Sweep dreams in dreams

  • 1 Dreamed of sweeping in a dream what it is
    • 1.1 What dreams to sweep the floor with a broom
    • 1.2 Sweep with a broom in someone else's house in a dream
    • 1.3 In a dream, sweep with a broom debris what it means
    • 1.4 Why dream about washing the floor and sweeping it
    • 1.5 Sweeping leaves in a dream

Sometimes dreams in which a sleeper does ordinary everyday activities can have much more meaning than colorful, filled with bright, incredible events, dreams.

If a dreamer sweeps in his dream, such a dream portends an imminent global change in his real life.

In more sonnics, , when dreams about it, this is a rather favorable sign, where the importance of cleaning with a broom has a positive interpretation of the promising well-being, solving domestic problems, and establishing relationships with relatives.

Dreamed to sweep in a dream what it is

  • Sweep in a dream with a broom floor on a modern dream book - incur losses and losses that will not be able to make up for.
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  • Dreams of holding a broom - to life changes, buying it in a cleaning store - is a sign that the sleeper is taking part in a complicated business that will probably leave an echo on his financial condition.
  • If dreamed of cleaning a big broom - a dreamer is waiting for a life filled with fun and entertainment.
  • Miller interprets such a dream as a quick offensive of good times in the life of a sleeper.
  • Dreams of how the mistress lost her broom - the sleeping one is untidy and can not make a dowel in her own house, which in the future will cause a lot of inconvenience.

What dreams to sweep the floor with a broom

Dreams to sweep the floor with a broom dream book for a woman treats such as the onset of a good period in her life, improving relations with her husband, also promises strong health and unconditional obedience of children.

See the broom, but do not remove it - to prosperity and positive twists of fate. If the cleaning equipment looks untidy and tattered, this may be a dream of problems or losses.

Another in a dream with a broom sweep the floor of the - to significant changes, to new, exciting life situations, to the beginning of something that will cause unseen emotions.

Sweep with a broom in a strange house in a dream

Dreams to sweep the floor with a broom in a strange house - this means that the dreamer in reality does not devote enough time to himself and his needs, but cares more about other people.

As a result, others will use you to solve their own problems and not pay attention to your needs and desires, and in general this state of affairs is of no use to the sleeper and can entail many difficulties.

Those who dreamed about this should change their behavior and start giving more time to themselves and their needs, so that later you do not need someone's help yourself.

If you dreamed like someone else's does it - you will get luck in business, you know what you are doing and nothing can stop you.

In a dream, sweep with a broom the garbage that it means

  • If the sleeper is forced to clean in a dream - wait for misunderstanding and quarrels in the family. However, in order to smooth out acute angles, one should be more loyal and find a compromise.
  • Dreams of removing garbage from the carpet - is a symbol of great changes that will entail moving, entering into a long relationship, finding a job with a good salary. In this case, the main thing is not to miss your chance.
  • If you are cleaning in the company of your friends - there will be a pleasant surprise from friends who will very please the sleeper.

Why dream about washing the floor and sweeping it

Sweep the floor and wash it - achieve success in real life. The possibility of achieving success at work will increase if the sleeper is more restrained in communicating with superiors and will not be too persistent in reporting his point of view to the directorate.

One should show indulgence towards incompetence of employees occupying higher positions.

To wash floors in a dream a sign that in your personal life there will be changes with your loved one.

If you dreamed of how you do it in someone else's house - your actions and decisions will have a significant impact on other people.

Dreams of how another person washes - your job will be taken by a more competent employee.

Sweeping leaves in a dream

  • Sweeping the yard in a dream - you have a good willpower and you clearly know your purpose. You are ready to go forward no matter what and you do not change your decisions.
  • The alien yard has got a vengeance - you are waiting for misunderstandings, and if still dreams, as you throw garbage on the ground - it promises a big quarrel with negative consequences.
  • If a young girl dreamed of , that she swept the leaves, soon she will have a fan who will be very persistent, trying in any way to achieve her location; dreams to remove all the leaves of - getting rid of such boyfriend.
  • Mar 16, 2018
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