Scraping may be needed in the treatment of gynecological pathologies, because of the need for abortion, diagnosis. Manipulation is considered by specialists, as a full-fledged surgical operation, after which negative consequences are possible. Therefore, brown discharge after scraping should be evaluated, since they may indicate additional problems.
- 1 Causes of the appearance of
- 2 excretions How long are the excretions after scraping
- 3 Which excretions are considered normal and what signals the pathology of
- 4 When it's time to see a doctor
Reasons for the appearance of
discharge The procedure is the separation of the superficial part of the uterine mucosa, sometimes together with the contents of the cavity. That is, when scraping is about the same as during menstruation. Only in critical days the endometrium gradually dies off and is also slowly withdrawn, which takes a time interval of up to 7 days. And at a curettage process fits in 30 - 40 minutes.
The uterine mucosa is not always ready for rejection, although doctors choose the time for manipulation so that it is maximally physiological. And yet after it the inner surface is a wound. It needs healing, which takes time. Endometrial regeneration takes place accompanied by secretions from the genital tract.
This process is not always healthy. Scraping can cause negative consequences:
- joining infection;
- acute inflammation of the endometrium;
- leaving in the uterine cavity of the tissues to be separated.
Then the contents leaving the genital tract will have a different appearance and character than in the usual healing process. And they will show up longer.
How long are the discharges after scraping
Bloody discharge after scraping without complications is not one day. The duration of the healing process of the mucous uterus depends on the cause that necessitated manipulation( whether it was abortion, diagnosis, frozen pregnancy, any organ pathology).There are other circumstances that affect this sign:
- whether the woman has other pelvic pathologies;
- how well the operation was performed( compliance with sterility, qualification of the doctor);
- how much material was removed.
Brown discharge after scraping of frozen pregnancy is the longest and is considered the norm when it goes from 7 days to 3 weeks. But even here there are certain health criteria:
- , first they are rather abundant, with a clear presence of blood;
- , then their number is noticeably reduced, and the color - becomes lighter;
- by the end they can acquire the form of an ointment, which indicates the attempts of the body to restore the volume of sex hormones.
Which excretions are considered normal, and what signals about the pathology of
? For the health of the value is not only the duration of the discharge of the secretions, but also what they are. Normally, bloody mucus from the genital tract should meet the following criteria:
- be moderate in volume;
- not have a nauseating smell;
- is a uniform mass without clots.
The color of the discharge varies from red to brown. The more time passes from the moment of manipulation, the closer their hue to the second option. Dark brown discharge after curettage is detected closer to the completion of the mucosal repair process, when the remains of coagulated blood leave.
If the procedure for any reason has led to complications, they may exhibit the following symptoms:
Manifestation of | Reasons for |
Bad smell of | discharge When it is putrefactive or rotten, it is a streptococcal or staphylococcal infection, endometritis. Probably also an inadequate curettage, after which the remains of tissues are retained and decomposed in the cavity. |
Duration of excretions longer than 10 days with the remaining intensity of | . Here it is possible to suspect hormonal failure, poor-quality cleaning, insufficient blood coagulability. |
Increased Intensity | The volume of precipitates must from the very beginning tend to decrease. Uterine bleeding after scraping, when the gasket has to be changed every 3 hours, happens with endometrium( there is still a bad smell and clots), traumatizing the walls of the organ, leaving pathological tissues or remains of the embryo in it. |
Strange color of excretions | Yellow or green - evidence of infection with bacteria. Pink, observed more than one day, talk about the inflammatory process. White patches may appear due to purulent inclusions. |
When it's time to see a doctor
If the postoperative discharge does not correspond to the norm purely externally and by volume, last longer than usual, this is sufficient reason for visiting a gynecologist. Even worse, when they are supplemented by a state of health disorder:
- with abdominal pain, which is not removed by pills;
- by raising and holding heat;
- general decline of power.
No less dangerous sign is the absence of precipitates or their abrupt termination after 1 to 2 days after the start. This is the case with the retention of the contents separating from the wound surface inside the uterus due to stenosis of the neck or the formation of a hematoma on it. All this is accompanied by pain and fever.
Bloody discharge a month after scraping also dictates the need for a visit to the doctor. Perhaps this is the next menstruation, but there is also a possibility that inflammation has occurred in the reproductive organs. And not only in the uterus.
We recommend reading the article about monthly brown color. From it you will learn about the most probable causes of pathological discharge - conception, inflammatory processes, venereal infections, hormonal disorders in the body of a woman.
To detect a dysfunctional event after scraping, you do not need to be a medic. But to correct the situation you will need professional help. Perhaps, it will be in the injections of "Oxytocin", leveling the balance of hormones. And sometimes the scraping has to be done again.