Are the packaged juices useful?

Many people to make up supplies of trace elements and vitamins in the body, prefer to drink juices from packets. Are there any useful substances in such a drink?

Of course, no one will argue that the freshly squeezed juice is much tastier and more useful, but you can never be sure that you buy quality fruits and vegetables for juice. The longer the fruit and vegetables are stored, the less useful components they contain. Freshly squeezed juice should be drunk within 15 minutes after cooking, so most people prefer to buy ready-made packaged juice in order not to waste time and extra money.

How do juices in packages

On the shelves of stores you can always see a lot of juices in a very bright and beautiful package. Producers make different juices, and, depending on the method of preparation, these drinks can be restored or directly pressed.

Direct-pressed juices are produced only from vegetables and fruits during the harvest season directly in the regions where they grow. After pressing, the drinks are pasteurized. This is done in order to increase the expiration dates. At the end of the production, the juices are poured into sterile containers. The shelf life of the juice of direct spin is short, so it is usually sold where it was produced.

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Restored juices are made from natural concentrated juices, which are made, like the juice of direct pressing, in the places of growth of berries, vegetables and fruits. After that, the natural juice is subjected to evaporation. The beverage obtained in a concentrated form is delivered to the place of production of reconstituted juice, which is made with the addition of water.

Modern technologies have become very sparing, so you can talk about the maximum preservation of vitamins and trace elements in juices after reconstitution.

Types and composition of packaged juices

The composition of the juice can be divided into two types: nectar and one hundred percent juice. There is, however, another species that is officially called "a drink from juice."The content of natural juice in such beverages does not exceed 10-12%, and therefore, only very unscrupulous sellers can call these packaged drinks juices.

Nectars are made from natural concentrated juices with the addition of drinking water. They are produced when fruit juice can not be cooked. There are two reasons for this: either the 100% juice turned out to be very thick, or very tart. As a rule, the content of natural juice in them varies from 30-35 to 50-60%.In addition, sugar( or other sweeteners) and citric acid are often added to nectars.

One hundred percent juices are uncolored, clarified or with pulp. A clarified drink is a juice that is completely purified by a non-chemical method from the pulp. The non-clarified drink has a viscous consistency, a small amount of pulp is left in it. Juice with pulp will always contain vegetable or fruit puree. Such juice is considered to be the most useful and nutritious, quickly saturates the body and contains dietary fibers necessary for normal digestion.

Nutrition and health
  • Mar 16, 2018
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