White, shiny teeth indicate that a person is successful and healthy.
If the smile is pleasant, then communication with the interlocutor will not cause problems.
When conducting business negotiations, white teeth are an obligatory attribute, this is stated by the ethics of modern business.
Contents of
- But it's always so radiant. ..
- Complex of provoking factors
- All shades of rainbow in the mouth
- Methods for restoration of whiteness and beauty
- Prevention methods
But it's always so radiant. ..
Disco color in dental practice is called the discoloration of teeth that is caused by thoseor other reasons. This is by no means a disease, but you do not need to ignore it.
Often the color of tooth enamel is far from white. This phenomenon is found everywhere - teeth begin to change their color for nothing. Change in the color of the enamel can be acquired in the process of life or be congenital - hereditary.
Complex of provoking factors
The reasons for the discoloration of teeth are numerous and varied. Change in the shade of enamel can occur both for reasons of external influence, and because of internal problems associated with the body.
If the color irregularities are external, it is caused by external agents that are on the surface of the teeth. If internal, it is the result of getting into the tooth tissues of agents possessing a coloring effect.
External factors include the use of coloring drinks and products, for example:
- coffee;
- firmly brewed tea;
- red wine;
- some kinds of fruits and vegetables.
Another common reason is smoking. Smokers with experience have teeth with pronounced yellowness. Also, if a little or is bad for brushing your teeth, yellowing is also formed.
Some of the preparations taken internally can stain the tooth enamel. One such is tetracycline.
In children, staining can occur due to infection obtained before their birth. Trauma can affect the color of the teeth.
Sometimes even water can cause discoloritis, as it can be saturated with minerals and salt impurities.
Internal causes are often associated with genetics. As a result, in some, the enamel may be lighter, while in others, it is darker. There is one more reason - the lack of saliva caused by certain diseases.
All shades of the rainbow in the mouth
Plaque can have not only a standard yellow tint. There are many other types of discolorite, each of which has its own characteristics:
- Brown enamel color can appear in people who do not follow oral hygiene and using toothpaste, which contains harmful cleaning and polishing agents. The exact cause of the occurrence of a brown coating is not known. There is an assumption that it is formed due to the precipitation of tannin, which is in coffee, tea and other similar beverages.
- Tobacco is extremely resistant, has a brown color with a dark tinge or gray. It can be found on the cervical third or half of the crown part of the teeth. Staining is due to the fact that the coal tar sits safely on the surface of the enamel, it can also be in the structure of the tooth, getting there through the enamel. How strong a discolor will not depend on the amount of tobacco that a person consumes. But there is a relationship between the amount of deposits on the teeth and the degree of roughness of the enamel. If a person chews tobacco, the staining will be stronger.
- black can be seen on the surface of the tongue of the tongue and vestibular type closer to the edge of the gum. It is tight is located on the surface. Remove it with a toothbrush and paste is very difficult. It also has the property of recovering. Often found in women, as well as in people who are constantly monitoring the hygiene of their mouth.
- The green attack looks like a dense plaque that closely contacts the area of the gingival third of the central RF incisors. Often found in children, especially boys. According to some reports, this discolorite is a colored remains of the dental cuticle. Green deposits are formed under the influence of bacteria and fungi. They can develop only in the light. After removal has a propensity for recovery.
- Orange discolor is not common. It affects about 3% of the population. In its appearance, the bacteria of the chromogenic type and poor hygiene are to blame. Remove it from the surface of the teeth easily.
- Metallic plaque can be formed in those who work in production. Experiments have been carried out which proved that even if the enamel is highly mineralized, it can be affected by ions and molecules. Typical industrial impact of substances such as silver, manganese, iron, mercury, which can cause a change in the color of the enamel on the dark.
- Mercury and lead cause discolorations of gray .
- Chromic acid vapors - of orange .
Methods for restoration of whiteness and beauty
There is not one way to cope with enamel staining. Sometimes you just need to apply special gels with whitening effect, and also get rid of some bad habits.
If you quit smoking, do not drink coffee, drink less tea, then the risk of discoloritis decreases many times. Be sure to brush your teeth as often as possible( with gentle pastes with low abrasiveness).All this will improve the state of tooth enamel.
The hardware method of whitening does not require complex actions, it does not cause a sensation of pain and will not need to apply an anesthetic. This is suitable for those who have enamel sensitivity increased.
The algorithm as a whole looks like this:
- first clean the tooth enamel from the plaque;
- further applies a gel, which is a bleach;
- further enamel is processed by laser.
The procedure may take about an hour, the result will not be noticeable immediately. Laser bleaching allows a long-lasting effect.
The cost of such a procedure depends on how many procedures you need and on the drugs that are used. It can be unequivocally said that pleasure is not cheap.
Prevention methods
The main prevention is oral hygiene. After consuming products with a color effect, it is necessary to rinse the oral cavity.
Internal staining in certain cases is also subject to elimination. Probably, it is necessary to make treatment and cleaning of root canals in order to liquidate a pulp which has darkened. Even if the tooth is removed pulp - the enamel can still darken.
It is necessary to monitor the amount of fluoride consumed by children, but it will not be able to change the color of the enamel if it has already fully formed.
It can be said for sure that the change in the color of the teeth is due to the physico-chemical interaction between the tooth tissues and the substance that stains them.
At the moment, there are a lot of methods of bleaching and it is impossible to remove only stains that sit very deep or the most persistent ones.
If discoloritis is accompanied by changes in hard tooth tissues, doctors advise using a combination treatment: bleaching, and then restoration.
If the loss of enamel is great - bleaching is prohibited, since the procedures can disrupt the integrity of the dentin and the structure of the teeth.
When whitening live teeth, sensitivity may increase and a painful reaction to temperature stimuli may occur. Unpleasant sensation of hypersensitivity can be weakened by treatment of enamel with fluoride and restoration.
With deep coloring, whitening will lighten the enamel lightly. It is possible to completely whiten the coloring of the surface type only.
It is better not to engage in such procedures at home and refer to specialists. It is necessary to identify the cause of discoloritis and apply for cosmetology treatment.