Oh, pity me, regret or why people complain about life?

Until I started discussing on the topic: why people complain about the life of - I want to remind you, do not forget to subscribe to the mailing of my articles( subscribe at the end of this article) to your mail! What for? Just want that you have taken the habit of feeding your brain every day with only useful information that will be useful in the future( than cosines and sinuses in school:) )!

For example, if you ask an average American how he is doing, then in the answer, most likely, hear: "Fine, thank You" or "All right".

These answers, backed up by a radiant smile, are translated as "Great, wonderful, wonderful."

At the same time it does not matter if his answer corresponds to the real state of affairs, an American will never load you with his problems.

Asking the same thing of your compatriot, you are more likely to run into the answers "Normal", "Happen and better", "So-so", and even - "Everything is bad."

But the funny thing is that the case with your interlocutor can go just fine, and he has no problems, so where does the constant dejection come from?

instagram viewer

Schaub not jinxed?

And just in case, suddenly poploheet?

The situation with people who constantly complain about life is even worse.

Even if you do not know each other or have not seen each other for 150 years, then in case of an accidental meeting, you will necessarily be provided with "valuable" information about the deterioration of health, the scoundrel-husband, the chief satrap, the thieves in the government, etc.

The motto of the eternal mourners can be summed up as follows: "Chief, it's missing!"

Where do those who constantly whine, what are the reasons for their behavior and why in any case should not be followed by their example, let's try to figure it out.

So, what are you, an energetic vampire. ..

I'll start with the background. ..

My close friend works in a small female team.

Girls are all young, well friends, common topics for discussion at dinner - the sea, but there is one thing: the boss.

This is an elderly lonely lady whose son lives far away.

And this very son, having decided to become a successful person, took a bank loan, laying down his mother's apartment.

The dollar jumped, interest increased, there was nothing to pay, and the bank, of course, is not a charitable organization.

And as soon as the problems started, a friend with colleagues had to listen to complaints about life hard.

At first they sympathized, then they kept silent, then they began to change the subject of the conversation, and at the end they tried to escape.

Girlfriend told: here imagine, we come sutra in a good mood, for the morning coffee I want to show off new things, tell about the interesting movie or the transfer, and then there is a barrel organ: "The bank, the reptile, the apartment selects."

The headmistress poured out her portion of negativity to us on her head, she even got better, and then we sit all day, drooping.

Here's to you a clear sign of energy vampirism!

With his troubles, at least through complaints, a person tries to share with others.

And, that the source of them - he himself.

Well, after all, no one forced to take a foreign currency loan, make an apartment, and signing the contract, they also agreed with his terms.

So why transfer the blame to the bank?

Stop being sorry - useful advice!

I advised my friend in this situation to block information coming from the headmistress.

It's better not to listen at all to what she's saying, in any case, do not maintain a conversation and do not show after him that you have a worsened mood.

Sooner or later, she will get tired of complaining about life if she sees that you do not react to it.

Recently, a friend confirmed - worked.

Why are they doing this?

There are a lot of reasons why people complain about the life of , but we will distinguish three main ones:

  • The image of the victim is to my face.

    People-victims really exist.

    And they choose this role consciously, and they do not intend to refuse it.

    They do not want anything from others, they just like it when they feel sorry for them.

  • Help, than you can.

    The second type of people complaining is pushing the desire to gain.

    And it's not about moral support, but about helping with money, housing, transport, etc.

    Even if this person rented an apartment in the very center of the city for rent, and he already has 10 such apartments - he will still mow under the poor and unfortunate "relative" who never has money!

    It's better to stay away from such people if, of course, this is not a close person, who really needs help.

  • I'm a girl, I do not want to decide anything.

    The gender issue is absolutely irrelevant here.

    I mean people who shift responsibility for their mistakes to someone else or refuse to make any decisions at all.

    In conversation, they operate with abstract concepts and phrases like: "Such is my fate", "You can not fight against fate", "How can I fight fate" and the like.

    With such whiners and losers it is better not to enter into discussions. They will not be able to use your help or your advice.

Do not fill in the casting of the

mourners. For reasons that push people to constantly whine, we sort of sorted it out, but now I'll explain to you, why it's not worth complaining about the life of ?

  • First of all, most of the problems that we are accustomed to complain about are quite solvable.

    Diseases have become aggravated - go to the doctor, do not have enough money - change jobs, do not arrange family life - talk to the spouse, make a romantic trip, etc.

  • Secondly, the time and effort that we spend on complaints, it is better to spend on solving specific problems.

    From the fact that you will spoil the mood of others, it will not be easier for you to live!

    Why do you need to start self-development?

  • Third, constantly complaining about trifles, such as "could not get to the concert", "TV broke down", "tights torn", etc., you sooner or later will bring real problems into your life.

    Project your life not "all bad", but "Everything is wonderful!"

  • Fourthly, the same life, destiny, fate, which are so fond of failing, like only the strong and the brave.

    You will definitely be lucky if you learn to take responsibility for your actions and bravely fight against failure.

  • Fifth, bad habits in the life of successful people are unacceptable.

    The habit of constantly complaining also destroys your life, like cigarettes or alcohol.

Watch this video and start acting today!

People complain about the life of , not realizing that they are often the source of the problems themselves.

It is about them that they are often disparagedly told: "Losers, whiners".

After all, you do not want to be among them?

  • Mar 16, 2018
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