Correct and useful yoga during menstruation: what are asanas worth doing and which are not?

Yoga classes not only benefit the physical state of the body. They help to achieve peace of mind. Therefore, for many women, such a load becomes necessary and desirable daily. But is yoga acceptable during menstruation? After all, critical days are not canceled, and everyone knows that physical activity in this period should be limited.


  • 2 Can I do
  • 2 Asanas that should be excluded
  • 3 Asanas suitable for critical days
  • 4 Useful video
  • 5 Effect of sessions on menstruation
  • Can I deal with

    Monthly, especially in the early days, many are accompanied by uncomfortable sensations. But this does not mean that the entire period should be spent on bed rest, escaping from pain and weakness with pills. Of course, excessive physical activity can exacerbate poor health, disrupt the balance of hormones. Therefore, it is contraindicated. But yoga contains exercises that do not require much physical effort, but, on the contrary, help stabilize the condition, improve it.

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    If you follow them, listening to your own feelings, you can feel how pain and irritability go away, strength and pacification come. Relief of well-being does not give any doubts as to whether it is possible to practice yoga during the months. After all, the menstrual period is not a disease, but one of the natural conditions.

    Asanas, which should be excluded

    Full-fledged yoga classes include fairly complex exercises that become available to perform only with time and experience. Especially do not do them with menstruation. After all, complex asanas presuppose an intense effect on the body as a whole, including on the reproductive organs. And they are in critical days and so suffer a heavy load.

    Therefore, in this period it is necessary to exclude postures in which it is required to be in a position upside down. With it, there is a blockage of blood flow, forming a stagnation of blood in the small pelvis, which provokes the development of gynecological diseases: cysts, endometriotic foci, fibroids. In this regard kundalini yoga during menstruation should be performed without exercise:

    • Sarvangasana;
    • Halasana;
    • Agni Pranayama;
    • Mula Bandha.

    It is also not advisable to do:

    • Shirshasanu;
    • Adho-mukha vrishkasanu;
    • Halasan;
    • Vrsicikasanu;
    • Pincha Mayurasanu;
    • Viparita-karani mudra;
    • Bakasanu.
    Typical for many practices are exercises involving twisting. Yoga during menstruation, the complex of asanas that forces pressure on the abdomen and small pelvis, is also contraindicated.

    This poses:

    • Mayurasana;
    • Navasana;
    • Shalabhasana;
    • Jathara Parivartanasana.

    They lead to increased blood supply to the uterus, stimulate the activity of its muscles, which is unacceptable with monthly. Also valid:

    • Nidrasana;
    • Pada Shirshasana;
    • Padma-parivritta asana.

    They force to literally "get tied up in a knot", and this leads to increased intra-abdominal pressure. With menstruation, it is a provocateur of pain and intense discharge.

    The practice of yoga during menstruation, involving exercises with a deflection of the spine, is not recommended for the same reasons. It is necessary to postpone the execution of Kapotasana and Ardha Chakrasana.

    However, some women continue to make the whole complex of asanas and with menstruation without any damage to health and well-being. This possibility exists only for those who have a long practice of yoga( more than 2 years) and absolute health. But in this case the first 2 - 3 days of menstruation intensity of employment should be reduced.

    Asanas suitable for critical days

    Still, full-fledged yoga during the monthly period is possible. There are exercises that do not directly affect the area of ​​the small pelvis and abdomen, not violating the blood supply. These are the poses:

    • Uttanasana;
    • Vrikshasana;
    • Utthita triconasan;
    • Baddha konasana;
    • Balasana;
    • Shavasana;

    • Archa Chandrasana;
    • Adho Mukha Sukhasana;
    • Jan Shirshasana;
    • Marichiasana;
    • Adho Mukha Wirasana;
    • Upavistha Konasana.

    It is not necessary to use all allowed asanas, you need to choose those that give the greatest comfort. They will help correct oxygen exchange, restore normal cellular respiration, eliminate toxins and relax. All this is especially important during menstruation.

    The main thing - do not get hung up on unimportant well-being. But if it has worsened, the occupation should be stopped. This may mean that the woman is still overzealous or she has gynecological problems.

    Yoga is useful during menstruation for pain relief. Contributing to its elimination postures:

    • Padmasana;
    • Wirasan;
    • Vajrasan;
    • of Gomukhasana;
    • of Sukhasana.

    Here the rules of execution are the same: control of breathing, moderation. If the amount of secretions during training has increased dramatically, they need to be completed. However, with proper exercise, observance of other conditions, absence of gynecological pathologies, there are no problems, on the contrary, well-being improves.

    Useful video

    On yoga for women during menstruation, see the video:

    Influence of sessions on menstruation

    The correct asanas have on monthly not only a momentary beneficial effect. Classes lead to a whole complex of positive changes:

    • comes to normal volume of excretions, regardless of whether the was scanty or abundant;
    • relieves severity and abdominal pain;
    • ceases to bother irritability, apathy, characteristic of critical days, but comes spiritual comfort;
    • does not disturb the pain in the back and sacrum, which in some women are stronger than from uterine contractions.

    We recommend to read an article about sports training during menstruation. From it you will learn about the recommendations for physical education at critical days, useful and forbidden exercises, ways of preparing for training.

    In addition, yoga during the months - excellent prevention of gynecological diseases. After all, exercises help to stabilize the blood supply of the pelvic area, to remove stagnant phenomena. Some women after regular training, not stopping, but changing during menstruation, were able to get rid of infertility.

    Despite the obvious benefit of yoga, you need to start it after consulting a doctor. This is especially important if it is a matter of continuing practice on critical days. But in the case when there are no contraindications to it, it is necessary to observe the measure in the intensity of the exercises.

    • Mar 17, 2018
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