- What is the utility of Artemisia
- Wormwood against helminthic invasion
- Recipe for remedies with wormwood
- When wormwood can not be taken in the fight against worms
Worm infestation is a very unpleasant topic for every person, and this is not only a physical malaise, but also a physical malaisepsychological, because it seems very shameful. It is for this very reason that so many people do not turn to specialists if they think that helminths have appeared in their bodies. They begin to look for alternative ways of treatment and turn to folk medicine. In particular, they begin to use wormwood from worms, which in fact is a very powerful antiparasitic agent. However, these methods of treatment should be approached with great care, because getting rid of helminths with the help of grass is not suitable for every person.
What is the usefulness of Artemisia
Every person at least once in his life, but saw wormwood, as this herb is widespread in the vast majority of countries in the post-Soviet space. It has more than a dozen different species, however, wormwood is most effective for getting rid of worms( it also has other names - dowager grass, real wormwood, field or white).
Externally it looks like a small bush with a white "bloom" on small leaves, and the flowers are small and yellow. The smell of this wormwood is spicy enough, and its taste completely corresponds to the name - it is bitter and slightly tart. You can find it almost anywhere, but it grows only in dry and sunny places.
Useful properties of wormwood have been famous for a long time, and all thanks to such a large number of useful substances:
- phytoncides;
- ascorbic acid;
- thujone;
- flavoncides;
- vitamin A;
- absintine;
- alkaloids;
- carotene;
- amber and malic acids;
- tannins.
Such an extensive chemical composition allows the use of wormwood bitter to treat a variety of ailments, including getting rid of worms. It also has the following effects:
- has a positive effect on the digestive system;
- promotes the production of pancreatic enzymes;
- stimulates the production of gastric juice;
- has a choleretic effect;
- strengthens the body's immune system;
- has an anti-inflammatory effect;
- calms the nervous system and relaxes;
- improves the menstrual cycle;
- stabilizes the patient's condition with tuberculosis.
Another popular belief is that dried wormwood in the house protects the dwelling from evil spirits, and if you make a sachet with this plant and put it under a pillow, you can make your sleep deeper, calm and healthy.
Wormwood against helminthic invasion
Since the preparations created on the basis of wormwood have a bitter taste, it is rather doubtful to take them. However, due to the chemical composition and, possibly, the taste, helminths begin to leave the body in large numbers. From wormwood wormwood helps to get rid of, with the effect of a complex:
- anthelmintic effect - thujone and concentrated bitterness cause worms to leave the body;
- detoxification - components in the composition of wormwood affect the products of vital activity of parasites and remove them from the body;
- secretory - the plant has an effect on the gastrointestinal tract, provoking the production of gastric juice and bile and normalizing the microflora. Together, this helps to quickly restore all the functions of the digestive system;
- immunomodulating - reproduction and growth of helminths significantly reduces the defenses of the body and makes it unable to withstand a variety of diseases. In wormwood it contains vitamins and phytoncides, which have a beneficial effect on immunity and stimulate its strengthening.
As a means of getting rid of worms, wormwood can be taken in a pure form, or in combination with other herbs. It is very popular for the prevention of helminthic invasion, especially in children and people whose occupations are associated with constant contact with animals.
. How to drink wormwood from worms - you can take the funds made in many different ways. The choice here is influenced by several factors - this is the degree of neglect of the disease, and the desire to prepare funds, and personal preferences, and, of course, individual intolerance to certain substances. In any case, the universal advice is to take everything on average 30 minutes before meals.
Important: if you get rid of helminths only with the help of one wormwood, then, firstly, you can delay the treatment process, and secondly, long to restore the body after the harmful effects of worms.
It is important to know how to take wormwood from worms in combination with other means:
- in the treatment of gastrointestinal tract is recommended to take various sorbents and flaxseed oil;
- for the accelerated disposal of the intestine from helminths it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment with laxatives;
- after recovery, rehabilitation therapy is recommended, within which you need to take medicines to support the digestive system, pancreas and liver.
Drug remedies with Artemisia
. On average, a course of treatment with similar means lasts about a month, if necessary, it is prolonged. All this time a person needs to carefully monitor his body for allergic and other reactions. If they occur or the patient's condition worsens, then the therapy should be stopped immediately and shown to the specialist. In general, recipes from wormwood from worms are very simple, you can cook them at home.
Wormwood based on Artemisia
This remedy is the most popular because it is very effective and easy to prepare. Take it you need daily, do also. Stocking broth for the future is not recommended, because it very quickly loses its healing properties.
So, how to brew wormwood from worms:
- one teaspoon of dried grass should be filled with a glass of drinking water;
- bring to a boil;
- let it brew for about half an hour;
- take 100-150 grams three times a day for a month.
Advice: if necessary, decoction of wormwood from worms can be used as a solution for the enema.
Wormwood tincture
For the preparation of tinctures, it is possible to use both ground and dried stems and plant seeds. Tincture is considered a more convenient means for treating helminthic invasion, since it can be stored much longer than the broth. It can even be prepared only once for the entire course of treatment, if the dosage is correctly calculated.
The cooking process is as follows:
- one tablespoon with chopped wormwood should be poured with five table spirits;
- further the mixture is infused for a week in a dry and dark place;
- take the tincture you need twice a day for 15 drops.
Depending on your personal preferences, you can make a tincture with a different concentration of alcohol. Here it is necessary to take into account that if this component is less, then the dosage should decrease in direct proportion.
Powder from wormwood
Preparation of wormwood powder against worms is a little more laborious. For him, you need to crush the dried grass thoroughly( ideally in a coffee grinder, but after that you need to clean it thoroughly).On average, one course of treatment will need about 100 grams of powder.
There are two effective ways to receive. At the first it is necessary to use 0.5 teaspoon six times a day from day 1 to day 3, and from the 4th day to reduce this amount to four.
In the second method, the dosage is as follows:
- 1-2 days - before dinner by a teaspoon;
- Day 3 - two teaspoons in the same period;
- 4-8 days - increase the number of receptions to two per day;
- 8-14 days - take seven teaspoons at a time.
looks like. Important: you should try not to inhale the powder. Its smallest particles can settle on the mucous nasopharynx, cause allergic reactions and irritation.
Collection of wormwood, flax seeds and cloves
The easiest way to get rid of helminths is when they have a complex effect. The cocktail of these herbs is ideal, as each component perfectly complements all the others.
In particular, wormwood has a helminthic effect, the flax becomes a natural laxative, and the clove perfectly cleanses the intestines without adversely affecting the mucous membranes.
Prepare the collection as follows: you need to take in the same proportions each ingredient and grind into powder. After that, the mixture is taken once a day for 30 minutes before meals for 2 weeks. It is recommended to dilute the powder in boiled water at normal temperature."Russian triple"
Russian trochatch is another effective mixture for getting rid of helminths, it includes the following components - wormwood, carnation and tansy. For preparation it is necessary:
- to mix the dried grass in the following proportions - 30 grams of wormwood, 50 cloves and 100 tansy, then grind;
- should be taken as follows - one teaspoon on the first day half an hour before breakfast, the same on the second day, but also before lunch, and starting from the third day take three times a day.
Tincture from the collection of herbs
This "cocktail" is recommended for those who have worms attacking the liver. How to brew wormwood and other herbs from worms and what you need - you need wormwood, immortelle, St. John's wort, chamomile, buckthorn, oak bark and yarrow( you can easily buy it in any pharmacy).
Advice: before taking this complex remedy you need to be sure that you do not have allergic reactions to the components.
To make this phyto-collection, mix all the ingredients in equal proportions with one teaspoon, then pour boiling water( 2 cups), let it sit in the thermos for 8 hours and strain. To drink it you need to ¼ cup once a day for half an hour before breakfast. The duration of such a course is 10 days, if it is necessary to repeat, it is necessary to sustain a pause of 5 days and start all over again.
When you can not take wormwood in the fight against worms
Many people have a strong opinion that the herbs used as ingredients in folk medicine are absolutely harmless and can be considered a great alternative to chemical preparations, however this is completely wrong. Everything has contraindications, including wormwood. Therefore, before taking it, it is recommended that you read the list of contraindications so as not to make your body worse:
- internal bleeding;
- gastric and intestinal ulcers;
- enterocolitis;
- gastritis;
- chronic diseases of the digestive system;
- bronchial asthma;
- allergic reactions;
- disease of the nervous system and mental disorders;
- pregnancy.
If you take wormwood for a long time, then the following can happen:
- hallucinations;
- convulsions;
- mental disorders;
- dysfunction of the digestive system;
- irritability.
Wormwood from worms is also recommended for children, but receptions should be carried out with strict control of parents, if necessary, they should be stopped immediately.
In a large concentration of wormwood bitter can have exactly the opposite effect, becoming a poison and poisoning the body. You also need to know that at the very beginning of the course of treatment, the general condition may slightly deteriorate, which will be a sign of the effect of the plant on the body. If the symptoms are not acute and do not cause particularly severe discomfort, the course of treatment can be continued.