Facial massage at home photo and video

  • 1 Facial massage at home
    • 1.1 Types of massage for an adult woman from wrinkles
    • 1.2 What cosmetologists recommend for rejuvenation
    • 1.3 How to do for a face massage yourself
    • 1.4 Lymphatic drainage facial massage at home
    • 1.5 Home acupressure massage
    • 1.6 Rejuvenating vacuum massage - pluses and minuses
  • 2 Facial massage Japanese( socgan)
    • 2.1 Japanese facial massage "become 10 years younger"

You can learn about the benefits of facial massage from many andStochnikov: prints, video blogs, various telecasts. Therefore, if you want to learn more about Ayurvedic practice, Japanese and Chinese techniques, Italian and Spanish variations, you do not need to look for a specialist in this field, just read our short article, in which you will learn in detail about all types of massage and how to do it. And most of the variations presented come from the basic teachings( Japanese, Chinese and classical facial massage) for a person with age-related changes. And appeals "massage for the face - become younger for 10-15 years" are fully justified.

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Today we offer to learn how to do facial massage yourself in cozy and comfortable home conditions. We learn how useful it is, how it helps to restore beauty and youth to the skin and keep the effect for a long time. We will acquaint you with the users feedback and recommendations of specialists, and also we offer video and photo viewing on the topic.

Facial massage at home

For a face massage at home - the purpose of the procedure is to improve blood flow, stabilize the work of the sebaceous glands and relieve muscle tension( relax).And, if you follow the technique correctly, you can push back the age changes to the background. The dermis will also be perfectly saturated with oxygen, retaining plasticity and elasticity for a long time. Practically all kinds can be done independently( without assistance) in comfortable home conditions. In addition, massage has no contraindications( with a very rare exception, a doctor can prohibit, if you have inflammations on the face, irritations, burns, eczema and skin is better not to bother).

It is important only to comply with simple rules:

• prepare for the procedure - wash off makeup and pick up hair;
• select time intervals;
• Choose a cream or makeup for your face.

According to reviews of cosmetologists, the most important selection of auxiliary composition, which should be chosen based on the skin type:

• for dry, the use of avocados, apricots, wheat germs, bananas or honey is excellent;
• with normal type, an ethereal or other oil( sea-buckthorn, olive, etc.) is well combined;
• for oily - a mixture of herbs( thistle, St. John's wort, chamomile, etc.) or peach / apricot stones.

You can use home recipes or buy ready-made products( cream, for example).

Types of massage for an adult woman from wrinkles

There are several main areas:

• cosmetic classic, rejuvenating( pinch Jacquot);
• Japanese lymphatic drainage or Tibetan shiatsu;
• Chinese reefirming sculpture or gouache technique( canned);
• Spanish chiroplastic myofascial;
• Ayurvedic buccal;
• Spot, spoons, honey modeling;
• ultrasonic sculpting( hardware LCP) and other techniques.

All these techniques are in their own way useful for the skin and give an incredible effect if properly follow the recommendations: they retain youth, prevent the appearance of wrinkles, relieve flabbiness, tighten the face without surgical care and give an excellent result( improve skin condition) after the first sessions.

An excellent option for self-study is offered by Margarita Levchenko in her video( plasticizing facial massage), thanks to these free lessons, every woman can become younger without expensive salon procedures at home.

What cosmetologists recommend for rejuvenation

To determine the choice of cosmetologists recommend trying a few of them. Learning to do self-massage is not difficult, just get acquainted with the video and start practicing. According to their reviews, the regular application of procedures( at any age and preferably before the onset of age-related manifestations) positively affects the appearance of the woman. Techniques are mostly simple to use, so independent use at home will not bring discomfort.

How to do for a face massage yourself

For different techniques, their movements are peculiar. The main thing is to observe their order. We suggest starting with the classic version( rejuvenating), which is easy to do on your own at home:

1. Easy stroking with an increasing rate, turning into rubbing. This process allows you to prepare and slightly warm the skin before the main process.
2. Mud removal of the upper layer of the skin. Movement with your fingertips along the spiral, increasing, then easing the pressure. Relaxes the muscles.
3. Vibration and patting. The final stage. You can do it with your entire palm( rib) or with your fingertips.

According to the reviews of cosmetologists after the session, it is desirable to apply a cream( nourishing or moisturizing), because at this moment the skin is most susceptible to additional care.

In addition to the technology itself, it is important to follow the technology of movements( along certain lines and directions).Understand how this can be done correctly from the video after viewing which it can be done independently.

We offer to watch lessons on YouTube from well-known bloggers: from Alena Sobol, Marina Kushnareva, Evgeny Baglyk, Marina Zemskaya, Victoria Seygan and others( you can download free lessons, schemes in pictures, full description or enroll in the courses "Become younger" in Moscow).

Lymphatic drainage facial massage at home

This technique will help to get rid of puffiness on the face( for example, bags under the eyes or flews), relieve wrinkles, correct asymmetry, i.e.rejuvenate the face( lifting effect, natural lifting), it is also used for weight loss. According to the feedback of users to achieve the desired effect( to become younger for 10-15 years) enough 1-2 procedures per week. You can massage your face both manually and with the help of auxiliary tools( massagers, balls, cans, rollers, etc.).Enough 15-20 minutes a day.

Training video Margarita Levchenko

Acupressure at home

The method consists in a step-by-step acupressure on certain areas of the skin. It does not involve a strong impact. It is important to observe the order and follow the recommendations. This will help you video on the topic.

The uniqueness of this method is not only in the possibility to become younger for several years( it is considered one of the best anti-aging methods) and to make the face more healthy, but also in the ability to normalize pressure, relieve dental or headache( health effect).This is due to improved circulation of blood and energy throughout the body / body.

Rejuvenating vacuum massage - pros and cons

The use and effectiveness of the vacuum method for the face is undeniable, this is confirmed by user feedback: it helps to become younger at short notice, you can do it yourself at home, the effect is visible almost immediately. However, if it is used incorrectly, bruises on the skin may remain, and, in view of the high cost of the device, not everyone can afford it.

Facial massage Japanese( tsogan)

This unique Japanese technique( Asahi) for the face includes a mass of massage movements. By and large it can be a manual therapy. All the manipulations that it involves in itself in one session are simply impossible. This technique Japanese masters are trained for a long period, so it is extremely difficult to correctly repeat all movements at home without the master's invitation.

Japanese facial massage "become 10 years younger"

We offer you to watch a video from Yukuko Tanaka "Japanese Asahi Zogan face massage Russian voice"( double-fingered feyforming kobido translated from Japanese).This Japanese method really helps to become younger, and also get rid of such intrusive problems as the second chin, flabbiness of the skin, wrinkles, etc.

  • Mar 16, 2018
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