- Application of flax decoction: benefit and harm
- Linseed broth for the organism
Flax is a strategic product for Russia. Now it is cultivated in the north of the country, in the middle belt and in Siberia. Its use for a long time personifies the lean relation of man to nature. Judge for yourself: the stems of the plant serve to create threads, tissues, and from the fruits you can squeeze out the highly nutritious oil, get the oatmeal, and finally prepare a medicinal kisselike decoction of flax seeds that favorably affects the body and is applied both externally and inward.
But we should not assume that flax is a typical Russian culture, in a sense it is "international".So, mention of the methods of treatment with linen products is in the records of the ancient healers of Hippocrates( V-VI centuries BC), Dioskarida( I century), Avicenna( X-XI centuries).Unfortunately, the benefits of scientific and technological progress have "pushed" this culture to the background. However, having felt the dubious "blessings" of civilization, many people began to search for the sources of natural healing in traditional cooking and natural preparations. Flaxseed is one of such useful products that allow you to maintain good health and normalize metabolic processes in the body.
. Interestingly: Studies conducted in the All-Russian Research and Design Institute of Flax Mechanization,indicate that the protein of flaxseed for Russians is more suitable than soy protein - a culture that is widely cultivated, but unconventional for our countries. These products are similar in amino acid composition, therefore, are interchangeable.
There are two types of flax - a dowel used in the textile industry for the production of yarn and fabrics, and a more squat curls grown for the very oily seeds.
Application of flax decoction: benefit and harm
The value of infusion and decoction from flax seeds is that these fluids contain abundant mucus that gently envelops mucous membranes,softens and has an antiseptic effect. The most common area of use of mucous broth is the treatment of diseases of the stomach and intestines, inflammation of the respiratory tract,
Mucus, getting on the mucous membranes of internal organs, they are retained for a long time, protecting them from irritation. Such a protective covering is insoluble by the juices and acids of the gastrointestinal tract, so the decoction of flaxseed is the best natural remedy for acute inflammation and during the period when the diet is indicated.
In what diseases is it allowed and even recommended the use of decoction of flax seed?
- inflammatory diseases of the bronchi, hoarseness and cough;
- gastritis, peptic ulcer, chronic colitis;
- diseases of the gums and mouth, inflammation of the pharynx;
- Inflammation of the bladder, kidney;
- hemorrhoids, tumors and ulcerative bowel disease;
- diseases of the liver, gallbladder and biliary tract( including after cholecystectomy);
- obesity.
In addition, the benefit of decoction of flax seed lies in the fact that it is permissible to use external mucus in such delicate diseases as conjunctivitis, facial skin inflammations, boils. With barley on the eye it is useful to make hot compresses with linseed decoction.
Contraindications to the reception of decoction of flaxseed are the following features of the body and disease:
- gut flap;
- intestinal obstruction;Kidney stones and cholecystitis.
Linseed decoction for the body
Means for a hundred diseases
There are the following types of drugs that differ little in the degree of saturation with mucus, but with significant differences in the technology of preparation: infusions or "teas," decoctions.
fiber. Preparation of mucous preparations based on flax seed is based on a known property. Under the influence of water, the outer shells( cells of protective skin) of mature seeds begin to swell and gradually separate from the seed, but do not dissolve in the water. This colorless vegetable mucus consists of a basshorin substance, which is also found in algae, covers mushrooms and maintains a neutral water reaction.
Thus, for qualitative separation of mucus, you need to properly process flax. How to prepare a decoction using flax seed? Here are three "classical" examples - infusion, "tea" and directly a decoction. A more gentle option for preparing mucous broth is the agitation of a seed filled with boiling water for 10-15 minutes. The least recipe for time and effort is the third recipe - a decoction.
Recipe 1
It is required: 1 tsp.seeds, 250 ml of boiling water.
Preparation: Pour seeds with boiling water and shake continuously until 10-15 minutes until mucus separates. Then carefully strain with a metal strainer and cool.
Such "pure" mucus can be applied up to 4 times a day inside. It is shown and external application - at inflammations of eyes, for example.
Tip: This recipe is suitable for relieving symptoms of radiation sickness. Scheme of admission - 1 tbsp.l. In 2 hours.
Recipe 2
It is required: 8 ч.л.crushed flaxseed, 1 liter of boiling water.
Preparation: Pour the raw material with boiling water, close the dishes( it is better to use the jar with the lid) and insist 2-5 hours. Do not strain.
To use inside this "tea" in a warm form of 100 ml, a day to 4 receptions, you can add lemon juice. The course of admission is 2-3 weeks. Such a tool helps to get rid of traces of puffiness( even on the face), can be used for rinsing with inflammation of the gums, pharynx.
Recipe 3( broth flax for the stomach, for intestinal atony)
It is required: 2 tsp.flax seeds, 300 ml of water.
Preparation: Boil the flax seed for 10 minutes, shake well, so that the mucus separates from the seeds, strain. Take every morning on an empty stomach for 100 ml of broth, you can add milk sugar, honey or natural jam( 1: 1) - so the effect of the drug will be more intense.
Recipe 4( for diarrhea)
It is required: 1 tsp.flax seeds, 250 ml of water.
Preparation: Season with water, boil for about 15 minutes, strain and cool. Use for enema.
Tip: Decoction of flaxseed gives significant relief for ulcerous bowel disease, hemorrhoids, if applied in an enema with the addition of rose oil( 1-2 drops per enema).
Recipe 5( for cleansing the kidney)
It will be required: 1 tsp.flaxseed, 200 ml of water( for two servings).
Preparation: Pour the flax seed with cold water, bring it to a boil on low heat and leave to cool. Take filtered lemon broth for one day to 100 ml in 2 hours( including at night).
Recipe 6( for cleansing the body of radionuclides)
It will be required: 1 cup flaxseed, 2 liters of water( boiling water).
Preparation: Pour the raw material with boiling water, leave for 2 hours to languish in a sealed container in a water bath. Ready to cool the broth, strain.
Take 250 ml up to 7 times a day, before meals.
General rule: Due to the high soluble fiber content, flax can cause constipation. Taking a decoction of flax seeds with gastritis and other gastrointestinal diseases, ensure a proper drinking regime - at least 1.5-2 liters of clean water a day.
Flax decoction for body beauty
Flax is used for body care.
- To soften the dry skin of the body, you can add a thick decoction of flax seed and infusion of chamomile into the bath( take 100-150 ml of each component) and lie down in warm water for 15 minutes.
- Dry skin on the hands will change the course of the hand baths with warm linseed decoction. The procedure is 10-15 minutes.
- To remove fatigue in the legs at the end of the day, you can make contrasting baths. Decoction of flaxseed( 2 tablespoons per 1 liter of boiling water) should be added to hot water. Lower your feet in cold / hot water for 2-3 minutes.
- Coarse skin on the heels, corns and cracks well soften the trays with decoction of flax seed and potato peelings.