What is a wish card? Visualization of happiness, health and success

No matter how you relate to the idea of ​​materializing a thought, it's worth using an extra chance and changing your life for the better.

Contents of

  • Why is it worth visualizing desires?
  • How to visualize happiness, success and love?
  • Visualization of health
  • Magic book of desires. How does it work?
  • How to make a wish book with your own hands?
  • How does the magic of desire book work?
  • Map of the fulfillment of desires. What is the difference between the desire book and the desire card? What to choose?
  • How to make a wish-fulfillment map on your own?
  • What to consider when working with a collage of desires?
  • How to post pictures of Feng Shui in a collage of desires?
  • Feedback on using the wish card from the Internet
  • Video: Documentary "The Secret": the power of the law of attraction

Why is it worth visualizing the desires?

Visualization of desires is perhaps the most popular dream performance technique in many countries of the world. In the vastness of the Internet, you can find a variety of methods for visualizing desires and tens of thousands of reviews about how much visualization has helped them personally.

instagram viewer

The theme of visualization of desires became especially popular after the release of the film "The Secret", which was filmed 10 years ago and in the first days gained hundreds of thousands of views on YouTube.

The idea of ​​visualization has enough critics who think that dreams are a useless occupation. But most of those who tried to dream purposefully, recognize that to some extent visualization worked, and the desired at least partially came true.

If visualization has helped many people, why do not you become one of them?

The main secrets of visualizing the desires of

  • The first rule: you must sincerely believe that what you desire can really come true in your life.
  • The desire should only concern you. You can not visualize wishes for others, such as "I want Sasha to return to Lena", this is the theme of visualizations for Lena and Sasha
  • You can not make other people in your visualization, for example: "how do I marry Lenya" or "Ivan Ivanovich raises me forservice ".Your dreams may not coincide with the wishes of Leni and Ivan Ivanovich. Replace them with "I marry a loved one" and "I have a new( specific) position."
  • Desire should be specific, clearly articulated, with exact criteria for what your dream looks like. Phrases like "good salary" should be replaced with "monthly income of XXX rubles";"A new TV" is changed to "a TV brand XXX with a diagonal XXX" and so on.

  • It is necessary to represent the ultimate goal, and not the ways to achieve it. Especially when you dream about something yet unavailable. In the process of working on desire, the subconscious will find a way to translate your dream into reality, but the method can be one you do not yet know about. Do not limit the capabilities of your thin body
  • It is important that in the visualization you were not the viewer, but the participant of the picture of your dream. That is, do not just imagine the object of lust, namely yourself as the owner of this object: how you use it, what color it is, what box, how it fits into the interior, and so forth.
  • The desire must be sincere. Do not try to embody something for a tick, to spite others, or to be "like everyone else".
  • A prerequisite: your emotions must be present in the visualization. The more they become brighter, the stronger the energy of the embodiment of desire. By the way, at the same time check, do you really want what was intended. If the desire is sincere and "suffered", the emotions from the thought of its incarnation will go off scale
  • Avoid wording with negative meanings and "not" particles."I stopped being sick" or "I'm no longer sick" should be replaced with "I am healthy"

How to visualize happiness, success and love?

  • Visualization of abstract concepts is a rather complex thing, and the opinions of different gurus, as well as Internet communities, differ in how to correctly visualize such spheres of our life.
  • Some experts advise you to isolate the concrete meaning of an abstract concept for you. For example, for some, "love" is a strong marriage, husband, children. For another, "love" is a constant sexual partner, for the third "love" is the presence of any loving being, including pets. To attract in your life exactly those relationships that you put into the concept of "love", you need to maximally specify them
  • Another common opinion from people practicing visualization: you need to represent exactly the emotions that you would like to experience in love, and not to limit the universe inchoice of options. In their opinion, you can mistakenly believe that you want to get married, but in reality you just do not have enough sense of romance. By visualizing the desired sensations, you will attract what you want on a subconscious level, and not by logical reasoning.

What point of view to take, you decide.

Visualization of health

  • Visualization of health is also a difficult task. Visualize yourself completely healthy-it was pointless, especially in the conditions of life in the megacity of
  • . Besides, the criteria of absolute health in each person are very individual and depend on his physiology, heredity, physical parameters. What is one norm, the other is the death of
  • What do experts in visualization advise? Imagine the sensations that you experience or experienced in the past in moments of feeling of absolute health. It can be a rush of adrenaline after a good physical exertion, a wave of energy throughout the body at moments of emotional uplift, a feeling of muscle elasticity when you swim in the sea
  • In a word, we return to the need to specify what the feeling of health means for you

The Magic Book of Desires. How does it work?

  • The desire book is a way to fix the desired with the help of specific images, in psychology this is called "anchors"
  • With the help of an anchor you can reach a certain state very quickly or cause the necessary feelings, the psychologically object "anchor" is very strongly connected with the emotions that you experienced ina certain moment. For example, in the childhood of mandarins, my mother bought only for the new year, in the subconscious, the concepts "mandarin" and "new year" are closely related, and now, feeling the smell of mandarin, you remember the tree, you feel joy and the festive New Year's excitement of
  • The second positive aspect of the wish book -the very process of its creation. If you follow the rules, working on your book will help you better understand yourself and your dreams, and approach your visualization as much as possible

How to make a wish book with your own hands?

  • Decide on the desire that you intend to embody with the help of the book. As you remember, it should be one
  • Buy a notebook or a diary that you make your magic Wish Book. Choose what is most pleasant to you by touch and visually, because your dream is worthy of the most beautiful incarnation of
  • . On the first page, write down your desire, observing the rules listed above. You can creatively approach the design of this sheet and the inscription is as colorful and positive as possible. The more emotions add up, the better
  • This stage is the most time consuming. Find the images that best fit your idea of ​​a dream. It can be pictures from magazines, photos, files from the Internet. The best photos come from glossy magazines - they are usually of good quality and suitable subjects. The main thing is that the picture evokes pleasant emotions and is suitable for your dream

  • On each spread of the book on the right, paste a separate picture, and on the left write a description for the picture in a life-affirming form related to your dream. For example, you are dreaming about the position of the top manager of a large company. On the right, you paste a picture of a super office with panoramic windows, on the left, write "From the window of my office a beautiful view of XXX opens up";on the next right, the image of the upward financial graph, to the left is the inscription "I reach financial results in the amount of XXX and above", and so on. Each new picture adds details to the stated goal.
  • You can add new pages to your book as you like: for example, you see a new image that inspired you, or a new detail in your dream description arose. In creating a book, it's more important not the quantity, but the quality of the
  • . Keep the book on hand, look at the pictures more often and reproduce the emotions associated with the images.

How does the magic of the wish book work?

The process of creating a wish book helps in several ways.

  • If you keep the desire only in the mind, it will change a little from day to day, and there is a risk with time to lose focus, because our consciousness is ephemeral. When you formulate a desire in writing, you fix its specific image
  • For people with a visual type of perception, the wish book will allow the dream to be fixed in the subconscious much faster
  • Careful detailing of the desire from different sides will allow more accurately understand its true aspirations and weed out unnecessary images and formulations

desires. What is the difference between the desire book and the desire card? What to choose?

  • A wish card is another way to use specific images for visualization. But unlike the Desire Book, several goals are fixed on the wish list, one for each of the nine significant areas of your life.
  • The principle of the Desire Card and the Desire Book are generally the same, but the creation of the Desire Card requires more time and awareness, since it is necessaryformulate 9 desires. And as you remember, the wording of desire is the "heart" of visualization, which means it is very responsible.
  • In use The wish card is simpler, as it can be hung anywhere in your room, and visual contact with your dream will occur constantly, and not thenwhen you choose the time to scroll through the pages of the
  • Devotees of the wish card believe that it preserves harmony in life, not allowing one sphere of life to occupy all the free space, for example, a successful job that takes away all the time without leaving room for love, Family and leisure

How to make a map of execution desires most?

To create a wish card, you need a large sheet of paper( you can take a paper), scissors, glue, a lot of colorful magazines for searching for pictures and a lot of free time.

Divide a piece of paper into 9 zones as shown below

Area of ​​wealth

and affluence

Zone of fame Zone of love
Zone of home, family Health zone

Creativity zone

and children

Area of ​​expertise Career area

Travel area

and leisure

We start filling out the wish card with images and inscriptions. Remember that the phrases should be positive, without a particle of "not" and words that carry a negative meaning( for example, the word "lost weight" is a word with a negative charge, since it contains the root "bad").

It is also important to start working in a great mood. Set things aside if you are upset. Your emotions will inevitably be imprinted on the map in the form of "anchors".

  • Central zone - "Health".Here we depict everything that relates to your wishes for your own body, appearance, internal and external manifestations of a healthy body

The upper right corner is "Love".Zone for describing the relationship with your soul mate or attracting one in your life. Here are good pairs of photos, love symbols, wedding rings. If you place a photo of a famous character with the desire to meet a man who looks like him, make sure that in addition to the beautiful appearance of the man of your dreams, decent manners and tolerable character

  • The zone on the right in the center is "Children and Creativity".Here we depict everything you would like to achieve as a parent, or denote the new creative heights associated with the

  • hobby. The lower right corner is "Travel and Leisure".Places you want to visit and leisure activities that you dream about, for example: a concert of your favorite singer or a Michelin-level restaurant

  • A zone in the center from the bottom is "Career".The thing you want to do. Position to which you want to grow. The company where you dream to get work

  • The lower left corner is "Knowledge and wisdom".All that concerns your learning and personal growth: practices that you want to master;foreign languages;developing books and so on.

  • The area on the left in the center is "House, Family".This is the place where you live: interior, pets, new repairs, details of decor, home appliances - everything that makes your place comfortable and comfortable.

  • Top left corner - "Wealth".It means your material well-being: income level, securities, real estate( precisely as an investment of money, not a place of residence), gold. It's also good to paste symbols of wealth and prosperity here.

  • The zone in the center is "Glory".This is the zone of your achievements. Your popularity, if you are a public person or strive for it. Your cups and awards, if you are an athlete. Your diplomas and achievements in the professional field of

What to consider when working with a collage of desires?

Esoterics and people who have long used a wish card to achieve their goals, based on their own experience, give the following recommendations.

  • Do not place a wish card in a prominent place for outsiders. A dream requires peace and secrecy. Excessive glances, questions, and worse than that ridicule can greatly hamper you in working on visualization
  • Avoid the location of the card next to the bathroom
  • If your apartment does not allow you to find a nook on the wall, hang the card in the closet that opens every day, or put it under the glasson a table that can be covered with a tablecloth by the guests
  • It is important that the card is stored in a straightened form, and not folded into a tube or something else. You can not have it look with pictures down

  • You can not use only symbols: for example, the statuette of Hotei in the wealth zone. Symbols can only strengthen the main image, otherwise your apartment will be filled with souvenirs, and not real shifts in the life of the
  • . You can not use too allegorical images, for example, the image of a cartoon prince on a white horse in the zone of love. Such a person in real life does not exist
  • Some connoisseurs advise making a wish card only for the growing moon and for your luckily the days of the week and the date of the month
  • . If your wish is fulfilled, you can paste a new picture into this zone with a new purpose.

How to post photos onFeng Shui in a collage of desires?

Features of the wish card for Feng Shui are as follows:

  • Each zone corresponds to a specific side of the light according to the Bagua grid. By the same principle in Feng Shui zoned apartment to activate this or that sphere of your life
  • Each zone corresponds to a certain color and elements in Chinese philosophy. Accordingly, to strengthen this zone can be using its "native" colors and symbols of the given element
  • The key hexagrams from the "Book of Changes" - the ancient Chinese philosophical treatise, having a deep scientific, isoteric and symbolic meaning, are put on the wish-list on feng shui. Hexagrams are applied in a strictly defined order and strengthen the zone or neutralize the obstacles existing in it.
  • There are also a number of recommendations on the time of creating a wish card - binding to the Chinese New Year, your personal horoscope and so on.
  • In short, Shui requires a very serious theoretical preparation, since the symbols and colors used incorrectly can lead to exactly the opposite effect in your life.

Reviews about using the wish card andInternet

Julia, 35 years old.
Pasted in the wealth zone of a fat hamster. For some reason it seemed that it symbolizes wealth. A month later, the daughter on the birthday gave a hamster exactly the color and breed.

Inna, 28 years old.
In the children's zone I glued the image of the house( very expensive at that time), which I wanted to buy for a long time. She hung the card behind the closet and forgot about it for a while. A year later, during the spring cleaning, she found and gasped: a plastic house, which we recently put my son in the backyard, one in one as from my picture. Tin.

Anna, 30 years old
I decided that love is two hearts. Put such a picture. Six months later I found myself covered up with soft toys, greeting cards, heart-shaped things. And my husband has not yet found it. That's it)))

Irina, 48 years old .
I wanted to lose weight without exercise. I did not think about diets. Believe me, no, found the stones in the bile, put on a diet. And I'm all paws "for! !" after a couple of severe attacks. Now I'm on a diet, eat apples and cottage cheese and lose weight. And I really love what I eat.

Video: Documentary "The Secret": the power of the law of attraction

  • Mar 16, 2018
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