- Typical features of the plant
- Chemical composition of the fatty oil
- Useful properties
- Indications for use
- Contraindications
- Use in cosmetology
Specialists in official and traditional medicine recommend women to use evening primrose oil to improve the condition of the skin and hair. Due to the presence in its composition of a unique combination of fatty acids, a natural remedy is also used in the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system. Gynecologists prescribe a course oil intake for evening primrose for successful conception and at the stage of preparation for childbirth. But a high concentration of biologically active substances determines a significant number of contraindications. Therefore, before starting treatment, it is necessary to consult a doctor about the appropriateness and safety of this method of therapy.
Typical features of the
plant Evening primrose flowers, similar to large bright butterflies, appear on flower beds and lawns in early spring, even before the snow completely melts. Buds open after sunset for only a few hours. Not only the beauty of flowers attracts the owners of household plots. In many countries parts of the plant have long been used for soups, garnishes. Seeds improve the taste of salads, baked meat and fish. Over time, it was found that the regular use of dishes with evening primrose positively affected the health of people, especially the fair sex. The severity of the symptoms of menopause and premenstrual syndrome decreased significantly, the hair grew thicker, and the skin cleared.
It's interesting: In many European countries, evening primrose oil is recognized as a pharmacological drug and is listed in the official list of medicines.
For the production of a fatty oil, the primrose seeds are crushed and then the extraction process is carried out with carbon dioxide under high temperatures. But the most useful for a person natural remedy is made by cold pressing. Absence of heat treatment in this method ensures maximum safety of all biologically active substances.
Finished evening primrose oil is a thick liquid of amber or rich yellow color. But about the aroma there is no unanimity. Someone feels nutty and even vanilla notes, but most people say that the oil exudes a specific smell of fish oil. This judgment can be trusted because of the unique composition of evening primrose oil. It is identical to fish oil, only has a vegetable origin.
Chemical composition of fatty oil
The main active ingredients of evening primrose oil are polyunsaturated fatty acids. Some of them( linoleic and linolenic) are not produced in the human body, but enter it with food products: sea fish, nuts, seeds and various vegetable crops. Especially a lot in the natural means of such fatty acids:
- palmitic;
- is eicosenoid;
- stearic;
- omega-6 fatty acids;
- is oleic.
The benefit and harm of evening primrose oil depends on the individual's sensitivity to his other bioactive compounds. Saturated amber color is given to the natural remedy by plant pigments. The variety of shades depends on the quantitative content of sitosterol. This sterol is similar in composition and action with cholesterol. After penetration into the blood vessels, it inhibits the deposition of harmful triglycerides. This ability of sitosterol allows the use of evening primrose oil for the prevention of atherosclerosis.
Recommendation: When purchasing a product for internal or external use in the pharmacy, you should give preference to a 100% product consisting only of evening primrose oil. Some manufacturers add to the drug vitamin-mineral complexes, which significantly expands the list of contraindications.
Evening primrose oil contains a combination of phytoestrogens, tannins and mucus. In small amounts, the composition of the product includes such active ingredients:
- organic acids;
- bioflavonoids;
- phytoncides;
- glycosides;
- polysaccharides.
In the therapy of gynecological pathologies, the presence in the oil of fat and water-soluble vitamins: ascorbic and nicotinic acids, retinol, carotene, tocopherol plays an important role. Mineral compounds in phytopreparations are relatively few. In general, micro- and macroelements are represented by magnesium, zinc, potassium, phosphorus and copper. But it is these biologically active substances that take part in all metabolic processes and are responsible for the active functioning of the cardiovascular and central nervous system.
. Useful properties of
Evening primrose oil is used in the treatment of various diseases that occur against the background of worsening of the condition of large and small blood vessels. The course of fatty polyunsaturated acids restores the walls of veins, capillaries and arteries, increases their elasticity, normalizes permeability. This property of evening primrose oil is actively used in the rehabilitation period after a man suffered a heart attack and stroke. For phytopreparation, such therapeutic actions are characteristic:
- excretion and blood vessels of cholesterol blocks and increase in the level of useful lipids in the body;
- cupping of inflammatory processes regardless of the area of their localization;
- increase in the functional activity of the heart muscle.
Phytomassage also shows antioxidant activity. Polyunsaturated fatty acids, flavonoids and phytoncides destroy free radicals, which are the main cause of premature aging of cells and tissues in the body. A clinical trial confirmed the positive effect of evening primrose oil on the work of the immune system. Increases the production of T-lymphocytes and leukocytes, which destroy allergic agents. The course application of phytopreparations helps to prevent the occurrence of sensitization reactions:
- dermatitis;
- urticaria;
- eczema.
When oil is applied to the inflammatory foci, the severity of allergy symptoms decreases rapidly. Activation of the immune response causes an increase in the body's resistance to viral, fungal, bacterial respiratory and intestinal infections. Not without reason, cod liver oil is still considered an effective preventative against any cold. And its composition is little different from the composition of primrose oil.
Tip: Using evening primrose oil helps to improve blood supply to the pelvic organs, to provide tissue with molecular oxygen and nutrients. This property of phyto-drugs is used in the treatment of impotence in the stronger sex.
Evening primrose oil is used to prepare for childbirth, to eliminate symptoms of menopause and acne due to the ability to normalize the hormonal background. Also, the herbal remedy significantly improves the work of the liver, especially with severe damage to its cells - hepatocytes.
With cirrhosis, hepatitis, fatty degeneration, the production of essential phospholipids is reduced. These biologically active compounds are involved in the restoration of hepatocytes and the metabolic processes taking place in them. The use of primrose oil for a month promotes the accumulation of essential phospholipids in liver cells and their regeneration.
Indications for use
Evening primrose oil is produced in a natural liquid dosage form and in the form of capsules. They are a natural remedy, encased in a strong gelatinous shell, which is destroyed by the action of gastric juice. The gradual release of the active ingredient makes it possible to achieve a long-term presence of phyto-drug in the body and its maximum therapeutic effectiveness. Evening primrose oil in capsules should be used to treat such diseases:
- pathology of the musculoskeletal system - osteochondrosis, arthrosis, arthritis, intervertebral hernia, rheumatism;
- gastritis with various acidity, ulcerative lesions, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, colitis;Venous insufficiency, thrombophlebitis;
- arterial hypertension;
- arrhythmia;
- decreased visual acuity;
- endocrine disorders - diabetes, thyrotoxicosis, decreased functional activity of the adrenal glands.
Application of evening primrose oil allows the gastrointestinal tract to recover quickly after acute or chronic poisoning with poisons of plant and animal origin, heavy metals, caustic alkalis and acids, pharmacological preparations. Pectins and organic acids from the composition of primrose oil:
- cleanses the digestive organs from toxic compounds;
- promote the regeneration of their mucous membranes.
The intake of a large number of polyunsaturated fatty acids favorably affects the work of the central and peripheral nervous systems. The course of phytopreparation reduces nervous excitability, eliminates irritability and insomnia.
This gynecological pathology is characterized by the proliferation of endometrial tissues outside the uterine mucosa. Women suffer from excessive abundant discharge during menstruation, iron deficiency anemia, rapid fatigue. In the treatment of the disease hormonal drugs are used, often the patients are shown and surgical intervention. Evening primrose oil in endometriosis is recommended by gynecologists to contain tissue growth. Polyunsaturated fatty acids prevent the production of prostaglandins, which leads to the normalization of the hormonal background.
Myoma of the uterus
This pathology refers to benign tumors that have formed on the mucous membrane of the uterus or in its deeper layers. Myoma is dangerous by its tendency to progress and the possibility of degeneration into a malignant neoplasm. In women of fertile age, gynecological pathology can lead to infertility and inability to carry a child. Evening primrose oil in myomas helps not only prevent the growth of the tumor, but also reverse the process. Phyto-drug reduces the size of the neoplasm, helping to avoid surgery.
Fibrocystic mastopathy develops against a background of hormonal imbalance. The main symptom of the pathology is pain in the mammary glands, which increase with the touch. Gynecologists prefer not to treat the disease, but to prevent its development. For this, evening primrose oil for the breast is used. The course intake of a natural herbal remedy helps to eliminate the deficit of progesterone, absolute or relative hyperestrogenism. Phytopreparation also increases the functional activity of the ovaries.
With the onset of natural menopause, women experience a lot of uncomfortable sensations - hot flashes, increased anxiety and irritability, headaches. The cause of the negative state is the gradual decrease in ovarian production of sex hormones, estrogens. Evening primrose oil in menopause is prescribed by gynecologists to reduce the severity of clinical manifestations of menopause. Stabilization of the hormonal background positively affects the condition of the skin and hair, worsening with a lack of estrogens.
Usage during pregnancy
Evening primrose oil before labor is prescribed by gynecologists to increase the elasticity of ligaments located in the small pelvis. This helps prevent cervical ruptures during the passage of the child through the birth canal. Polyunsaturated fatty acids have a positive effect on the formation and development of all embryonic life systems. Evening primrose oil during pregnancy is indicated to women suffering from symptoms of toxicosis - nausea, vomiting, weakness, dizziness. The use of phyto-drugs helps to eliminate dyspeptic disorders, normalize the hormonal background, avoid viral and bacterial infections.
High concentration of bioactive compounds can cause allergic reaction in people with individual sensitivity to the oil of honeysuckle. People with hypotension should use phytotherapy with caution, constantly monitoring the level of blood pressure.
Warning: During pregnancy and lactation, before using the oil, regardless of how it is used, the woman should consult a doctor.
The intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids is forbidden simultaneously with the following preparations:
- phenothiazines;
- with anticoagulants;
- with antiepileptic( anticonvulsant) agents.
Use in cosmetology
Evening primrose oil in cosmetology is actively used. Polyunsaturated fatty acids easily penetrate into all layers of the epidermis, gradually accumulate there and begin to attract moisture. Even dry and thin skin quickly acquires elasticity and elasticity, not only mimic, but deep wrinkles are smoothed out. Moisten the skin as follows:
- Mix 5 drops of butter with a teaspoon of aloe juice and a tablespoon of thick natural yogurt without dyes and flavors.
- Evenly distribute on the face and neck, keep 40-50 minutes.
- Wash off with warm water and apply any nourishing cream.
Constantly using evening primrose oil for face, you can get rid of acne. The biologically active substances entering into the composition of the herbal preparation normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, which reduce secretion production. Acne is often complicated by a bacterial infection. In the expanded pores penetrate staphylococci, streptococci and begin to multiply, provoking the formation of pus. Primrose oil shows a pronounced antimicrobial effectiveness. Phytoncides destroy infectious agents, stimulate the healing of damaged tissues. Primrose oil from acne should be applied to the skin in such a way:
- Mix a teaspoon of the substance with beaten egg whites.
- Distribute a thick mass on the face, hold for half an hour.
- Wash off with warm water, lubricate the skin with a moisturizing cream.
An irreplaceable evening primrose and for hair. Flavonoids normalize the circulation of the scalp, providing a constant influx of molecular oxygen. Under the influence of organic acids and phytoncides, nutrients and biologically active substances are delivered to the hair follicles. The curls become firm, the ends stop cutting. Use the oil best in the form of a mask, rubbing it into the scalp. An hour later, you just have to wash your hair with your favorite shampoo.
. Recommendation: When buying phyto-medicine, you should take into account the way it is used and the indications for use. For application on the skin and hair, only natural liquid oil is suitable. And capsules are conveniently dosed by oral administration.