Menorrhagia( or hyperpolymenorrhea) is one of the most frightening features of the reproductive system. This is an abundant, time-consuming menstruation. The syndrome is transferred heavily physically and psychologically. But do not put up with it. Menorrhagia, the treatment of which is possible in different ways, is eliminated if its cause is clarified.
- 1 Types of menorrhagia and their manifestations
- 1.1 Primary
- 1.2 Secondary
- 2 Causes of a pathological phenomenon
- 3 Diagnosis of pathology
- 4 Treatment of menorrhagia
Types of menorrhagia and their manifestations
Menstruation lasting more than a week and forcing to change hygiene means every hour or two or more often, occur in 30% of women. This is a different age group. In accordance with this, the syndrome is divided into species. Although the menorrhagia microbe is combined under the general code number 92.0.
Monthly, sometimes from adolescence, are characterized by a large number of excretions and duration. In some, this occurs with a menarche, others show a syndrome when menstruation comes on the second and subsequent times. Such a menorrhagia( code mkb 92.2) is referred to as "Abundant menstruation in the puberty period."
For a young age is characterized by hormonal instability. The amount of estrogen can significantly exceed the norm throughout the cycle, and the gestagens are in short supply. This is the reason for the diagnosis of "primary menorrhagia."Excess of some and a lack of other substances lead to the preservation of the thickness of the endometrium in the second phase of the cycle. When it starts to tear off, the replaceable tissue turns out to be a lot, just like the capillaries and blood. The development of the mucosa is uneven, so the detachment lasts a long time. If there is underdevelopment of the uterus, the menorrhagia also contributes to its low ability to contractions.
Not only adolescents suffer from profuse and long months. And in adult girls, women, after many normal cycles, idiopathic menorrhagia may occur. It is caused by the appearance of disorders of the development of the uterine mucosa, caused by various causes. This kind of painful syndrome is secondary.
How to distinguish between simple and profuse menstrual period from a pathological condition? Menorrhagia symptoms are striking, they are easy to identify:
- lasts more than a week;
- excretions are distinguished by a large volume, presence of clots, persist throughout the entire period of menstruation, at night;
- the amount of lost blood exceeds 150 ml, and the used gaskets per day - more than 10 pieces;
- feels a strong weakness, a little let go after stopping bleeding;
- cycle is shortened in time.
Detection in the syndrome of excretion is precisely menstrual, that is, they occur according to the schedule and after the disintegration of the unfertilized ovum. Do not confuse the concepts of menorrhagia and metrorrhagia. The latter means intense excretion, not associated with aging of the germ cell. However, both syndromes often combine.
Causes of the onset of the pathological phenomenon
What causes the appearance of hyperpolymenorrhea, in some cases depends on its kind. Infections and stresses have a strong influence on the body of adolescents, making the primary pathology more possible. The same can be with hereditary problems with blood coagulability and genetically determined features of menstruation, when the mother and grandmother of the girl had the same problem. But in general the reason for the reason is broader:
- Periods of hormonal changes. We are talking, of course, about adolescents, but also about women who have recently gone through childbirth, as well as those who are at the threshold of menopause. In the latter case, the ICD encrypts pathology under code number 92.4.
- Use of intrauterine contraception. Spiral, candles can have a side effect.
- Endocrine pathologies, liver, kidney, cardiological problems. All affect the hormonal status.
- Pathology of the reproductive system. This cause of the syndrome combines polyps, adenomyosis, ovarian diseases. If uterine fibroids are diagnosed, menorrhagia can also be combined with metrorrhagia.
- Heavy physical labor, frequent changes in climatic conditions. All this is a serious test for the body.
- Incorrect use of drugs or the period of adaptation to them. It can be hormones and blood-thinning agents.
Diagnosis of pathology
The emergence of a NMR by type of menorrhagia should convince a woman to go to a specialist. He will find out the circumstances, after which the syndrome was discovered, will examine the patient on the armchair. If this is not enough, to establish the cause are shown:
- of a small pelvic ultrasound;
- hysteroscopy;
- scraping and examination of the mucosa;
- laboratory blood tests for biochemistry and hormones, coagulogram, detection of oncomarkers CA 19-9, CA-125;
- cytological examination of cervical tissue.
Treatment of menorrhagia
Restoration of normal menstruation is done predominantly by conservative methods, which include:
- Use of blood loss reducing and reimbursable funds. These are Dicinon, Tranexam, aminocaproic acid, Vikasol. You will also need vitamins: K, ascorbic, Ascorutin.
- Hormonal treatment. It can be low-dose COC "Marvelon", "Logest", which take 3 - 6 months. For some women, the use of the Mirena IUD, which directly affects the number of endometrial tissues, is the best. Simultaneously with hormones drink vitamins of group B in the first part of a cycle and A, C, E - in the second.
- Admission of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs "Ibuprofen", "Naproxena", "Indometacin".They are drunk all the time, the drugs reduce the secretions.
It is possible and a radical method of intervention - surgical. It is conducted to patients who have a relapse of the disease, iron deficiency anemia, or there are physiological disorders, damage to the genital organs.
We recommend to read an article about the use of the drug Vikasol with monthly. From it you will learn about the action of the medicine, the purposes of its appointment, the restoration of normal secretions with the help of Vikasol.
Menorrhagia treatment with folk remedies also allows, if it is agreed with the doctor. They will moderate bleeding and give strength:
- Nettle juice. Drink a teaspoon three times a day.
- Infusion of 2 tbsp.l., taken equally with a shepherd's bag and a white mistletoe for 400 ml of boiling water. Prepare his hour, drink a glass in the morning and evening.
Menorrhagia in women is not a disease, but a sign of the presence of a problem. Do not heroic, suffer in silence, or try to cope on your own. It is necessary to find out the reason of a syndrome and to struggle with a problem, leaning against careful diagnostics.