- 1 Quickly fall asleep for 1 minute
- 1.1 How to fall asleep for 5 minutes
- 2 How not to wake up in the middle of the night
- 2.1 Tips for falling asleep in the day
- 3 How to fall asleep quickly if you do not want to sleep at home
- 3.1 When insomnia falls asleep without tablets and medications
- 4 How fast to fall asleep to a child if you can not sleep
- 4.1 How fast and hard to fall asleep to a child at 10, 11 and 12 years old
In our troubled time it is difficult to meet a person who would not have problems with a healthy sleep. But, if an adult is willing and though somehow tries to improve the situation, it is more difficult for children to realize the problem and they are intensely opposed.
The methods of such resistance often depend on the age of the child. Therefore, we offer an article on the topic: how to quickly fall asleep if you do not want to sleep at all.
During the publication we will give advice to adults and children of different ages who will help in resolving this issue, as well as we will provide recommendations of specialists for parents.
Quickly fall asleep for 1 minute
There are various ways how an adult person quickly fall asleep and get enough sleep. The most famous is called "4-7-8".Its execution is not difficult, and due to its simplicity, many do not trust.
However, experts argue that all fears are in vain: the exercise slows the rhythms of the heart and soothes, and as a result, sleep sets in.
In fact, it can work as a light sedative.
Exercise :
1. 4 seconds slowly, calmly and deeply inhale.
2. Hold your breath for 7 seconds.
3. Then exhale very slowly through the mouth, the exhalation process should last 8 seconds.
How to fall asleep for 5 minutes
Yogis in their technique practice exercises for proper and deep breathing( breathing exercises), and also learn to relax the muscles and body. These exercises will act in the role of advice, how can a person quickly fall asleep and sleep.
Complete relaxation, immersion in good and pleasant memories, proper breathing - that's what a person really needs to fall asleep.
As part of the memories or fantasies do not overdo it, do not include the experience - the picture should be calm and calming, for example, a light breeze and rest on the ocean.
How not to wake up in the middle of the night
To avoid waking up in the middle of the night and sleep well, experts recommend eliminating irritants, correctly prepare and use several proven methods :
• first board - bedding and the bed itself should be comfortable and clean, experts believe, that the predominance of warm shades contributes to the fact that a person could easily fall asleep. To make a bed is better to start in the morning and then before going to bed you do not need to check everything is in order;
• second board - fresh air in the sleeping room not only helps to fall asleep when needed, but also to sleep well;
• third board - a walk before bedtime is the best way to recharge positive emotions, prepare the body and easily fall asleep.
Tips how to fall asleep in the daytime
After a night's work, quickly fall asleep in the afternoon, if you can not sleep, you can try, like an ambulance method of special services( expert advice): you need to completely relax, lie on your back, close your eyelids and in this position raise your eyes.
Experts believe that this position of the eyes is natural for a sleeping person, and therefore will allow to achieve the desired result( to manage to quickly fall asleep).
How to sleep fast if you do not want to sleep at home
To get a good sleep and quickly fall asleep, you need to prepare yourself correctly:
• pleasant water procedures before bedtime help to relax the body, which helps to fall asleep easily and sleep well;
• if you want to read before bedtime - take a boring book, it will help and easily fall asleep and sleep well;
• free thoughts from everyday worries, it is not advisable to think about plans for the near future before going to bed, to think through thoughts about that.what is done for today, and what is not, etc.;
• The best way to disconnect from reality is to listen to your breathing, expert advice confirms the effectiveness of this method.
For sleeplessness, how to sleep without pills and medications
tips The effectiveness in controlling insomnia of modern sleeping pills is undeniable, but they often give side effects, for example, it can be difficult to wake up in the morning.
experts advice how to deal with this problem differently comes down to the secret of our grandmothers - before going to bed you need to drink hot tea or warm milk with two tablespoons of honey.
This will help to fall asleep not only to an adult, but also to a child. Tea is better to drink herbal: melissa, mint, thyme, etc.these herbs help to reach a state of rest, soothe the lungs of nervous disorders and allow you to quickly fall asleep, i.e.give a hypnotic effect.
How fast to fall asleep to a child if not asleep
Children perceive the reality and their needs differently. It's harder to force them to lie down to sleep. Councils in this option depend on the age of the child, for example, for preschool or primary school children it is enough that parents include them cartoons.
Drawing or puppet reality helps them to relax, have fun and immerse themselves in their own fantasy world, which helps them to fall asleep quickly and soundly, and also get a good sleep( easy falling asleep).
Tips for parents of : try to select cartoons that will not disturb their child's psyche, cartoons should be kind and light, for example, lunatic, latch, etc.
How fast and hard to fall asleep to a child at 10, 11 and 12 years old
easy music to quickly fall asleep. Music, calms and relaxes, but the important point - do not turn it on very loudly( it will prevent you from falling asleep), it is better that it be a background.
Physical exercises throughout the day will also help to make sure that the child quickly falls asleep and sleeps well. And, of course, remember that an early dinner is equated with a fast sleep.
This means that you need to follow the advice of nutritionists - the last meal should be 3-4 hours before bedtime.
If the child is hungry after this - offer him yogurt or an apple, cookies and cakes are better to exclude. All these tips will help not only the child, but also the adult person.
If all this is missing in the life of your child, you need to try to make important changes in the mode of his life that will shake his simplicity and then the parents will not have problems with his healthy sleep