Reception of Remens with menopause

Menopause sometimes strongly changes the state of health for the worse. To endure its complicated course means to be at risk of getting a disease or a nervous breakdown. The drug Remens with menopause has the ability to alleviate symptoms caused by a decrease in hormones, or completely rid them.


  • 1 Read more about rems
  • 2 How the homeopathic remedy
    • 2.1 operates Advantages of the remedy
  • 3 How to use

Read more about remss

Remens is a homeopathic remedy, that is, a naturally occurring remedy. It exists in tablets and drops. All components of the agent act on the body in a coordinated manner, without loading its tissue with counteraction with each other.

Many women prefer to take the drug in tablets. But drops with menopause allow you to more accurately choose the dosage and act faster.

The effectiveness of the remission with regard to the symptoms of menopause is caused by the presence in it:

  • Snake venom. He brings balance to the work of the nervous system, gives a calm night's sleep and emotional stability during the day. The psychological state improves, anxiety and irritability go away;
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  • of the South American pilocarpus. The plant removes vegetative-vascular manifestations, relieving hot flashes, profuse and untimely sweating;
  • Zimifugi. Stimulates the production of estrogen in a natural way. This is their absence explaining all manifestations of menopause;
  • Liquorice glands cuttlefish. Thanks to this component, the remen, used in menopause, normalizes the blood supply of the reproductive organs. The inflammation goes away, the tone of the mucous membranes is restored, which removes dryness in the intimate area and stops the rapid urination;
  • Sanguine. With this component headaches leave due to normalization of pressure, do not disturb tides.
Drops in menopause are good in that they contain only the substances necessary to eliminate discomfort. Auxiliary, which is in the tablets of Remens, are absent. This makes it possible to take drops with lactose intolerance, as well as with diabetes.

How does the homeopathic remedy

Remens is not a hormonal drug. Nevertheless, it is able to influence the tissues in such a way that they are made more sensitive to estrogen. And the development of this substance is stimulated by the drug in a natural way.

The body, especially the reproductive system, rejuvenates. The natural balance of hormones, of course, does not match the former, but it becomes more stable. Due to this, many aspects of well-being change for the better.

Advantages of the remedy

For correction of climacteric manifestations, hormones are often prescribed. But they have many contraindications, with incorrect dosage and prolonged use provoke the occurrence of thrombosis, liver disease. Remens is devoid of these shortcomings. There are other advantages:

  • Natural origin of all components;
  • Wide influence on the symptoms of menopause;
  • Absence of provocation of tumor development;
  • Possibility of restoration of immunity. This is more pronounced in infections of the urinary organs, whose frequent appearance is characteristic of menopause;
  • Neutral effects on adipose tissue growth;
  • Rare occurrence of adverse reactions;
  • Minimal probability of heart problems.

How to use

The remément with menopause affects gradually. But it should be taken after consultation with a specialist. He will determine the desired dosage and duration of use.

For cupping the manifestations of menopause, three times a day is enough. The standard single dose is 10 drops. But there are likely options that are determined by the individual characteristics of the body. Remens in drops can be diluted in 1 tbsp.water or swallow it in its pure form.

Full effect is achieved in half a year of application. After this, the daily dosage can be reduced to 1 time. Drops with climax homeopathic can act and after 2-3 months, but the course should be spent completely.
Tablets drink 1 piece three times a day. Dosage is reduced to 1 time when the effect is detected. Next, the drug is used to maintain the result.

An important point in the admission is that the liquid should be held for half a minute in the mouth and then swallowed.

It is believed that any remedy has contraindications. But in the case of remense, a clear prohibition of use exists only when one of its components is intolerant. And this happens rarely enough.

We recommend to read an article about the intake of phytoestrogens in menopause. You will find out what it is like to take phytoestrogens and how to apply them properly to a woman during menopause.

Remens, used in menopause, not only eliminates its signs. The drug often helps to avoid hormone therapy for those to whom it is not contraindicated. This drug, unlike synthetic substances, does not cause side effects. It is acceptable to use courses with 2-month breaks.

  • Mar 17, 2018
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