How will the analgesic ketans help with menstruation?

More than half of all women experience unpleasant and painful sensations during menstruation. To stop such attacks, many of them use ketones with menstruation. Can I take this medication during this period? Experts are still at variance. In order to receive an answer to this question, it is required to imagine the mechanism of occurrence of pain syndrome in women during menstruation.

Contents of

What is the cause of pain

  • 2 What is ketanov and what is the mechanism of its action
  • 3 How to help the drug during painful menstruation
  • 4 What should not be forgotten when taking
    • 4.1 Overdose
    • 4.2 Compatibility of medication for pain with other drugs
  • 5 Pricing policy and existingAnalogues
  • What causes pain

    Many of the fair sex feel at the beginning of the monthly bleeding discomfort and a feeling of severe burning in the pelvic area. Girls are concerned about the general weakness and painful feelings that last 1 to 3 days.

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    A similar contingent of patients usually has a history of endometriosis, chronic pelvic inflammatory disease or an adhesion process as a consequence of surgical interventions. The cause of the pain in this case is quite clear: excess blood in the uterus and tubes lead to increased pressure on the provoked organs. The cause of severe pain can be the Navy. Ketanov from a month's pain in this group of women can be quite effective.

    But most patients suffer from primary dysmenorrhea, when a young woman or girl has no problems with the genital area in the past. In this case, if there is no anomaly in the development of the genital organs, the cause of the appearance of unpleasant sensations is psychological. If you drop a relatively low percentage of hormonal disorders, an acute reaction can be triggered by the bending of the uterus, as well as a low pain threshold.

    When the girl does not have the pathology of the genital organs, then the ketas with monthly pain can also alleviate the condition. The fact is that the trigger mechanism for the development of pain in the beautiful half of humanity during menstruation are prostaglandins. It is these substances that cause spasmodic contractions in the uterine wall during menstruation, preventing the normal movement of blood in the vessels of the female genital organs.

    This leads to disruption of the nutrition of the uterus and ovaries, which the female body signals with painful impulses. From the use of anesthetics synthesized on the basis of aspirin, in this case, there will be little benefit. Ketanov with painful menstruation is the drug of choice, as it blocks the production of prostaglandins, than it removes the very problem of pain in the uterus and ovaries.

    What is ketanov and what is the mechanism of its action

    In pharmacology there is a large group of drugs, united under the name of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Representative of this type of medication is an anesthetic drug "Ketanov".This substance has antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effect, but the main purpose of this medication is to stop pain syndrome of different origin.

    Such recommendations of experts are explained in that the analgesic effect of this drug is several times greater than the effect of the majority of its analogues. Ketanov is 300 times stronger than aspirin, 50 times more nalgezin, and even widely advertised indomethacin is significantly inferior to the therapeutic effect.

    The pharmacy chain is unable to offer an analgesic of such strength from drugs not related to drugs. This is another positive quality of the substance in question. Ketanov acts at the level of nerve endings and has no effect on the central nervous system.

    It is known that narcotic analgesics have a mass of side effects:

    • depress CNS;
    • provokes a gastrointestinal and urinary tract disorder;
    • lower blood pressure;
    • can cause heart disruption.

    Ketanov does not have such negative effects on the patient's body.

    This medication is usually available in tablets or solutions. It should be noted that the main active substance of this drug is ketorolac. In tablets of the ketone therapeutic drug contains 10 mg, and the injection solution assumes the presence of 30 mg of ketorolac in 1 ml.

    The effect of the drug does not depend on the form of release used, so a woman can choose a convenient option for herself. Of course, when the lady is using analgesic ketones with menstruation, they do not expect a constant intake of the drug. It must be remembered that if the treatment with this substance is carried out for a long time, then the medicine is injected into the body every 6 hours. Most often, the drug is taken when there is severe pain. The daily dose should not exceed 6 - 8 tablets, and the duration of treatment is 4 - 5 days.

    Most often this drug is recommended to be used after operations, with various injuries, various neurological problems. In modern medicine, Ketan is included in the scheme of anesthesia of small surgical operations and dental manipulations.

    How to help the drug during painful menstruation

    Many women turn to their doctor with a question whether it is possible to drink ketas at monthly intervals. As mentioned above, this drug is optimal for relieving pain in this difficult for any lady period.

    It is important to use it correctly, as any substance can have side effects. Women, of course, prefer pills to injections. The tablet should be swallowed whole, washed down with 100 - 150 ml of water. To chew or suck the medicine is not recommended.

    This is due to the negative effect of the substance on the gastric mucosa and esophagus. For the same reason, it is advisable to use the drug after eating, but in this case its effect comes somewhat later. To stop the attack of pain during menstruation, usually 1 to 2 tablets is enough, but if the patient has a secondary dysmenorrhea with pronounced manifestations of endometriosis, this dose may be small.

    If a woman needs constant medication, the maximum permitted dosage can be 2 tablets every 6 hours. Patients should be aware that the recommended dosages are designed for girls whose body weight exceeds 60 kg. If a young lady weighs below 50 kg, then the dosage of the drug should be reduced by 2 times.

    We recommend to read an article about cramping pains with menstruation. From it you will learn about the symptoms of painful menstruation, the causes of the pathological condition, the ways to alleviate the condition of a woman.

    What should not be forgotten when taking

    Like any other medicine, this drug has its own characteristics and contraindications when used. Most often, the patient, taking a cure for pain with menstruation, face an overdose.

    Overdosing of

    If a woman after receiving a regular painkiller pains in the abdomen, nausea and vomiting began, then this symptomatology indicates an overdose of ketanov. This drug irritates the gastric mucosa and can even cause gastric bleeding.

    When a similar complication occurs during admission, it is recommended to perform gastric lavage and use various sorbents, for example, activated charcoal. It is desirable to simultaneously protect the gastric mucosa, for this you can use the drug "Almagel A" or its analogs.

    Compatibility of medication against pain with other drugs

    Pharmaceutical science does not recommend the simultaneous use of ketones and other medicinal substances of this group. It is also dangerous to prescribe an anesthetic together with calcium compounds or alcohol. Such combinations often provoke a disruption of the blood coagulation system and cause severe internal bleeding. A similar complication can occur when using ketanov in combination with hormones.

    Given the ability of this drug to influence blood clotting, it is forbidden to use ketones and various anticoagulants and thrombolytics in complex therapy. A particularly similar prohibition concerns heparin and barbarian.

    The medical literature describes the ability of ketanov to lower blood sugar, so if a woman has diabetes mellitus, then this pain medication should be taken with caution.

    There are other negative factors in the treatment of pain syndrome with this analgesic, so any woman should consult with her doctor before taking the drug. The medicine should be released strictly by prescription, as many countries at the beginning of this century banned its use. However, given the attitude to the laws in Russia and other former union republics, ketas can be purchased at pharmacies fairly freely.

    Pricing Policy and Existing Analogues

    When answering the question whether ketones can be taken on a monthly basis, it is necessary to take into account all the positive and negative aspects of this medication. The price availability of the drug for all segments of the population is also quite important.

    In the pharmacy network of the Russian Federation, the price of tablets "Ketanov" ranges from 35 to 70 rubles, depending on the region and the number of tablets in the package. A similar price for this medicine is also on the Ukrainian market of medical preparations. A package of ten ampoules is sold in pharmacies for 50 - 65 hryvnia.

    Since ketanov belongs to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, a large number of analogs of this painkiller can be found on the market. Most often, patients are offered to relieve the pain syndrome with monthly indomethacin, diklovit, voltaren, ortho fen and other drugs. Side effects in most of them do not differ from ketanov, but the strength of the impact on pain, he has no equal.

    In the choice of anesthetics for painful periods, any patient should rely on the advice of a doctor and the individual susceptibility of her body to medicines.

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