- Legends about olive oil
- What is the use and harm of olive oil?
- Olive oil for weight loss
- Questions to which you should know the answers
- Olive oil and its types
- Who should not eat olive oil
The modern age has become very advanced in terms of beauty and health. Bright advertisements tell about these or other products, procedures in clinics of plastic surgery, wonderful means that can restore the former beauty. But in ancient times people could be beautiful outwardly without injections, magic procedures. They knew a lot of secrets and one of them is olive oil.
We know that vegetable oils give us the possibility of cooking. But this is not their main function. Oil gives us the necessary substances that allow us to be healthy and attractive externally. And the leader among plant products, of course, is olive oil. About how many different legends exist that have been borne by generations of people from antiquity. Beauties of Egypt, Greece, the East knew all the secret secrets that made them goddesses.
The benefits of olive oil for women have already been proven thousands of years ago, and modern physicians, cosmetologists, nutritionists do not argue with this fact. Using only this natural product, you can put your skin in order, give shine to your hair, improve your health. But not only the fair sex can use these recipes, and men too. At the same time, oil is healthy at all ages.
Did you know? Olive oil, the benefits and harms of which you learn further, contains not just a lot of substances useful for our body, they are also assimilated by almost 100%.Such indicators can surprise a little what products even of a phytogenesis.
Legends about olive oil
Before you begin to describe the useful properties of this wonderful product, as well as recipes that can help with certain ailments, it is worthwhile to tell what the olive tree was revered for, what myths and legends exist.
For the first time the mention of the olive tree and oil was 14 thousand years ago. Few product is given so much attention. According to legend, the tree was born by one of the most beautiful, wise and important goddesses that we all know - Aphrodite. Because in ancient Greece the olive was the main tree. But the Egyptians have a myth that the olive tree was also created by the goddess - the beautiful Isis.
Olive is revered by three religions of the world - the great Mohammed said that the oil of this tree can heal from 70 ailments, and in the kingdom of Israel they anointed those who went to the throne.
How to drink olive oil for medicinal purposes, and how it can still be used for therapy, Aristotle first spoke. He created a whole new science. After that, he developed another Hippocrates system. Olive oil became the basis of 473 preparations. All these medicines were inscribed on the register by the ancient doctor Galen. That oil and preparations could be delivered to different cities, special ships were built.
In our time, we should be happy that olive oil is easy to acquire. Of course, a natural product is not cheap, but it is not so expensive that most people can not afford it. At least to be treated. Of course, the use of the product is invaluable, and we can use it, so why are we waiting.
Important! Oil to buy in our time is not a problem, including olive oil, but it's worth to be careful. The thing is that retail outlets can offer a product for an absolutely low price, it can not be real, for example, unrefined olive oil. Natural products can not cost cheap, be sure to look at the composition. It is best to buy such products in special shops, where everything is guaranteed and there are certificates.
What is the use and harm of olive oil?
It's difficult to evaluate everything that this product can give us. And below you will find a lot of different advantages, which are simply raised from their place and forced to go and buy natural healing oil.
Health helper
Oil is rich in vitamins. It has a lot of vitamin A and D, E. They benefit for our eyes, the skin. It's vitamins that help the skin cells to be renewed, the amount of keratinized layer decreases. The epidermis increases the protective forces against contaminants that come from the environment. Carotene protects the skin from UV rays. Oil rescues from sun burns, moisturizes, protects from pathogenic environment, softens tissues. The composition of olive oil also contains:
- fatty acids - the main oleic acid - 60-80%;
- omega 9, 6, 3- 4-14%, 15%, 0-0.8% respectively;
- linoleic acid - 14%;
- saturated fatty acids of different types - 0.01-1%;
- compounds are phenols and their acids, polyphenols, tocopherols, styrenes and terpene alcohols.
Tip! You can not buy expensive funds to go to the beach or the pool. Protect the skin can not be compounds based on chemicals, but with olive oil. It will retain moisture, protect against the effects of salt, chlorine, give tone and shine. The use of olive oil for the skin was discovered thousands of years ago.
With regard to the internal organs, the oil, if introduced into your diet, perfectly strengthens the walls of the vessels, they become elastic, which helps to avoid many diseases and normalizes the activity of the cardiovascular system. In our time, many drugs that help cope with pressure, contain in the composition of the substance from the leaves of the olive. Oil and bones and tissues will help, since it prevents the elution of calcium from the body. Oil is irreplaceable for children. It perfectly supports muscles in a tone, which is important for those involved in sports. It will also help with various kinds of digestive and respiratory problems, including asthma. Oil helps the liver and gall bladder.
A great product plus in its ability to heal wounds and burns. For this, linolic acid in the composition is responsible. It has a beneficial effect on the skin, promotes rapid tightening of scars, blinks to cope with spots after acne and other rashes. All the same linoleic acid has a beneficial effect on our eyesight. It will also help those people who have problems with coordination of movement.
For your information! Our ancestors knew how useful olive oil is for people who have suffered from headaches. The product helped to recover those who suffered from mental and psychological disorders.
Agree, in our time, all that concerning the psychological state of a person, this is a very acute issue, because we are constantly on the verge of stress. The modern age has given us many things and services that make life easier for us, but also it has given much that has made the life of many people unbearable. This all affects the psychological state.
But these are not the main advantages of olive oil, as there have been more than one study that showed that the product serves as an excellent prophylaxis for oncological diseases. It especially helps women to protect themselves from breast cancer. Such components in the composition, like antioxidants, oleic acid and various vitamins act overwhelmingly on malignant cells, excrete toxins. The latter harm tremendously, clogging our body, leading to illnesses, skin problems and so on.
Helper beauty
Olive oil and its benefits, when the product is consumed inside, is huge and this has already been said. But not only does it heal the organs inside, it also helps our appearance. If the body does not have malfunctions, then the skin will be healthy and shiny. It has long been proven that all the rashes, acne and other negative manifestations are a reflection of certain diseases.
For your information! Vitamins, macro- and microelements are important for the body, and they increase the protective forces, that is, immunity. Only in this case, the immune system can reflect the attack of a malicious medium. A healthy body is a guarantee of a beautiful appearance.
You can take the oil inside, you can use it for external use. After the shower, still wet skin massage with olive oil, and it will shine brightly, and its softness will amaze anyone. Apply the product daily to the face, and wrinkles will not settle on it for a long time. Make a hair mask and luxurious curls will become a pride for you. It does not require complicated manipulations and preparations to help the face and hair:
- to give your hair food, especially if they are constantly exposed to styling, staining, then simply pour into a plastic cup of refined olive oil, it can be unrefined, and fasten on the back of the head. You will be surprised, but within five minutes of the product there will be no trace. Exhausted hair will absorb it and will be grateful. Also, apply a little oil every day on the cut ends, and you will soon forget about them;
- another recipe for beauty - this olive oil and sunflower are mixed in equal parts, add the yolk and a spoonful of honey. Such a mask will save hair and give them shine better than any professional shampoo;
- if you began to appear mimic wrinkles, there were scars on the face after acne, then the oil is rubbed every day on the massage lines, and soon the problem will become less noticeable. In this case, you do not have to spend money on expensive creams and procedures from a cosmetologist;
- drip a few drops of oil in shampoo, hair mask, face cream, hands, and they will acquire new properties;
- do at least 2 times a week massage with olive oil, and you will forget about muscle blocks, stress, fading and dry skin and insomnia. Such massages will increase sexuality and help to establish relationships in the family. Additionally use also essential oils;
- for the skin to be clean, the liver and excretory system should work well, then toxins will not accumulate. Olive oil for constipation and cleansing is drunk in the morning before meals or at night for a mild cleansing. You can simply drink a tablespoon of the product, and you can grow it in tomato juice.
Recommendation! Often you can hear that many girls dream of long hair, but can not grow them, they say, the ends of the hair always break off, and the length stands still. Oil will help. The recipe was described earlier.
Oil very quickly leads the dehydrated skin in order, protects it from the sun and frost. Secretion of sebaceous glands comes back to normal. And cracked lips heal many times faster. Help the skin has phenol in the composition. The product will also help the male skin, which often suffers from shaving - just apply a little oil so that it absorbs, and the razor will not leave any irritation and stains. It is possible to carry out not only treatment with olive oil, but also an elementary removal of make-up. Your skin and eyelids will say "thank you" for the fact that they are not cleaned with chemistry.
Hand and foot care
And here the oil from the olives has no equal. After all, the skin of the hands and feet is very often subjected to negative effects - we wash our dishes with chemicals, wash, dig in the garden, perform various works with aggressive substances, go to frost without gloves. This can not but affect the skin, cracks, wounds, which are like open gates for infection. The feet suffer even more, and the oil can help restore the former beauty and tenderness of the skin. To do this, you just need to rub it and add it to products such as creams, lotions, gels.
Tip! If you are worried about the fact that oil on your hands can stain your bed or clothes, just apply and wear gloves or socks for the night. It will help and solve the problem perfectly.
It is wonderful to solve the house and the problem of sick hangnails. To remove such a problem, a bath is made of warm butter and lemon juice. This wonderful remedy softens the defect and it is easy to remove.
Olive oil for weight loss
Nutritionists have long been saying praise to the product. But it's not about caloric content at all, but in all the valuable qualities that bring our health back to normal. After all, the use of the product has a beneficial effect on the metabolism and purification of the body, and this is one of the main factors for weight loss. Of course, and massages with olive oil, which have already been said before, also stimulate weight loss, because the fat deposits begin to burn, and cellulite also will recede.
For your information! The product is not dietary. Olive oil has a caloric content in one tablespoon of 120 kcal.
But this should not frighten you. The daily rate, which will fill all the necessary substances, is only two spoons, so it will not be able to harm the product. Moreover, oleic acid in the composition helps the body to quickly saturate, and the brain will be less likely to send signals of hunger. Also increases and serotonin. The recipe for losing weight is simple - every morning before eating for an hour you should drink a tablespoon of oil and the body will be cleaned gently and gradually, and the weight will melt.
For your information! Olive oil for gastritis is also drunk on an empty stomach and also a tablespoon, but it must be diluted in water.
Questions to which you need to know the answers
People are wondering which oil is more useful than olive or sunflower oil? And often we answer, of course, olive, but it's actually more a tribute to fashion. The fact is that if you disassemble these two types of oil in the formulations, then in one product there are more than one substance, in the other, but they are all important for our body. Therefore, the answer can not be unambiguous - it is important what exactly is missing in the body of this particular person, then choose oil for food and treatment. The calories of oil are also the same, except that the sunflower has a bad smell for many, but its price is more affordable. You decide.
The next most popular question is which olive oil is better refined or unrefined. Again, there is no unambiguous answer, since it is believed that the oil that has not been processed, that is, which did not pass the refining stage, will be more useful, because there are more substances in it. But such oil is difficult to use for cooking dishes that need to be heat treated - it gives smoke, foam, odor. But here for the treatment of such a product - a real storehouse of benefit. Because it's up to you to decide what exactly you use will be the olive oil.
For salads, dressing, treatment, weight loss - use olive oil unrefined first cold pressed. It will contain all the components, have the maximum benefit for the body, be assimilated to them by 100%.For heat treatment, when you need to uncover the taste and aroma of products, use refined oil.
Olive oil and its kinds
The types of butter directly correspond with the use of the product. There are several different categories:
- Virgin is a product obtained by cold pressing. That is, it is made at a temperature of not more than 27 degrees. This is the most useful oil;
- Extra Virgin - it is made by pressing mechanically without artificial additives. This product is natural, tasty, fragrant and useful. Suitable for salads and fresh food. Such a product may be identified by the DOP marking;
- Fine virgin olive oil and Semi-fine virgin olive oil are olive oil of cold pressing, but their acidity is higher. Benefits compared to the first two categories are smaller, but the price is more affordable;
- Refined is a refined oil. It is made from the first category by cleaning. Used for frying, the composition is less rich, but carcinogens form a minimum;
- Pomace - is made from cake, that is, pressed previously squeezed fruits. Often this product is used for baking. In this oil, the least benefit.
It is important to look not only at the product category on the shelf, but on the acidity of olive oil. If you need it for treatment, the indicator should not exceed 1%.For example, in the second type, the acidity is 0.8%.And this oil is the best.
Tip! Always look at the markings. If the packaging indicates Bio and Organik, then you can take the product, since this is the best oil. Its manufacture was under strict control and with observance of all rules. In this product there are no additives, dyes, preservatives, GMOs and other harmful substances.
About what olive oil has useful properties is now clear, but there are contraindications to it, however, they are few.
Who should not eat olive oil
- For cholelithiasis, the product should not be used for food and for treatment inside.
- To consume it is forbidden in large quantities to people with excess weight because of caloric content of oil.
- Strictly observe the measure of those who suffer from chronic diseases of the digestive system, so as not to increase the burden on the organs.
- People with cholecystitis.
- Strictly observe the measure for diabetes and liver disease, otherwise excess will lead to complications.
. This is the olive oil. Its benefits for our health are much greater than the disadvantages. But only the right oil will be healing.