Normal and pathological discharge with blood veins after menstruation

Normally, spotting can appear in women only during menstruation and on the eve of them. Their duration should not exceed 3 - 7 days. But it happens that a woman notices the discharge with blood veins after menstruation, which is quite alarming. The reasons for the development of such conditions are different: from ovulation to malignant neoplasms. How to understand what is happening, what to do in such situations?


  • 1 normal allocation
    • 1.1 first half cycle
    • 1.2 Periovulyatorny period
    • 1.3 second phase of the cycle
    • 1.4 Features at
  • 2 Navy What to look
  • 3 reasons for the selection changes
    • 3.1 Pathology cervical
    • 3.2 Pathology cavity
    • uterus3.3 Endometriosis
    • 3.4 Uterine fibroids
    • 3.5 Pregnancy
    • 3.6 Ovarian pathology
    • 3.7 Sexual contacts
    • 3.8 Inspection of the gynecologist
    • 3.9 Against the background of taking hormonal tablets
    • 3.10 Oncological diseases
    • 3.11 Endocrine pathology
  • 4 What to do in case of detection of
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Normal allocation of

The vaginal discharge in a woman changes during the cycle, and this is absolutely normal. Such fluctuations can be regarded only as a good hormonal background.

The first half of the cycle

The new cycle begins its countdown from the first day of the month. Within 3 to 7 days, the girl has menstrual discharge, which is a mixture of the upper layer of the endometrium, the mucous membrane elements and the secretion of the vagina, and blood. Their total volume does not exceed 30-40 ml / day.

Any spotting should not last more than 7 to 10 days. After complete cleansing of the uterine cavity, the whites acquire a slimy character, possibly with a hazy or white hue. When drying on linen, they can turn into yellow spots.

Periodovulatory period

The closer to ovulation, the more mucous and liquid become discharge. Sometimes they are compared to a hen's egg protein, they really remind it. The number of them, too, can be decent. But the usual hygiene procedures should suffice for a sense of complete comfort.

During ovulation, the girl may have spotting spotting. But their duration should not be more than 2 - 3 days, and for the abundance in the norm there is enough daily laying. If a woman has a period of 5-7 days, these excretions will appear just a week after the end. And the girls note that the critical days did not have time to finish, as they began again.

But even such discharges should not be monthly, with regular repetition should be screened to exclude pathology, for example, polyps of the endometrium. Such diseases occur even in young and nulliparous girls.

The second phase of the cycle

Immediately after ovulation, the amount of secretions decreases, they become more viscous. They often acquire a whitish shade, sometimes they look like milk. Similar leucorrhoea is characteristic of the gestagenic background, which is formed during pregnancy. Therefore, milking neobilnye allocation - the norm and throughout the period of gestation.

Features with the Navy

Each organism perceives an intrauterine device in its own way. Sometimes a woman does not feel this foreign body at all, but often it brings a lot of inconvenience.

So, during the wearing of the IUD in the norm for 3 - 4 days before and as many after the monthly can appear brown smear. This is due to the fact that the uterine cavity needs more time for complete cleansing.

Also on the background of the IUD, girls often have ovulatory decubitus and postcoital secretions. But if pain accompanies pain, a visit to a doctor should not be postponed, there is a possibility of a spiral shift or the appearance of inflammation.

Look at the video about the discharge:

What to look for

Every woman should watch for her secretions, because the vaginal whitecaps change first in many pathologies. Ideally, you should keep your menstrual calendar and mark all the nuances. In addition, it will help the gynecologist to understand the diagnosis. So, it is necessary to pay attention to the following facts:

  • How many days are monthly and what is their nature, whether there are no ointments or after them.
  • What is the nature of the discharge at the time of ovulation.
  • On whites in the second phase of the cycle. It is during this period that women experience physiological immunodeficiency, so diseases are more often manifested.

Causes of changes in

discharge The expert can finally determine the diagnosis and understand the causes of bleeding after a month. Independently one can only assume an etiology and understand how quickly it is necessary to seek medical help.

Pathology of the cervix

Most often, bloody discharge occurs with erosion of the cervix. The tissues of its surface are very vulnerable at the same time and can cause bleeding for no apparent reason. Most often, these are spotting or brown discharge.

If there are Nabotov cysts on the cervix or even without them, but in the presence of erosion, the amount of mucus produced may increase, and blood veins periodically appear there.

Similarly, ectopia and polyps of the cervical canal can be manifested. They give smear after sexual intercourse, after laying tampons or candles, after physical exertion. That is, we need some provoking factor to cause microtraction.

Pathology of the uterine cavity

Bloody discharge after menstruation is typical for endometrial polyps and hyperplasia. In this case, the smear appears in most cases after physical exertion, psychoemotional feelings, sexual contacts, and also for no apparent reason.

Bloody discharge is most often neobilnye, but can resemble breakthrough bleeding. They are also often accompanied by painful sensations in the lower abdomen.

Endometritis, acute or chronic, has similar manifestations. Sometimes it can only occur with periodic swabs. With more extensive inflammatory processes, secretions can acquire an unpleasant odor or change their color.


The main manifestations of endometriosis are pain and spotting. The degree of their, periodicity and quantity largely depend on the localization of pathology. So, if it's an endometriosis of the cervix, the discharge will be negligible. With adenomyosis, brown smear can disturb for 4 - 5 days before and 5 - 7 days after menstruation, then appearing, then disappearing. This can be both bloody veins in the mucus, and just dark brown blood.

Myoma of the uterus

Fibromatous nodes, especially located submucosally, can give periodic spotting, but more often it is prolonged menstruation, profuse and painful.


Bloody discharge after critical days may appear in women in the event of pregnancy. But at the same time "menstruation" in fact - the threat of interruption on a short term.

In the supposed critical days menstrual-like discharges appear, and after a certain interval of "purity" reappear, causing a woman to be perplexed. Other signs of pregnancy are also noticeable: changes in taste preferences, swelling of the chest, nausea, etc. Against the background of bloody discharge, which can be streaked in the mucus, and abundant, in most cases there are pains in the lower abdomen, lower back.

Ovarian pathology

Volumetric formations( cysts, tumors, etc.) of the ovaries can lead to a change in their function, which affects the balance of hormones. As a result of jumps in estrogens and gestagens, there may be a daub.

Sexual contacts

When blood veins appear in vaginal mucus or even drops, the likelihood of injury during sexual intercourse should be excluded. Even microcracks on the mucosa can lead to the appearance of such secretions.

Particularly often, smears appear after sexual intercourse if the woman has polyps of the cervical canal and cervix, erosion or ectopia, and cancer.

Examination of the gynecologist

If a woman has recently been to a gynecologist at the examination, it is also possible to have a minor dyeing in a day or two. Especially if there have been any manipulations on the cervix or in the cervical canal( smear on oncocytology, scraping, fence on STI, etc.).You should not worry, everything is normalized by yourself. And only with abundant bloody discharge should see a doctor again.

On the background of taking hormonal tablets

Often during oral contraceptives, especially in the first months of use, there are irregular bloody discharge, including some time after menstruation. Such violations are tolerated not more than 2 - 3 cycles, during which the body gets used to the "new conditions".In other cases it is better to solve the problem of replacing contraceptives with another one with a doctor.

Smear, blood veins can be after taking emergency contraception. To foresee in advance such violations are difficult, it is an individual reaction to hormones in a single high dose.

Oncological diseases

Cervical and uterine cancers often manifest as irregular bloody discharge in the form of veins or more abundantly, including after sexual intercourse. At the beginning of the disease a woman does not feel any pain, no increased fatigue, no other symptoms. All this appears as the disease progresses.

Endocrine pathology

Sexual organs and their function are closely related to the work of other endocrine glands. A special role in this is played by the thyroid gland. Therefore, if her work is disturbed( hyper- or hypothyroidism), the normal cyclicity of menstruation may be lost, irregular bloody discharge appears. To define this reason it is possible only after special inspection( US of a thyroid gland and the analysis of a blood on its hormones).

We recommend reading the article on monthly and bleeding from the uterus. From it you will learn how to distinguish between profuse menstruation from pathology, features of excreta during implantation, what to do with abundant secretions.

What to do if an

is detected If bloody discharge after menstruation occurs, do not panic. In some cases, you can independently find an explanation for this, but only the specialist will explain everything most reliably. Therefore, when blood veins appear in the vaginal mucus, the ointment should be referred to the gynecologist. But before all you can try to find out why the violation occurred. It is recommended to do the following:

  • Remember, maybe a day or two ago a woman was already at a doctor's appointment or had gynecological tests.
  • Sexual contact, especially on the background of alcoholic intoxication, could be accompanied by minor injuries. But in this case it is always necessary to be cautious about bloody discharge. Contact smearing is one of the signs of the oncological process.
  • Pregnancy test will help to exclude or confirm it.
  • The menstrual calendar will tell you exactly the day of the cycle, when the violations occurred. Perhaps this is the period of ovulation and the accompanying smear.

Mucous discharge with blood veins after menstruation or swabbing in most cases is a sign of the presence of some disease, especially if it is a regular disorder, not a single one. Only a doctor after a comprehensive examination can accurately establish the cause and prescribe the most effective treatment.

  • Mar 17, 2018
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