Menstruation days rarely go serenely. Manifestations of PMS many make us afraid to wait for them. One of its signs is the pressure with monthly, although, it would seem, the indicator refers more to the work of the cardiovascular system. But even if the rest of the days it does not bother a woman, its critical figures on a blood pressure monitor may deviate significantly from the norm.
- 1 Relationship of pressure and reproductive system
- 1 Relationship between pressure and reproductive system
- 1 Before menstruation
- 2.1 Why it is increased
- 2.2 If the pressure falls
- 3 Vessels during menstruation
- 3.1 High blood pressure and menstruation: is there any connection
- 3.2 What causes a decrease in pressure
- 4 Vessels after menstruation
- 1 Before menstruation
- 1 Relationship between pressure and reproductive system
The relationship of pressure and the reproductive system
The hormones that control the menstrual cycle are present in the body all the time. They depend on the cyclic development of the reproductive organs and regular rejection of the upper layer of the mucous uterus. Only the ratio of hormones on each segment of the menstrual period changes.
Pressure is the force of blood pressure on the internal walls of blood vessels. It is regulated by both nervous and hormonal factors. Influence on the index of the pituitary and hypothalamus, adrenal glands was established. These organs produce hormones that affect the vascular tone: adrenaline, glucocorticoids, aldosterone. Their influence on each other is mutually, no matter what group they belong to.
That is, sex hormones experience the existence of adrenaline, glucocorticoids and testosterone, and vice versa. Therefore, in many people, the pressure changes with monthly and immediately before the event, when the amount of substances falls.
Before menstruation
Before menstruation, power over the reproductive system takes progesterone. It is designed to create comfortable conditions for a fertilized egg, that is, loosens the endometrium, improves the blood supply of the small pelvis due to the growth and expansion of blood vessels. But since progesterone is in the blood, naturally, its influence extends to other organs.
Low or increased pressure before the monthly causes is different. And they are related they can be with the peculiarities of the process itself, and with the existing diseases.
Why it is increased
- Edema. Changes in water-salt balance in the body occur under the influence of estrogens, which play a role in the cycle. Substances help to retain moisture in tissues, including those related to the brain. This is especially sensitive in the hypothalamus region. Puffiness hinders his work on the production of hormones, which increases vascular tone and squeezes the nerve endings. That is, the effect on the capillaries is double and it reduces to their narrowing. So, the pressure before the monthly increases;
- Migraines. The nature of this disease is not known to the very end, but it is established that for its emergence, provoking factors are needed. Hormonal changes, in which there is an excess of prostaglandins - one of them. Vessels undergo frequent constriction-expansion, the blood in them is actively pulsating, from which the pressure rises before the menstrual flow;
- Irritability and tearfulness. These emotions, characteristic of PMS, are hormonal in nature. Decrease before the menstrual flow of serotonin causes feelings of anguish, depression, which provoke the reaction of blood vessels. They narrow, why the pressure before the monthly increases.
If the pressure falls
Symptoms of PMS are divided into several groups. Any woman before menstruation has symptoms belonging to each of them, but often with a predominance of one. If this is a neuropsychic group, that is, associated with manifestations in the field of nerves and emotions, it is characterized by such a sign as insomnia, anguish and a decrease in appetite. All this provides low blood pressure before menstruation.
PMS also increases existing diseases, as well as harm from negative addictions, such as smoking. Notable manifestations will be drowsiness, cravings for sweets, increased sensitivity of mammary glands. All this is evidence of a lack of vitamins, magnesium, poor supply of tissues with oxygen. Because of them, in some women a week before menstruation low blood pressure.
Menstruation vessels
Although cynics say that all women are treated the same way, they have different periods of menstruation. And the symptoms accompanying them also differ, manifesting themselves in opposite extremes. That's the pressure during menstruation can vary in different ways. Someone feels on him his elevated values. Otherwise, the vessels check the woman for strength by a sharp drop in pressure.
High blood pressure and menstruation: is there any connection
With monthly pressure rising, not only people suffering from hypertension notice, but also those who do not have similar problems at other times. The most common reason for this is hormonal. The characteristic drop in substances, even if it is not associated with a malfunction, is severely impaired due to vascular reactions.
It has already been said about different groups of PMS symptoms. If a woman predominates:
- The shape of the neck, then she feels periods of unreasonable panic, heartache and frequent overflow of the bladder. Any of these factors can cause high blood pressure, with monthly they work all;
- Edema, then there is a delay in water in the tissues, an infrequent need to visit the toilet, nausea and constipation. And these circumstances are able to call for increased blood pressure during menstruation. Swelling is noticeable mainly on the fingers and face, but the brain also suffers from excess fluid. The vessels are pinched, the pressure on their walls is increased;
- Cephalic form, it manifests itself in vegetative-vascular problems. The heart rhythm suffers, which is manifested by attacks of rapid contraction of the muscles of the organ, pain in this area. Naturally, under such circumstances, the pressure increases during menstruation.
Emotional bursts are characteristic of the menstrual period to all. When there are real reasons for this, or the girl is able to inflate a trifle from small things, it is not surprising that her pressure on menstrual pressure increases regularly. The fault is not hormones, but the central nervous system. However, it affects their composition and quantity.
The absence of menstruation is also able to respond to the functioning of the circulatory system. It happens for hormonal reasons, because of gynecological diseases, a hungry diet or stress. But in itself, the delay in monthly pressure can increase, because it is a reason for excitement in most women.
What caused the pressure drop
In some women of reproductive age, the pressure in the menstrual period decreases markedly. Some of them endure critical days like illness, unable to get out of bed. And if there is no possibility to lie down, they can lose consciousness at any moment.
Low pressure with monthly causes also has different, being in a purely reproductive area, hormonal or emotional:
- Gynecological diseases, manifested by abundant secretions. This is endometriosis, fibroids, polyps that cause a woman to lose a lot of blood from the first days of menstruation. Her hemoglobin is lowered, tissues do not receive the necessary nutrition. Oxygen supply of cerebral vessels is inadequate, therefore pressure decreases during menstruation;
- Imbalance of progestins and estrogens. When the latter significantly prevail, they affect the production of glucose, lowering it. A woman feels weak due to the resulting expansion of blood vessels. Low blood pressure during menstruation for this reason happens in fragile women with a poor appetite, as well as smokers;
- Painful tablets. Menstruation rarely passes without any unpleasant sensations in the abdomen. But some women are too addicted to antispasmodics, even taking them "in reserve".But they not only relieve the pain, but also expand the vessels. Because of them, low blood pressure may be noted during menstruation;
- Severe pain during menstruation. This feature is called algodismenosis and is caused by various factors. Often he pursues adolescent girls, with a not yet established cycle. Algodismenorea is caused by an excess of prostaglandins, hypersensitivity to pain. But whatever reasons it provoked, it leads to the fact that the pressure drops with monthly.
- Available diseases. Sometimes vegetative-vascular dystonia, endocrine disorders converge in one organism, during which it is necessary to drink medicines regularly. If this is supplemented by an increased amount of progesterone, abundant discharge during critical days, a woman is provided with low blood pressure and a high pulse with menstruation. Hypotension and arrhythmia "in one bottle" require examination not only from a female doctor, but also an endocrinologist, a cardiologist;
- Strict diet. The combination of a delay in menstruation - low blood pressure is possible with insufficient nutrition. Deficiency of nutrients causes hormonal disturbances, which prevents the reproductive system from working in full force. He provokes a lack of red blood cells, and this reduces vascular tone. This also happens with a cyst on the ovary, when it bursts and the contents remain in the abdominal cavity. But there is also a lot of pain.
Vessels after menstruation
After the critical days, many unpleasant symptoms go away, the woman feels better. But here pressure after monthly can still deviate from usual values in the direction of increase or decrease. This is due to the cyclical nature of the changes occurring in the body. At the end of menstruation, the sexual system is most affected by follicle-stimulating hormone and estrogens. That is, these substances continue to affect the body and vascular tone.
Pressure, which varies with menstruation, is widely perceived by many as simply an unpleasant symptom of PMS, which will soon go away. But if some of the signs of the syndrome can be considered natural and not dangerous, then this sometimes speaks of serious violations. All processes in the body experience mutual influence. Deviating from normal pressure, even when caused by a malfunction in the reproductive system, can augment and cardiovascular. Therefore, it is necessary to find out its origin from the doctor and to regulate the reasons for the change in the indicator.