What to submit to the rice

Boiled rice is especially tasty when it is not used on its own. Without additional ingredients, rice porridge turns lean, not everyone will eat it with pleasure. But if you give something to the table with the rice. .. Just now?

What to cook for rice

Of course, meat!

Boiled rice is perfectly combined with meat sauce. In principle, he will like even the fans of pilaf: the ingredients are the same. Here is the simplest recipe.

In the kozanok or in a frying pan in the lid pour a little fat( lean oil, internal fat - someone that loves).Preheat the vessel, put the onion in a hot fat. Passerue until golden brown. There also send finely grated carrots. Slightly pripuskayte.

Now you can do meat. Beef, pork, chicken( on taste) cut into oblong slabs and sent roasted. Stir several times. After add boiling water or broth, cover with a lid, stew until soft.

At the end add the tomato paste and about a spoonful of flour, for the consistency consistency. This gravy can also be served separately, and the rice on top of beautifully laid out.

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Fish: tasty and useful

The second in combination with rice is fish. How to cook it for rice? There are several options.

  1. Bake in foil. Finished pieces, peeled from the insides and scales. Sprinkled with spices for fish dishes. Baked in foil, the fish becomes tender, delicious, soft.
  2. Fire. Send portions to a frying pan with hot vegetable oil. Pre-salt and pour in flour. As an option, you can use lezones: an egg, whipped with salt and flour.
  3. You can put fish to the rice and put it out. Capelin, for example. With a small amount of onions, spices, water and salt. Get the option with liquid gravy.

What else can I serve with rice

  • If you do not really want to mess around, use the ready-made option - canned food. Do you open fish, stew, put it in a metal container, warm it up. Here's a partner of rice.
  • Cutlets. Homemade, purchased semi-finished products, fried in a frying pan or in a saucepan. For lovers of a more delicate food, a steam version is suitable. You can serve this combination in a large dish, with edging of cutlets.
  • Stewed cabbage. The recipe for its preparation is known to every hostess. And to taste better, when stewing a chopped vegetable, a little stuffing is added. Or diced sausage.
  • The sausage version is also suitable for rice. This can be boiled sausages, toasted sausages, pieces of halved boiled sausage and ham.
  • Rice is perfectly combined with sweet additives. With jam, for example. Or cooked dried fruits, candy dragees, raisins and compote. So you can cook for holidays.

This is far from all options, with which you can serve rice. Experiments will help you find your own, the most delicious dish.

Selection, storage, preparation
  • Mar 16, 2018
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