Plots and prayers for the holiday "clean Thursday" will help you to gain prosperity, prosperity and love.
- What should I do on a clear Thursday night?
- What rites do on a clean Thursday?
- What to do on a clean Thursday for money: rites and plots for money
- What to do with trivialities after a clean Thursday?
- With which words to wash on a clean Thursday?
- Plot for water on bathing on a clean Thursday
- Thursday water with silver: recipe
- Prayer for cleansing on a clean Thursday
- Plots and rituals on a clean Thursday for wealth and prosperity
- Plots on clean Thursday for health
- Conspiracy on clean Thursday for the health of a child
- Plots on a clean Thursday from the evil eye
- Plots from fear on a clean Thursday Thursday
- How to speak salt on a clean Thursday?
- Rites and plots for beauty on a clean Thursday
- Love conspiracies and rites for love on a clean Thursday
- Rites and plots on a clean Thursday for unmarried men on marriage
- Prayer on a clean Thursday for a woman's happiness
- Plots on a clean Thursday for losing weight
What to do on a clear Thursday night?
Every religious and Orthodox person knows such a holiday as "Clean Thursday" .This is a special day for Christians, because only it allows a person in a moment to get rid of problems, failures, fear and illnesses. If to make correct ceremonies on this holiday, all the year long promises to be successful, kind and full of personal victories.
Perhaps everyone knows that only on "clean" Thursday before the sun rises, should thoroughly wash your body. This is a kind of tradition, because the morning of this day is considered "magical".It is this that relieves a person from misfortune, as from dirt and gives health for a whole year.
But, what should I do on the night of a clean Thursday? The night is from midnight to 4 am. This is the period of time intended for performing rituals for oneself, children, relatives, economy.
What you need to do on the night of "clean" Thursday for yourself:
- Cheerfully and actively spend the whole year will help early awakening.
- To get health for the whole year( until the next "clean Thursday"), bathing before sunrise of the first rays of the sun will help.
- The water on "pure" Thursday has magic and healing properties: wash your face, body, head, drink water.
- Do not be afraid of cold water, it will help to harden you and wash away from your body not only illnesses, but also accumulated sins for the year. Cold water on "clean" Thursday returns the body to beauty.
- If you want to "give" your face beauty, put a bucket of cold water in the bucket, lower the silver ring there and then carefully wash your face on "clean" Thursday.
- It was believed that if you take out soap in advance for the night on the street - it will be especially "clean".
- It was read that in order to wash off the spoiling on "clean" Thursday, you need to add salt to the water. A handful of salt simply rushed to the mouth, whispered wishes into it, and it dissolved in the water.
- It was believed that if you wash your head on a clean Thursday before dawn and trim the tips carefully - your hair will be healthy and thick.
What rites do on a clean Thursday?
On "clean" Thursday, it is absolutely necessary that wash not only its body, but also clean the house of .It is best to perform "general" cleaning of the , but if you are not allowed to force or time, even a "cosmetic" cleaning will be very useful. It is enough to brush off the old dust, shoot the cobweb from the corners and make a damp rubbing of the floors.
Such a ritual is needed in order to drive out the accumulated negative energy from the house, literally remove "stress, quarrels and squabbles, slanders and envy of guests coming to the house."General or symbolic cleaning will allow to give yourself and your loved ones pleasant emotions, establish relationships and start life, as they say, "from scratch."
How to clean properly on "clean" Thursday to attract the good:
- Open all the windows and windows to let in fresh air, release the "bad" old one.
- Do the cleaning, after take a handful of salt, read the plot to attract wealth and good luck and throw your right hand over the threshold. You can also pour an even strip of salt on the doorstep. This will help not to invite into the house accidentally an enemy and will draw protection for you for a whole year!
- Be sure to bring water from the street: krynitsa, well, column( anything) and it wipe the floors, furniture, walls in the house. Such water is not poured into sewage pipes, it is carried out beyond the threshold and poured into the ground under a fruit tree or nut.
- If you have holy water, it should sprinkle all the corners in the house, beds, oven, clothes. This will help clean the house and your things from negativity, attract luck and luck.
What to do on a clean Thursday for money: rites and conspiracies for money
Of course, at any time for a person of great importance was prosperity and wealth. That is why on "clean" Thursday it was also customary to perform rituals designed to improve the family's wealth.
One of the old rituals says - on "clean Thursday" should three times recount all the money that is available in your home. This is done out loud, you need to take into account absolutely all the savings: deferred money, money in purses and pockets, money in the piggy bank, money in the account. Such a rite will help to "get involved" in money and not "leave" the house.
It's worth noting that there is also a certain time of day in "clean Thursday" when should count money:
- Early morning( before sunrise of "first" sun)
- Noon
- During sunset( at this time it is necessary to recalculatemoney secretly, hiding from everyone).
- At this time, you can read the plot for money: "A hundred, two hundred, one thousand six hundred, the hand-lord takes my money!"
There is another rite for attracting money on "clean Thursday".He assumes that you dial water into the vessel and put a small piece of ( copper and gold) on its bottom. In this water, you should wet the brush and sprinkle all the doors and jambs in the house with water. It is believed that such a ritual will help to "grow" money in your wallet all year round. During the ritual, you can read a simple plot: "Money, money - go in! I do not translate! ".
What to do with the trifle after a clean Thursday?
It is believed that is washed with water , into which you dipped coins, you should not only doors and jambs, but also any windows, as well as cracks. It is necessary to ensure that any air that flies into your house brings good luck and well-being.
After the rituals with coins are committed, the trifle must always be taken out of the water. The remaining or other water should be thoroughly cleaned up with any empty corner in the house. In a clean corner put a handful of coins and leave them in this state for exactly one week.
IMPORTANT: If you have "conspicuous money" water left, it can be poured into a flower. Well, if it is a symbolic money tree.
With which words to wash on a clean Thursday?
Washing on a clean Thursday helps not only get rid of diseases, but also gives beauty to .It is also assumed that such a ritual will give the head "pure" thoughts and will save a person from bad deeds. To wash it is advised, having dipped in water a silver or gold ring.
Silver helps to gain health, and gold wealth. In addition, if you want to get rid of the slander and evil eye - add salt to the water. Wash from the ladle or pelvis, rub every part of the body carefully. Washing should not be quick, do not rush and pay attention to yourself to the fullest.
To ensure that washing is as effective as possible, can read aloud conspiracies. After washing, never pour spilled water into the drainpipe, it should be poured into the ground: a garden, a garden, a flower bed or a regular pot with a house plant.
Plot for bathing on a clean Thursday
It is believed that in order to gain health, to bathe on a clean Thursday should necessarily in the sealed water. This is done by yourself a dirty silver cross and reading prayers. Try to determine in advance what you lack in life and quietly ask it from God, having read a prayer over water.
After reading the prayer, cross the water three times and take a bath or shower. Of course, the water you talked about better not be poured into the sewer. This ablution or douchement is recommended to be done on the street, standing barefoot on the ground. However, not everyone can do this kind of ritual.
IMPORTANT: If you live in an apartment and do douche on the street you do not have the option, prefer a morning contrast shower bath. Take a shower with joy, believing that every stream of water seems to save you from negativity and suffering. While taking a shower, have a cross and read a prayer or a conspiracy.
Fourth water with silver: recipe
The four-part water is a special "charged water", which every believer makes independently. Of course, the healing and miraculous water is that the is brought from the nature of : it is recruited from a source, a crinica or a well.
Such water should be stored in a glass or ceramic vessel .Dip a silver cross in the water and depict the Savior. Read the prayer "Our Father" three times and cross the water three times. Such water can be washed, drunk for the health of the soul and body, sprinkle the house and loved ones.
IMPORTANT: If you do not have a silver cross on your body, dip a silver ring or an earring into the water. It is believed that the metal charges the water with favorable ions of silver and it becomes incredibly useful for humans.
Prayer for cleansing on a clean Thursday
Read prayer for cleansing before washing or washing while washing, bathing, cleaning the house with water. This will help you "cleanse" of problems, ills and diseases, will give the soul lightness and vivacity.
IMPORTANT: It is best to read the prayer three times and each time you should always cross yourself.
Plots and rituals on a clean Thursday for wealth and prosperity
During rituals on a miraculous "clean" Thursday, it's important not just to do it right, but also to to read prayers and conspiracies. Such actions will help effectively "cleanse your" house of all the evil that could accumulate in its walls for years.
Plots on a clean Thursday for the health of
Similar plots are needed so that together with the miraculous water your body is freed from the negative effects and diseases, it could find strength, activity and vivacity.
Conspiracy on a clean Thursday for the health of a child
You can read the health conspiracies for yourself and your loved ones if they do not believe or just do not know how to do it. Mothers should necessarily perform a rite of washing their children with conspiracies and prayers to the Almighty about health.
Wake up the baby very early, explain how important it is now to wash and help him to do it. Give him a glass of healing water and put him to bed again. If your child is old enough, you can invite him to meet the sunrise with you.
IMPORTANT: It is believed that it is on "clean Thursday" that heaven opens its gates. You can see this only a few minutes early in the morning in the sky with the first rays of the sun. Those who are fortunate enough to see the gates will find grace and health throughout the year.
Plots on a clean Thursday from the evil eye
An important rite in "pure Thursday" is the tradition of to protect your home from any negative, spoiling and evil eye envious. It's no secret that each of us is surrounded daily by different people, and many of them do not want good. The resulting negative we bring into the house and it spoils life.
One of the rituals advises you to pour a glass of pure water from the evening and dip into it any silver object: a cross, a spoon, a pin, a ring( anything).In the morning you should drink half a glass of this water, and wash the second half. Such a ritual will protect you from damage by ill-wishers.
IMPORTANT: This water can be washed and sprinkled in the house every corner, bed where you sleep, where your children sleep and rest. Wash the slopes and door jambs, sprinkle water on the threshold and the front door to protect the house.
Plots from fear on a pure Thursday
Often in the person's soul there are a number of specific fears and phobias from which he can not get rid. This state is equated with the disease and therefore you can get rid of it only by reading prayers and conspiracies in the early morning on a clean Thursday.
IMPORTANT: You can make yourself wash with healing water yourself, or help carry out this ritual for your children or loved ones.
How to speak salt on a clean Thursday?
There is such a thing as "Thursday salt".This is a special salt, charged with positive energy, helping to eliminate problems and illnesses. In addition, it is believed that this salt along with water has healing, as well as protective properties for a person and his house.
Everyone can prepare such salt independently, but it should be done only until sunrise on "clean Thursday".Use of "Thursday salt" is possible all year round, if necessary. It can be easily consumed with food, because it is believed that such salt "takes" the body from the disease and the negative.
IMPORTANT: Spilled salt, according to many signs and beliefs, is considered a bad sign. But, it does not concern "miraculous" salt, to disperse such a good habit, attracting luck and well-being.
How to use such salt:
- You can rid people close to illness by giving them food with such salt.
- In the event that there is a "series of disasters" in your home, you need to pour the salt hardened on Thursday into all the home corners.
- If there is a misunderstanding between husband and wife - you need a bag with miraculous salt under the bed.
- If someone has gone far and you are worried that he has not returned to the house for a long time, you should throw a handful of miraculous salt into the flames.
- For the health of children, a pinch of salt should be poured into the bathroom. So, your children will be beautiful and "strong."
- A salt-cellar with this salt is always kept on the dining table.
- A "bad" person who came to your house should be fed with Thursday salt. So, you will help yourself to avoid evil eye and spoilage. Traces of the ill-wishers also sprinkle with salt.
- To no one in the family quarrel, you should throw a pinch of salt of salt under each bed( where your head is).
The "salt" salt preparation:
- The salt was hardened on Thursday( on a stove, in a stove or oven) on Thursday.
- To harden the salt followed by the daughter.
- Do this until dawn on a clean Thursday( on Wednesday night).
- "Activates" salt in the first house cleaning on a clean Thursday.
You can take salt for cooking in three houses, one of them will be yours, and the other two will be neighbors or relatives' houses. The main conditions - at home should be safe, peaceful, kind, healthy.
IMPORTANT: Store the salt "quart" should be in the house, it's good to do it closer to the stove( stove).After the preparation of the "miraculous" salt, right up to Easter, nothing can be given to anyone from the house, either as a loan or as a gift.
Rites and conspiracies on beauty on a clean Thursday
Every woman, of course, dreams of being beautiful and adorable. This, which draws attention to all men. The miraculous power of water on clean Thursday can help in this. To do face washing follows spring water( water from a well or crinica), while reading should be a special plot or prayer.
Love charms and rites for love on a pure Thursday
It is believed that doing cleanup on a clean Thursday, you pay homage to the Lord and attract not only to your house a positive, but also to yourself: you find harmony, peace, peaceand love. In addition, there are a number of rituals on "clean" Thursday, aimed precisely at ensuring that a person meets "his soul mate" in the near future.
Make order not only in the house, but in the bathroom. In addition, be sure to consider where you could place your lover's belongings in your home, release the shelf, for example, or buy personal items. This action attracts the accomplishment of the desired, and on the "clean" Thursday the spells are doubled.
Help in your case and special words for conspiracies that attract luck to you:
Rites and conspiracies on a clean Thursday for unmarried men on marriage
Just so that in your home a "wounded man" should always pour cold water in the morning in the cleanThursday. Pour a glass of water.
In addition, the effective and classic rite of "our grandmothers" on a clean Thursday is considered the planting of apple seeds. Do this at home in the pot. Thus it is necessary to read plot:
Prayer in pure Thursday for female happiness
One of the rituals for "clean Thursday" advises a woman to do not only cleaning, but also to find a new place for things in the house, that is, to make a rearrangement. It is not necessary to move furniture, just change something in places. It will attract not only spiritual harmony and love, but also money into the house. In addition, will help to come true to the desired desire, of which you will think on a festive morning.
IMPORTANT: In addition, when cleaning, moisturizing the house with water or simply washing, you should read a prayer that will help you to find "female happiness".
Conspiracy on a clean Thursday for weight loss
It seems that the "conspiracy to lose weight" - sounds somehow strange and not natural. But, if you think about it, losing weight, a slim figure and a refined silhouette - this is beauty. Some women find it very difficult to lose weight and in order to gain new strength, they read conspiracies and prayers on a clean Thursday.
IMPORTANT: Prayers read on "clean" Thursday help women to find harmony in the soul, find strength to fight excess weight and, as a result, to have a slender body.