A cold is not just a danger to stay a few days with a stuffy nose. If it is not cured in time, there is a risk of overgrowing the common cold into more complex forms of the disease.
One of them is sinusitis. Inflammation of the maxillary sinus airways is a natural result of an untreated cold, SARS, a blocked nose and sore throat. There are people who suffer from sinusitis all year round. But most often this disease comes upon us, when the autumn season is the season for the change of autumn for the winter. Here the causes, signs and methods of treatment of such a disease as sinusitis are described in detail. By reference, you will find signs of sinusitis in young children.
Genyantritis should not just "heal" and get rid of its symptoms. To the sore did not return again, it is necessary to act on your nasal mucous membranes constantly and with proven means. Such as the German drug Sinupret.
- 1 Action
- 2 Form
- 3 How to use: Instruction
- 4 The price of the preparation
- 5 Reviews
- 6 Analogues
Sinupret has gained popularity among cold and sinusitis patients due to its effectiveness in fighting with stuffy nose, swelling of mucous membranes and removal of stagnant sputum from our body. It has a natural composition, so it can be used for children and pregnant women. The acceptable price and different forms of release complement the advantages of Sinupret.
The preparation contains the following natural extracts:
- Verbena herb.
- Primrose.
- The elder.
- Sorrel.
- The root of a gentian.
These plants have powerful antiviral, immunomodulating, disinfecting and diluting effects. The extract of sorrel removes the mucus edema, as a result of which the nose breathes better. The root of gentian leaves sputum due to its secretolitic and mucological properties. Verbena grass kills harmful microflora and viral infections.
All otolaryngologists unanimously speak about the safety of Sinupret. The natural composition and perfectly selected proportions of active ingredients made it safe for normal intestinal microflora. Unlike antibiotics after the course of treatment, Sinupret does not need to restore the damaged functions of the body.
Therefore, Sinupret can be used for allergic people, small children, pregnant and nursing and other people with individual characteristics, which are always taken into account in the appointment of treatment of sinusitis. However, Sinupret is often prescribed together with antibiotics. Under the link you can see a list of inexpensive antibiotics for sinusitis.
The mechanism of action of Sinupret on the maxillary sinuses is manifested in the liquefaction of mucus. After a week or two of taking the drug, phlegm and mucus no longer stay in the nose and throat. The purulent puffiness disappears, the body begins to fight itself with the accumulated mucus. Antiviral action of Sinupret does not allow harmful microorganisms to gain a foothold in sinuses. And immunomodulating functions provide the body with everything necessary for independent victory over the disease.
Form of release
Sinupret is available in several forms. These are drops, syrup, tablets and tablets. We will describe each of these species from the position of maximum efficiency for people with different forms of sinusitis, of different ages and with their own characteristics.
- Tablets The commonly found form of release of Sinupret. Designed for adults. Provides all the above described actions due to the fact that the active enzymes of the drug dissolve in the small intestine and from there are transferred to the maxillary sinuses. There are tablets of usual action and strengthened - Sinupret Forte. In the photo - Sinupret in tablets with genyantritis:
- Dragee. The same tablets, but covered with a special shell. This is done so that the substance enters the intestine without loss of stomach and esophagus. They do not need to bite, but only swallow.
- Drops. Alcohol solution Sinupret for some people is more convenient than tablets. Ethanol helps plant extracts to enter our body in a minimal period of time.
- Syrup. For children of preschool age and nursery group there is Sinupret syrup. It does not contain alcohol and is safe for children. In the rest it is still the same as in other forms of this natural preparation. The syrup has a pleasant cherry flavor.
How to take: Instruction
The greatest care should be exercised when Sinupret is taken by children from 2 to 5 years of age. They are given a teaspoon of syrup 3 times a day. Or you can replace the syrup with 15 drops of Sinupret. But remember that they include alcohol ethanol. Therefore it is better for small children to still choose on syrup.
Children from 6 to 12 years can be given pills or pills. One by one 3 times a day. The entire course of treatment does not exceed two weeks. The earlier the course of use of Sinupret is started, the faster you can feel the symptoms of recovery.
Adults and children from 12 years can take Sinupret for two tablets or 50 drops three times a day. This course is enough to make the genyantritis move from active to fading stage. And then the body itself copes with it on its own.
Separately it is worth mentioning the use of Sinupret during pregnancy and lactation. At a genyantritis at the future mum it is better to stop the choice on tablets or dragees, as drops have in the structure alcohol.
The price of the preparation
- Packing Sinupret dragee 50 pcs.- 350 rubles.
- Tablets - 250-350 rub.
- Drops Sinupret 100 ml.- 390 rubles.
- Syrup for children - 400 rub.
For those who are severely treated with antibiotics and strong medication, Sinupret is the only right decision. Its merits - soft disposal of mucus, increased body strength, selective effects on irritants and complete safety even for children.
More often complete recovery from symptoms of sinusitis occurs after 7-15 days of taking Sinupret. It is possible to use a combination with other medicinal preparations to purify the maxillary sinuses from pus and mucus.
- Olga, 29 years old: "The fight with the genyantritis has haunted me since I was 18 years old. During my life I had to try a lot of antibiotics, herbs, tablets and even hormonal drugs. Some helped at once, others did not. But after all of them it was necessary to restore the intestinal microflora anew. This is not a negative for the Sinupret. In autumn, winter and early spring, I drink one tablet a day for prophylaxis and 3 if the sinusitis still breaks through. My opinion is that Sinupret is the safest drug against colds and sinusitis for long-term use. The question is whether sinupret helps with genyantritis, I will answer unambiguously, yes. It does not break any processes in the body and does not give allergic reactions. I would call this "soft treatment" without side effects and guessing with dosage. "
- Christina, 42 years old: " My children use cold only Sinupret. No antibiotics and pills! We soar up the legs, do inhalations, stop walking and take the Sinupret drops. Usually, 7-11 days is enough for both the son and daughter to get rid of the stuffy nose and hoarse throat. My son is 5 years old, my daughter is 8. Simultaneously with Sinupret I wash my nose with infusion of the herbal collection for the nose and throat. "
- Darina, 45: "Our pediatrician diagnosed" sinusitis "and prescribed drops of Sinupret. In my opinion, they are better than tablets, since they start to act immediately, and do not wait for them to dissolve gastrointestinal juice. I give the child 20 drops each morning, afternoon and evening. A week of treatment had already passed, while only the edema subsided and the redness disappeared. Slime and sputum is still there, but in a smaller amount. "
- Nina, 44 years old: "In my purse there's always a Sinupret phyto-cup. This drug for a year allows me and my husband in the autumn not to suffer from a clogged nose, sinusitis and sinusitis."Sinupret" is literally our savior. Before that, my husband pumped pus every year, and I went for two months with a stuffy nose. Now we almost do not notice a change in the weather between autumn and winter. The nose breathes smoothly, the throat does not crack, the maxillary sinuses do not clog. I recommend Sinupret not only to children, but also to adults. His one is enough for both prevention and treatment of advanced sinusitis and sinusitis. "
Here you can see the reviews, than you can treat sinusitis.
Read how to treat an allergic cough in a child.
List of drops for allergic rhinitis: http: //prolor.ru/n/ bolezni-n /rinit/ kapli-v-nos-pri-allergicheskom.html.
Here you can get acquainted with the reviews about the syrup from cough Erespal.
If you can not get Sinupret or the doctor does not allow its use, you can refer to its analogues.
- Teraflu
- CombiGRIPP
- Fervex is an inexpensive and effective remedy for the common cold and blocked maxillary sinuses. They are dispensed in pharmacies without a prescription and are suitable for preschool children.
Even more simple, though not so effective, are Dr Mom and Gedelix. They can be used both to treat sinusitis along with Sinupret, and to conduct a preventive course before changing weather and climate.
Faringhoton, Papalor and Bioparox are more powerful medicines. But their use must be in harmony with the doctor, so that there will be no side effects and complications. Here the prevention of genyantritis at home is described. The link describes possible complications of sinusitis in adults. For treatment, you can also use a spray of sinusitis with an antibiotic.