How to promote business: 5 best ways

Among my friends and acquaintances are quite a lot of entrepreneurs, including beginners.

By talking to them, I have repeatedly heard how difficult it is to start a new business, how much time it takes to start making good profits.

Beginning entrepreneurs are getting off their feet in search of prescriptions, how to promote the business of .

And these recipes should be either cheap, or even completely free, since most of the newcomers in the business sector do not have money for a serious advertising campaign.

Once I came across an interesting article on the promotion of new business projects.

Having supplemented it, I offer you 5 simple and inexpensive, but very effective recipes for the promotion of your business.

1. How to promote business with a blog?

If you are able to allocate a certain amount, you can make a full-fledged website dedicated to advertising your own goods and services.

If not, then there are free sites for blogging: WordPress or Tumblr.

With their help you can not only place texts, but also illustrate them with photos, videos.

instagram viewer

You can, of course, use social networks or LiveJournal for these purposes, but the resources I named earlier are more convenient and effective.

Naturally, you can not untwist the business of , until you make your blog popular.

Even the most magnificent texts and beautiful photos will not produce the desired effect if only a few people see them.

In order to attract people to your blog, remember some rules:

  1. Find out what SEO is.

    Writing texts according to the rules of SEO, competent use of keys will help you to get your own site in the top 10 or top-20.

    If you search for the reader will see the address of your blog on the first or second page, then it will be visited by more people.

  2. Place only unique articles on the site.

    It is not necessary to make posts of other people's materials, this will lower the ranking of the blog.

  3. Well think over the headings, subtitles and description for the texts, that is, the parts that can be placed as ads for their materials, even if in the same social networks.
  4. Study which key queries are most often entered into the search engines by Internet users, and be sure to use them in your texts.
  5. Illustrate the materials with interesting pictures that motivate the video.

2. How to promote business with video?

This method can not be called absolutely free, but it is not as expensive as you might think at first glance.

You do not have to buy a camera or rent a professional studio. Enough amateur camera, digital camera, so what's there - even good phones can shoot a short video.

You can master the basics of unpretentious installation yourself.

The Internet is full of training materials.

You can post videos on YouTube.

You can buy a channel on this site literally for a penny, but if you are not ready to spend money on a separate channel, then you can simply post the video for free as a registered user.

How to make money on Youtube?

As you understand, in order for your video to pay attention and become interested in the goods and services you offer, you need to be creative.

We need to create such a video so that the children in the school, office workers, passengers in public transport, and everyone around said to each other: "Look at Youtube cool vidyashka."

If you just sit in front of the camera in a new shirt and start in a tedious voice to say how delicious bread is made in your bakery, then this video will at best be seen by a couple of friends. And if someone accidentally nabredet him, then you will not buy the goods of such a bore.

3. How to promote business with photos?

This method is completely free.

You can use social networks to promote your own goods and services, registration in which takes 5 minutes of your time and does not require 5 kopecks.

It is possible not to be limited to social networks, but also to use other resources, for example, Flickr or Pinterest.

If you intend to make interesting captions under photos, then you will like the service Exposure.

Photos need to post frequently: ideally every day or at least - every other day.

Less than this do not, because you can not keep the interest of your subscribers.

How to make money on photos?

Pictures should be interesting and evoke an emotion, preferably positive: joy, surprise, delight, etc. This same positive emotion will be associated with the product or service that you are going to promote.

You can take anything you like with your camera: the image of the product, the process of making it, promotions dedicated to it, and much more.

4. How to promote business with business cards?

Every self-respecting businessman should have many business cards in order not to introduce himself simply: "I'm Vasya Pupkin. Now I will write down my phone number on the stub of paper, "and give the interviewee a solid business card.

Beginning businessmen should distribute these business cards as much as possible and everyone in a row.

A good business card should be:

  • printed on good paper;
  • have an interesting design solution;
  • does not contain errors.

Ideally, their development and printing should be ordered by a professional publisher.

But, if you can not afford it for yourself, then you will have to study the graphic design programs yourself, find a couple of interesting ideas on the Internet.

You can also print them yourself, but this requires a good printer and high-quality paper.

I want to invite you to view an informative video about how

to promote your business through a group VKontakte:

5. How to promote a business with the help of information about yourself?

It is best to present yourself and your project at specialized conferences, trainings, presentations, exhibitions and other events.

Not only businessmen like you gather here, but also journalists, students of economic universities, and simply - onlookers.

Thus you can find not only customers, but also partners and even sponsors.

I think that now you will not be in solidarity with those who with despair asks: " How to promote the business of without having the starting capital for this?"

As you can see, there are enough free ways for a fast startup.

  • Mar 16, 2018
  • 60
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