Many people face such a problem, as a violation of the normal bite of the teeth. This is not critical for a full life, but brings both some purely functional inconveniences, and a deterioration in the appearance of a person, his smile.
When teeth even slightly abnormally adjoin one another, this immediately becomes noticeable and causes some discomfort and inconvenience in communication. This problem is tried in different ways, but one of the most modern ways to correct bite is using TwinBlock.
Twin Block is a special device consisting of two basic plates, for the upper and lower jaws, also the design includes occlusal blocks with inclined planes, clasps. Here, in case of need, you can also add different kinds of arcs, springs, control screws.
Such a variety of solutions is explained by the fact that each patient has his own individual deviations and not all of them are treated equally easily. As a rule, even a basic version with two correcting plates is enough for effective bite correction.
The twin block is put on the patient's jaw for a fairly long time( depending on the level of curvature of the teeth) and performs its useful function imperceptibly, but efficiently.7 months is enough to completely correct the bite.
Contents of
- Strengths and weaknesses of
- When
- plates can be worn
- design types Typical
- construction How
- works
- treatment process
cost Strengths and weaknesses of the
As with any other device, the Twinblock has both positive andSome negative points of their use, which you should know about everyone who is going to use this device.
Since the methods of manufacturing plates and the level of their "fit" for the needs of each individual patient are quite accurate and constantly improved, Twin Block allows you to correct even strong deviations in the normal development of teeth in adolescents and adults. Wearing them usually does not present much difficulty and problems, and the results are actually always very positive.
The strengths of this design is:
- is manufactured quickly enough;
- wear a twinblock does not present any problem; it causes the most minimal discomfort and exclusively at the beginning of the treatment process;
- plates are very easy to remove and clean.
If we talk about the disadvantages of this device, then we can note the following: if the patient is too often during the day to remove the plate, the therapeutic effect will be very weak, if at all. Plates should be worn about 22 hours a day. Some people are very tired.
When you can wear
plates Application of the Twin Block design will be most desired in the following cases:
- incorrect incline of some teeth on both the upper and lower jaws;
- problems with the closing of the teeth, especially the incisors - the so-called sagittal cracks;
- strong incisal overlapping each other;
- cases where the teeth, especially the front teeth, are poor or do not contact each other.
These are only a few cases where a twinblock can be an excellent option for correction of occlusion.
As for contraindications to the use of the design, there are very few of them. It is worth saying that the most effective wearing these plates is in childhood and adolescence, up to about 14-15 years.
If we talk about an adult person, then the given orthodontic design may not help, or the effect will be relatively weak.
You should also be wary of using this device if the person has any problems and gum disease. Consultation with a doctor will clarify this issue in each case.
Design Species
As already mentioned in passing, depending on the tasks assigned to the device and individual deviations from the teeth of each individual patient, its design may be somewhat different.
The twin blocks differ in class and in the Engle subclass as follows:
- 2 of class 1 of the subclass .Variant in which the treatment of deep incisal overlap and narrowing of dental arches to an acceptable state is performed. For this purpose the device is installed in a special way with the use of a screw, which at each visit of the doctor, once a week, is slightly turned. This achieves a gradual expansion of the dental arch. Often in this modification, additional springs and arcs are used for better efficiency.
- 2 class 2 subclass of .Works in case of need to correct shortened dental arches and twisting of teeth in the anterior section. In the screws installed here, you also need to perform a regular adjustment, approximately every 4 days.
- 3 class .Used to correct the torsion of the canines, the shortened dentition, works most effectively in case of correction in the vertical plane.
These are the main types of construction according to the Engle classification. They may be slightly different in each individual case, but in general they meet the typical tasks mentioned above.
Typical design of the
The design of each individual device will depend on the individual characteristics of the patient and the problems that he needs to solve. The main operating parts are:
- Base plates .This is the main part of the design that directly influences the gums and muscles of the person in order to correct the problems with the teeth. They are made for each person separately, taking into account the peculiarities of his gums and oral cavity.
- Leveling arcs .Metal parts that cause the plates to act. They can create a different voltage, which varies with the help of screws.
- screws are required to adjust the required level of plate compression. Their position is corrected by the doctor during the entire period of human treatment.
There are other, less common parts of this design, it all depends on specific goals.
How the
works As for the question of what mechanism is used to correct the occlusion and other problems with the teeth with twinblocks, the answer here is quite simple: thanks to a constant mechanical effect on the required zones.
Used arcs, screws in the plates create a constantly acting mechanical stress, which the doctor directs in such a way that it acts on correcting the negative dental effect. Due to this constant effect, the structure of the jaws gradually changes: the teeth move in the direction established by them, they twist into a normal state.
This is a very slow healing process, usually it lasts more than one month and occurs stepwise: after each week of wearing the plates, the doctor twists the screws slightly, corrects the direction and tension of the aligning arcs. Thus, a useful effect on the desired places and their correction after a certain time is achieved.
Treatment process
Treatment of malocclusion with this device begins with a visit to the doctor, who must carefully examine the mouth cavity, diagnose and develop a plan to fix this or that problem.
For making plates, special anatomical impressions are made, which help to convey the entire individuality of the structure of the jaws of each particular patient.
Before the production of the working plates directly, wax prototypes can be made. They help to identify bite disorders and assign the best ways to correct it. Later, the working version of the device is already made.
When the twin block is ready, it is adjusted and installed in the oral cavity. Further the doctor is obliged to give out to the person certain recommendations on wearing and care of the device.
First the plates are allowed to be removed, for example, with food, but over time, when accustoming to them, it is better not to do it, as during chewing the greatest stresses on teeth and gums occur, and correction at these moments occurs most effectively.
There are such main tips for wearing the Twin Block:
- you need to try to wear the device around the clock, only in this way you can get the maximum result;
- when cleaning teeth the device is allowed to be removed, but it must be remembered that the twinblock itself also needs to be cleaned;
- should be regularly visited by the attending physician, he will constantly adjust the device's action and look at the current situation;
- , depending on the degree of development of the deviation, the plates can be worn for a rather long time: 7-12 months.
These are the main recommendations that will help to use the design as correctly as possible.
Sometimes, in order to fix the result obtained after application of the twinblock result, the doctor can recommend some time to use braces, which also takes quite a long time - 0.5-1 year.
But here everything depends on each individual case, the effectiveness of the treatment and the presence of positive changes.
The cost of adaptation
With regard to the price that will have to be paid for the treatment of bite with the help of Twin Block, then, naturally, it can be different in different clinics, but in general the cost of the construction varies in the area of several tens of thousands of rubles.
The typical price of a full course of treatment with the help of the plate system under consideration can be about 20-60 thousand rubles.
In principle, this is tangible money, but the result is in most cases worth it, so if there is such an opportunity, do not save it.