoexposure, more often liquid nitrogen;
  • radio wave treatment of the affected hearth;
  • laser removal.

Regardless of which method is used, the essence of the methodology is not fundamentally different. First, the cyst is pierced, and the accumulated secret follows. Then it is removed by itself, and the bed is treated to prevent re-education. Removing one cyst, there is a high probability of its formation in another place, especially if there is another pathology of the genital organs.

Alternative medicine

Folk treatment of cervical cysts includes various baths, douching and the use of tampons with a home remedy. These recipes will help to remove the inflammation, possibly even a reduction in the size of the cysts( this only applies to the acquired ones) and preventing the formation of new ones. It is more effective to apply traditional treatment as an addition to the traditional one:

  • Recipe # 1: garlic. It is known that garlic has a multifaceted therapeutic effect. Here he can also help. To do this, several denticles need to be kneaded and placed in gauze. Make a tampon for the night and put in the vagina. The course is not less than 10 days.
  • Recipe No.2: walnuts. You need 4 tablespoons of chopped partitions from the walnut shell. Filling them with 4 glasses of water, it is necessary to hold on a slow fire for 20 - 25 minutes. Take the broth 1 times a day for 100 - 150 g.
  • Recipe # 3: burdock. Cut the burdock leaves to a gruel-like consistency and squeeze out the juice. Take this medicine one tablespoon three times a day for a month.
  • Recipe No.4: Acacia. Leaves of acacia chop and pour alcohol, let it brew. Then strain and take on a tablespoon three times a day for 30 days.

Cervical cysts are formations requiring observation and treatment. Despite their apparent harmlessness, they can lead to unpleasant consequences and complications. Even if the preference is given to folk medicine, it is worthwhile to consult a doctor.

  • Mar 16, 2018
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