It seems that very recently you raced to the registrar in a car with a pink-cheeked navel on the hood, drank champagne from a glass decorated with a guipure ribbon and wiped the cheek from kisses of 150 "only the closest" relatives and friends ", and today one has to think, how to survive a divorcewith her husband .
Do not be sad! We'll tell you how to do this, keeping the nerve cells and the reputation of an adequate, intelligent woman.
Everything will be fine and even better: 4 best tips, how to survive a divorce from your beloved husband
Tip # 1.Negative: find and neutralize.
Before entering a confident gait into a wonderful bright future, we recommend starting the solution of the question "How to survive the divorce from the husband" with "general cleaning" in the head:
Find a way to throw out negative emotions.
Want - perebeyte all the dishes that you were presented for the wedding( anyway you disliked at first sight that golden service with thick-piled Cupids), you want - tear wedding photos( "Oh, what a pity, oh, what small pieces") or prisrisovyvayut to the formerhusband horns and hooves.
Well, if you think for a little longer than 5 minutes, we are confident that you will have your own wonderful ideas, how you can have fun.
If you want to more or less painlessly survive a divorce from your husband, do not try to "digest" everything in yourself.
First weeks boldly "get" whining girlfriends, older sister and compassionate colleagues. They are not sugar, your tears and snot do not melt.
Not enough? Then "line" on thematic forums, chats and groups in social networks.
Take care of yourself "in full".
Come at 7 pm from work and begin to sob in three streams in an empty apartment "How to survive a divorce from your beloved husband?"
And did not try to run off to fitness, chat on an interesting forum, make an appointment for a manicure and visit a girl who was stupid from pans and diapersa decree?
Another great option is to go out of your way to work to prove to yourself and others that you are not only a beauty, but also a rare clever woman.
Tip # 2.Throw away your thoughts from the series "I'll take revenge, and" my revenge "is terrible!"
Divorce with her husband needs to be lived through, without hitting her face in the mud:
Do not yell at the husband with a good mate and do not use the entire vocabulary of your uncle trucker.
A screaming, aggressive woman is not a sight for the faint of heart.
To survive a divorce with your husband is worth it, do not try to limit his communication with your common children.
Believe, it can pour out then well into very large complexes in their adult life. Do you want it? For psychologists, then they carry?
Do not gossip with your general acquaintances about the leaky socks, ridiculous salary and bedmates of your ex-husband.
First, bury your reputation of a well-bred woman once and for all "below the baseboard," and secondly, who can guarantee that the ex-kotik in revenge will not begin to drag out your "dirty laundry", includingand the fact that the top of your culinary skill is mashed potatoes and herring?
Do not try to drag to your mother bought once with her husband a plasma TV, a laptop or family silver ( if you were lucky enough to marry an offspring of a noble family), because according to the law you still have to share all that is "acquired by an unbearable path".
And on generous alimony and material assistance after a divorce from her husband, then you can not count. Believe me, the image of "poor, but proud" in this case will only benefit you.
I want to divorce my husband: 7 legal nuances
Tip # 3.Do not rush "into the pool with a head."
Yes, we understand how you want to show your ex-loved one that you are a "woman, pleasant in every way" and able to charm any man within a radius of three kilometers with one sweep of the left eyebrow, but do not immediately seek a replacement for her husband. You immediately after the divorce will compare everyone with the ex-spouse, look for each "wormhole" and guess: "What's wrong with that?".
Therefore, after a divorce, give yourself time to "get tired".
Tip # 4. Happy and free!
So, to survive the divorce from her husband, you managed to overcome negative emotions and managed not to cut into his thin ribbons his favorite costume, then you are ready for a new life:
Extend the maximum circle of your communication.
And do not tell us that you are already over 35 and by nature you are a complete introvert.
"I believe that the true friendship is not based on the fact that you happened to be in one place at the same time( school, institute, work) and are attracting a" friendly strap ", but similar life values. For example, I met my best friend at a training in graphology, because she, like me, is fond of psychology and self-development. By the way, at one time, we helped each other outlive divorces with their beloved husbands: they "walked" each other around the city, dumped links to interesting forums, "spent the night in the kitchen with a cup of coffee",
- teacher Ksenia from Novgorod tells.
To easily experience a divorce from your husband, find yourself a new hobby or remember the old ones.
How many years in the closet dusting a picture of beads, which you "threatened" to finish by the birthday of her husband? And remember, how did you dream of renting a bicycle and driving all day around?
And how about to finally master the belly dance to envy all the girlfriends? Dare!
After all, life, even after a divorce from your beloved husband, is an extremely fascinating thing, and no social networks or forums will replace the smell of a freshly baked blueberry cake or a balloon flight( yes, yes, and this can be arranged for yourself!).
Travel smartly to experience a divorce.
We "agitate" you not for "hamster" "All Inclusive" somewhere in Turkey or Egypt, when it only remains that lying on the beach, think "Divorce with her husband! How to survive? ", But for real adventures with a backpack behind his shoulders, spending the night in a tent and long walks through the pedestrian streets of unfamiliar cities.
When it is there to grieve, how to survive a divorce from your beloved husband?
How to survive the divorce from her husband and find her calling: true story Julia
With the fragile, elegant Yulichka, the author of the article met at the fair of hand-made-goods.
The girl surprised that she ate a couple of spoons of her own cooking shampoo to prove to her colleague "by the shop" that all the home cosmetics presented by her consists of natural ingredients. All this performance was carefully fixed on the video camera!
Well, how was it not to invite this blond angel to coffee?
As it turned out, the hobby of Julia home cosmetics began after she divorced her husband.
"After 5 years of happy, I thought, marriage, my husband announced that he was leaving me to the cashier from a supermarket near our house. I was just in a trance. To completely not go mad, I had to think carefully about what to do with my hands and head. I remembered my long-time fascination with cooking all kinds of masks, scrubs, balms. Then one girlfriend gave something, then the second. And then, thanks to the "word of mouth", orders from strangers began to arrive. So the divorce became a "magic pendel" to finally start earning your favorite business, "
- Julia shared.
By the way, now the girl has a queue of wishing to make her hair silky, and the skin - velvety without any "chemistry".
Reading and waving to the former spouse: 5 best books that will teach how to survive the divorce from her husband
Instead of scribbling about the ex-wife angry post on the forum lengthy with "War and Peace", read a better book about how to competentlyto survive a divorce from her husband:
No. | Book title | Author | |
1 | "7 true stories. How to survive the divorce" | A. Kurpatov | |
2 | "Life after the divorce. I live, breathe, I love » | E.Efimova |
3 | « Inoculation from divorce » | L. Stoletova | |
4 | « Divorce for dummies » | D. Ventura | |
5 | « History of divorces » | O. Ikwik |
The power of art: 10 inspirational films about howsurvive the divorce from your beloved husband and start a new life.
. The heroines of these films will help you understand that divorce from the husband can and can be experienced:
No. | Film title | Released |
1 | "Single woman" | 1978 |
2 | "Nader's Divorce and Simin" | 2011 |
3 | "Husbands andwives » | 1992 |
4 | « Squid and whale » | 2005 |
5 | « Liar, liar » | 1997 |
6 | Kramer vs. Kramer | 1979 |
7 | "Quite Words" | 2013 |
8 | "Selista and Jesse Forever" | 2012 |
9 | "Likes-dislikes" | 2011 |
10 | "Three Colors: White" | 1993 |
Do not know how to survive a divorce from your husband?
Watch our video:
How to survive a divorce from your husband: a forum to help you!
For those who want to cry at the waistcoat if not the best friend, then at least the virtual interlocutors and find "sisters in misfortune", we give links to forums where women share their experiences, how to survive the divorce from her husband:
- http: // 28185
- /forum/family/ independent-mom /458129/ index.html
- http: // semeynyy-vopros / kak-perezhit-razvod-t73687.html
- http: // t25781
The main thing to understand is the young ladies who are tormentedissue "Divorce with her husband. How to survive? ", more than Shakespeare's Hamlet, the notorious" To be or not to be? "- this is what depends on them only, to perceive parting as a tragedy of universal scale or to look at this event as an opportunity to start a new life - without tears, hystericsand scandals.