Useful properties, methods of application and contra-indications of forest and garden blueberries

To enjoy blueberries do not need to go to the forest, and look for it on squat bushes in mossy swamps. In supermarkets, this appetizing, beautiful berry with a talking name is all year round. Now it is grown in greenhouses and in suburban areas. And about the healing properties of blueberries, gonobobles or drunks, which is compared with her close relative of cranberries and black currants, even the ancient peoples of the north knew.

  • Usage
  • Usage
    • Usage
    • For medicinal purposes
    • In case of diabetes
    • With cholecystitis and colitis
    • With stomach ulcer and anemia
    • With gastritis, diarrhea, dysentery
    • With prostate adenoma and anemia
    • With cold and temperature
    • With constipation
    • With heart disease
    • With angina
    • In cosmetology
    • Whitening and cleansing mask
    • Mask preventing skin aging
    • Mask for dry skin
    • Mask for oily skin
    • vlazhnyayuschaya mask
    • antiperspirant
    • limbs in culinary purposes
    • Milk Shake
    • instagram viewer
    • mousse dessert souffle Charlotte
    • Chicken breast blueberry
    • Contraindications
    • Side effects

    chemical composition

    In gonobobele:

    • water - 90%;
    • proteins - 1%;
    • fiber - more than 1%;
    • acids: ascorbic, oxalic, citric, acetic, malic;
    • tanning agents;
    • pectin;
    • carotene;
    • flavonoids;
    • vitamins K, R, PP, group B;
    • by amino acids.

    In addition, blue berries are rich in iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and other microelements.

    Calorie content of 100 grams of extremely healthy berries is 39 kcal. I must say that almost all these useful substances are not only in berries, but also in the leaves and shoots of the plant, although in smaller quantities.

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    Useful properties

    The therapeutic effect of "blue grapes" is related to the unique chemical composition of this plant. The benefits of blueberries are as follows:

    • Anthocyanins or color pigments that give the berry a characteristic color, endow it with antibacterial, anti-cancer and anti-aging properties. A pleasant bonus of the presence of these components in blueberries( in large quantities than in blueberries), making its useful properties special for women is the inhibition of the formation of fat cells.
    • Pectin and tannins help to remove toxins, radionuclides and heavy metals from the body, which is especially important for residents of megacities and those associated with harmful production.
    • Drinking blueberries helps reduce blood sugar, and this causes the beneficial properties of blueberries in diabetes.
    • Pilophenols, which dilate and strengthen the vessels, inhibit the aging of brain cells. And together with prebiotics, these substances help fight inflammation of coccoid nature. And there are more than a hundred of such diseases - pneumonia, meningitis, cystitis, gynecological diseases and others. Especially dangerous are such infections for future mothers - miscarriage, infection of the fetus and the like. Therefore, we can talk about the beneficial properties of blueberries in pregnancy.
    • Fiber, which is rich in fruits, serves as a preventive against gastrointestinal tract diseases.
    • Blueberry improves eyesight no worse than blueberries. It is effective for glaucoma.
    • Antioxidants, which are in blueberry, are a good preventative against cancer.
    • One glass of juice contains a daily amount of vitamins needed by a person. Use it is especially useful for older people, since it has anti-sclerotic properties. It is also a remedy for dysentery and scurvy.
    • Vitamin K1, present in blueberry, improves the processes of hematopoiesis and clotting of blood. Berries are useful in anemia and hemophilia. They are leading in terms of iron content.
    • Berries help to regulate metabolism, fight stress.
    • Leaves and young shoots are used as a laxative, they have a positive effect on the excretory system.
    • The role of blueberries is invaluable even in pancreatic and thyroid problems.

    I especially want to note the role of blueberries for children:

    • Vitamins and calcium help in improving immunity, in the development of the bone system and the growth of healthy teeth in children. They increase resistance to viral infections.
    • Blueberry improves blood and blood circulation.
    • Drugs on its basis help to fight streptococcal and other similar infections, which in common people are called infantile scrofula, and also expel worms.
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    Application of

    Thanks to its phenomenal properties, the relative of red bilberry finds its application in folk medicine, cooking and cosmetology. From it prepare the preparations, which help from many ailments, delicious berries are used for desserts and sauces.

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    Frozen or dried blueberries preserve all the useful properties of fresh berries.

    Due to the large content of vitamins and flavonoids, gonobobel is used in the manufacture of creams, serums, lotions, extracts that promote skin rejuvenation and improve its color.

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    For medicinal purposes

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    With diabetes

    Recipe 1

    Eat a couple of glasses of berries a day.

    Recipe 2

    A tablespoon of leaves and twigs to brew in a glass of boiling water 10-20 minutes. Drink chilled broth daily three times a day for half a glass.

    Recipe 3

    Mix 5 parts of blueberries, nettle and blueberries, 10 parts of bean pods, 2 parts of cowberry, strawberry, earthen pear and string and 1 part of the black head.2 tablespoons mixture pour in a thermos 2 cups of boiling water. Stand for several hours, strain and drink three times a day between meals. The course of treatment can last up to six months.

    Grapes - benefit and harm to the organism
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    With cholecystitis and colitis

    Recipe 1

    Eat 300 grams of berries daily.

    Recipe 2

    2 spoons of dried fruits brew in a glass of boiling water. An hour later, the broth is ready. It should be used in full for the day.

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    With stomach and anemia ulcer

    Recipe 1

    Spoon the blueberry leaves with a glass of boiling water, soak for half an hour, drink instead of tea, adding honey.

    Recipe 2

    A spoonful of dried berries brew in a glass of boiling water for about half an hour. Use the broth for a day, taking it before eating. The recipe also helps with pancreas and kidney problems.

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    For gastritis, diarrhea, dysentery

    Recipe 1

    Spoon the berries in a glass of boiling water for 15 minutes. Drink it all in one day.

    Recipe 2

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    3 tablespoons dried fruits brew a glass of boiling water, on a water bath to warm a quarter of an hour, drink a day.

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    With prostate adenoma and anemia

    Recipe 1

    A spoonful of leaves collected long before the ripening of the fruit, pour a glass of boiling water and cook for 10 minutes. Cool, use half a cup before meals.

    Recipe 2

    The spoon of berries is insisted in a glass of boiling water for an hour, consumed all in a day.

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    For cold and temperature

    Spoon the dried fruit with a glass of boiling water and soak for an hour under the lid. Drink instead of tea, adding honey.

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    constipation Spoon a dry leaf with a glass of boiled water and cook for several minutes. Drink chilled half a cup three times a day.

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    For heart diseases

    Prepare a similar decoction as with constipation, but with the addition of twigs. Drink it in 1/3 cup 3 times a day.

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    With angina

    Half a cup of dried berries pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and cook until the volume decreases almost twice. Broth gargle.

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    In cosmetology

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    Whitening and cleansing mask

    Prepare a mixture of blueberry juice, sour cream and cottage cheese in the same proportions. Apply on face, soak for 20 minutes.

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    Anti-aging mask

    Take a spoonful of sour cream and ground berries, half a dose of lemon peel and olive oil. Stir and, after applying to the skin, stand for 20 minutes, then remove with a wet swab.

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    Mask for dry skin

    Take a tablespoon of mashed blueberry and olive oil, pour the egg yolk, mix and apply to the skin for 10 minutes. Then remove with warm water.

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    Mask for oily skin

    Spoon the mashed berries and mix the same starch with the yolk, dilute a little with cold water. Apply on the skin for 20 minutes, remove with warm water. Then wipe the skin with a piece of ice.

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    Moisturizing mask

    Mix on a tablespoon of ground blueberry, honey and cottage cheese. To sustain on the face of 15 minutes, to wash and put a little cream.

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    Remedy for sweating of limbs

    3 tablespoons of fruit to infuse an hour in a glass of boiling water. If necessary, several days to wipe the problem areas of the skin.

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    For culinary purposes

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    Milk cocktail

    Beat in a mixer a glass of fruit with a similar amount of milk with 3 tablespoons of sugar and a small amount of lemon juice. Spread on the wine glasses. In each put a piece of ice.

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    Squeeze out the juice from 2 cups of crushed berries, and the remainder boil a couple of minutes in a liter of boiling water. Strain, add a glass of sugar and a couple of spoons of divorced gelatin. Blend the mixture to a boil, pour the juice into it, strain and pour into molds, cool and place in the refrigerator until thick.

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    A glass of flour and a glass of berries, 3 eggs, lemon peel, 1/3 cup sugar, 0.5 packs of baking powder. Beat the eggs with sugar and add a little flour and baking powder. Then add the berries, gently mix, put in a prepared form. Bake at medium temperature for up to half an hour.

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    Soufflé dessert

    A pack of low-fat cottage cheese, half a glass of berries, a tablespoon of coconut chips and cocoa, half a cup of sugar, 1/4 cup of almond milk, a little agar. In the blender container pour in the milk, pour in the berries and sugar, add loose agar, then beat.

    Mix the mixture into molds and place in the refrigerator. Mix cottage cheese with cocoa and coconut shavings, perhaps add a little more milk. Put the second mixture on the first and send it to the refrigerator for cooling.

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    Chicken breast with blueberries

    For a dish you need 0.5 kg of breast, half a glass of blueberry and a couple of spoonfuls of cowberry, coconut milk. You can grate berries( you can in a blender), in this puree marinate small pieces of breast. Fry it in oil, pour the milk and stew in the same frying pan. Garnish with boiled brown rice.

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    Blueberry and its leaves are contraindicated:

    • in peptic ulcers and hyperacid gastritis due to the presence of organic acids that irritate the inflamed mucosa;
    • for dyskinesia of the gallbladder. Its uncontrolled use can provoke an exacerbation of the disease;
    • during pregnancy and feeding, in this case the restrictions are caused by possible allergic reactions in the child.
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    Side effects of

    Overeating blueberries threatens with such side effects:

    • diarrhea, flatulence and digestive disorders;
    • with allergic reactions in the form of skin redness, lacrimation, rhinitis;
    • with nausea, headache and vomiting, especially if this excess was accompanied by drinking tea or coffee.
  • Mar 16, 2018
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