Pomegranate juice is useful to everyone, especially people with reduced immunity and anemia. It contains a large amount of vitamins, acids and other biologically active substances, which have anti-inflammatory action and strengthen the defenses of the body. This fruit was used in ancient times to treat various pathological conditions. And is pomegranate juice useful for menstruation? Can this product harm the body if all contraindications are not taken into account?
- 1 What caused the beneficial properties for the body
- 1.1 Vitamins
- 1.2 Trace
- 1.3 Amino
- 1.4 Tannins
- 1.5 Polyphenols
- 2 As affects the body
- 3 potential harm
- 4 Can I drink at monthly
What caused the beneficial properties for the body
Pomegranate juice is a storehouse of vitamins, minerals, inorganic amino acids. Many believe that because of its rich red color, it is very useful for various blood diseases. To some extent this is true, but the role of pomegranate in the treatment of anemia is slightly exaggerated, although it accelerates the absorption process in the body of iron. This is due to the large content of ascorbic acid - up to 4 mg per 100 g of fruit.
So, the juice from the "granular apple" is enriched with the following curative components:
- Vitamins A, E, C, group B, PP.
- Includes about 9 varieties of amino acids. And 6 of them are irreplaceable for the human body, that is, they are not synthesized on their own, and the deficit can be replenished only upon admission from outside.
- Tannins, they are also tannins.
- Polyphenols and pectin.
- Microelements - iron( ferrum), sodium, potassium, calcium, silicon, copper, phosphorus and some others.
The content of vitamins A and E in the "granular apple" and its juice is relatively small, when compared with other products, for example, butter or eggs. However, with the regular use of this drink, the amount of them becomes significant for the organism.
Vitamin A is essential for the normal maintenance of twilight vision, and also the properties of the skin depend on it - its elasticity, elasticity and healthy appearance. With its deficiency, the epidermis becomes dry, quickly fading.
The importance of vitamin E is difficult to underestimate. It is metabolized in the body and acts like progesterone - the hormone of the second phase of the menstrual cycle. This vitamin helps normalize menstrual function in women, and also with regular use it can reduce blood loss during menstruation.
Of the B group vitamins in a pomegranate in a relatively large amount contains B1, B2, B6.Their main function is the regulation of the conduction of nerve impulses along the fibers. In addition, they form an antioxidant system of the body and help to avoid the harmful effects of radicals on the body. Vitamin B6 affects the formation of thyroid hormones, which reflects the work of the thyroid gland. In an increased amount of it, women need in the period of menopausal changes.
Pomegranate juice can increase the resistance of the body to all kinds of diseases, especially infectious. This is due to the high content of vitamin C in its composition. As you know, this is the main "fighter" with free radicals.
Many believe that a pomegranate drink is beneficial due to the ferrule present in the fruit, that is why they are included in large amounts in their diet with anemia. However, if you compare the content of this trace element in the liver and meat, then there is a hundred times more iron.
Calcium and phosphorus play a role in the mineralization of bone tissue. However, these trace elements are absorbed only at a sufficient level of vitamin D.
Sodium and potassium are necessary for the normal functioning of the cardiac muscle. And in a fresh grenade contains up to 150 mg of K, this is one of the leaders in its concentration. So, the daily reception of a drink from the "granular apple" - the prevention of the development of pathology associated with the work of the heart and blood vessels.
Amino acids
The pomegranate drink contains apple, citric, oxalic and other acids. They have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antimicrobial effects. Thanks to this, some even use this drink to gargle with a mild form of tonsillitis.
Organic amino acids, which are part of the pomegranate drink, are further the main components in the synthesis of protein and other active substances in the human body. This is important for maintaining strong immunity and building new cells.
Tannins, which are contained in large quantities in freshly squeezed pomegranate juice, give it a characteristic tart flavor, similar can be found in persimmons. Tannins have disinfectant properties, so they can be used in the treatment of stomatitis, pharyngitis, and gastrointestinal disorders.
Polyphenols play an important role in the active functioning of the body's antioxidant system. They inactivate all free radicals and harmful metabolic products that are formed during metabolism.
Look at the video about the benefits of pomegranate juice:
How it works on the body
It becomes clear that pomegranate juice is useful for everyone - both for children and adults. Complexes of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, tannins and other substances determine its healing properties.
The following positive effect of juice from the "grainy apple" can be distinguished:
- Regular use of this drink helps to maintain immunity at a high level. Therefore, pomegranate juice during menstruation is especially useful, because during this period the protective forces of the body of a woman fall.
- Organic acids are able to participate in the normalization of blood pressure, reduce cholesterol.
- Vitamins of pomegranate juice support the skin of the face and whole body healthy, beautiful, reduce the appearance of fine wrinkles. Also, to some extent, there is a regulation of menstrual function in women.
- Pomegranate juice helps to overcome anemia. First, due to the iron content. Secondly, because of the large amount of ascorbic acid. The fact is that iron is absorbed in the body only in the form of a connection with it. Therefore it is useful to drink pomegranate juice on the background of anti-anemic medicinal therapy.
- The drink has an easy diuretic effect, so it can be used with a tendency to puffiness. It also has a beneficial effect on blood pressure.
- Juice is also useful as the prevention of cancer due to the large number of antioxidant complexes.
- Containing acids, pectins and polyphenols can increase the secretion of gastric juice. Pomegranate juice is able to regulate digestion and even to some extent removes inflammation of the gastrointestinal mucosa.
- The composition of pomegranate seeds includes various fatty oils, which have a beneficial effect on all endocrine functions of a person.
- This drink helps fight pregnant women with early toxicosis. Its regular use helps to get rid of morning sickness and even vomiting during this period.
Potential damage to
Despite all the useful properties of pomegranate juice, it should be used with caution to people with certain chronic diseases.
Gently drink it to people with multiple allergic reactions to food. In this case it is better to first try to use pomegranate juice with a minimum amount or even make an allergy test on it.
Because of the high content of vitamin C and various acids, the pH of pomegranate juice is much less than 7. Therefore, people with high acidity, gastritis in the acute stage, with peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum should take it in small amounts and with other foods.
Also applies to people with gastroesophageal reflux. The main complaint in this case is heartburn, and pomegranate juice can provoke its manifestations. Do not drink and pancreatitis, since it can cause an acute attack.
People with sensitive tooth enamel drinking can bring some discomfort. Also, regular intake of pomegranate juice can cause its yellowing. Therefore in such cases it is better to drink it through a tube - and it is useful, and without any discomfort.
We recommend reading the article about vitamins with monthly. From it you will learn about ways to combat pain during menstruation, adjusting the cycle of nutrition, the need to eat fruits and vitamins.
Whether it is possible to drink at monthly
That pomegranate juice causes monthly, certainly, not absolutely the truth. It can affect the menstrual cycle due to the content of vitamin E. The latter acts like progesterone, completing the second phase. This can be the adjustment of menstrual function and the frequency of critical days is established more regularly in the redistribution of 21 - 35 days.
But in order to get this effect, regular and large consumption of pomegranate juice is necessary. So, for therapeutic action, on average, 300-400 mg of vitamin E per day is needed, for the preventive purpose, 100-200 mg is sufficient. In a fresh grenade, it is in 100 g of 0.4 mg. To get a significant effect, you need to eat 20 kg of fruit, it's somewhere 3 liters of juice. Of course, this is hardly possible.
But nevertheless, garnet in combination with other products can replenish the stores of vitamin E and C, iron. His regular intake during critical days will help to increase immunity, and will also be the prevention of anemia in women with heavy menstruation.
Pomegranate juice is effective in the fight against premenstrual syndrome. It will reduce pastness, headaches and swelling of the mammary glands due to the removal of excess fluid from the body.
Pomegranate juice is a useful product rich in vitamins and other useful substances. Its regular use will prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases, increase the protective properties of the body and strengthen all systems and organs. Especially beneficial is his influence on women on the eve and during menstruation. However, even with such a healing drink, you should be careful and study all warnings to use.