Rice broth in cosmetology, dietology and gastroenterology

  1. Useful properties of
  2. For poisoning
  3. For skin
  4. Decoction for weight loss
Rice decoction is used to treat and promote health.

Rice is a source of complex carbohydrates that charge the human body with energy and increase efficiency. Of this cereal often make a decoction, which is allowed to eat with gastritis and peptic ulcer, as it contains lecithin, gently enveloping the mucous membrane. This drug normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract, so it is often prescribed for diarrhea, vomiting and other consequences of poisoning.

In addition, with the help of such a decoction you can get rid of extra pounds and significantly improve the skin condition.

But the result after the application was positive, you should know how to prepare the rice broth correctly. We bring to your attention several recipes of this drug.

Useful properties

Rice broth is able to bring significant benefits to the human body. With complex treatment, it helps to get rid of gastritis and ulcers. It is necessary to take it 200 ml twice a day and these diseases will soon start to recede. This effect is due to the presence in its composition of a large number of special substances that envelop the walls of the stomach and intestines, protecting the mucosa from the harmful effects of acids and removing irritation.

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Rice broth has astringent properties, which contributes to the normalization of the digestive tract during poisoning, which is accompanied by a stomach disorder and vomiting. It gently cleanses the body and binds excess fluid, which causes the formation of stools to normalize and the intestinal peristalsis improves significantly.

Rice broth will help with bloating, reducing manifestations of flatulence

This folk remedy prevents the emergence of fermentation processes in the digestive organs, helps with pains in the stomach and at the same time fills the body with nutrients. It can be applied to both adults and children, but the recipe for each age category will be special.

What else is useful for rice decoction? Due to the high content of vitamins and minerals, it is used to maintain the beauty and youth of the skin. Also, if necessary, it will help lose weight.

When poisoning

Very high efficiency of rice decoction in poisoning, as it gently eliminates toxins, eliminates diarrhea and vomiting. We suggest you consider the recipe, which is shown in intestinal fermentations. It will help to remove all symptoms of poisoning.

  • Rinse a glass of rice and pour 7-ounce glasses of water.
  • Put on fire, bring to a boil.
  • Cover and cook with a small gas supply until the cereals are ready.

After about 40 minutes, the tool will be ready. It should be filtered and slightly cooled. Take this rice decoction when vomiting and other symptoms of 150 ml poisoning along with crackers or diet breads.

Tip! To vomit and gastric fermentation quickly subsided, try to eat nothing more on the day of taking the decoction.

This rice water will save you from having to run to the nearest pharmacy for expensive medicines. Yes, and treated better with natural remedies, rather than chemical preparations. Naturally, when it is appropriate and can bring a positive result.

Rice groats are a natural absorbent with high absorbing properties.

When diarrhea in adults is

. Poisoning is not always accompanied by vomiting, more often than not, its "true companion" is only diarrhea. But she alone is able to bring significant harm to the body. Strong dehydration is quite strongly reflected in the work of absolutely all organs and cells. At the same time, the heart, kidneys, liver, brain, stomach and even skin suffer.

When you go to a hospital, a patient usually gets a long list of drugs to stop diarrhea, but they leave a "plume" of troubles in the form of various side effects. We advise you to make a rice decoction from diarrhea. It is absolutely harmless, and therefore can not have side effects, effectively restores the motor skills and basic functions of the gastrointestinal tract.

  1. Pour 500 ml of water into the pan and bring to a boil.
  2. In boiling water, put 2 teaspoons of rice.
  3. Reduce heat to a minimum and boil the mixture for 45 minutes.
  4. The product should be filtered and allowed to cool under natural conditions.

For diarrhea, decoction of rice should be taken 50-60 ml four times a day, every 2-3 hours. Its effect you will feel quite quickly, and the next day the general well-being will improve significantly.

When diarrhea in infants

Rice broth for babies has a slightly different formula, but it also acts effectively. It is used as a fixative for diarrhea.

Important! Before giving a rice broth to a child, it is necessary to turn to the pediatrician and find out the cause of diarrhea. Only a doctor will reveal the advisability of using decoction for diarrhea in an infant.

In fact, diarrhea in newborns can be caused by a variety of causes. And we should always fight with them, and not with the consequences of digestive system disorders. If the diarrhea is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, impotence of the baby, blood, mucus or greens in the stool, then you should immediately seek qualified medical help. And the speed of recovery will depend only on how quickly the cause of the disease is discovered.

If the situation is not so critical and the doctor allowed using a rice decoction to eliminate diarrhea in a child, then let's look at how to do it.

  1. A tablespoon of rice pour a glass of water.
  2. Put on a fire and cover.
  3. Cook for an hour, occasionally stirring the contents.
  4. When the liquid is evaporated, its original volume can be renewed.
  5. Filter and cool at room temperature.

Tip! When preparing the broth for a child, rice is recommended to soak for 12 hours beforehand.

Rice broth will save your baby from any trouble with digestion

Ready to boil, give the baby 50 ml three to four times a day. If there is a constipation, take the decoction off.

For skin

Rice broth is very useful for the face. It is used in such forms:

  • matting tonic, which reduces pores and eliminates greasy sheen;

  • is a lifting agent that tightens the skin of the face, reducing wrinkles;
  • as a cleanser that effectively removes impurities;
  • is a part of moisturizing masks, replacing rose water with yourself;
  • for giving the skin softness and elasticity;
  • levels the tone and improves the complexion;
  • as a soothing ointment that relieves irritation, inflammation, cures acne and cools the burns;
  • as a bleaching agent, clarifying pigment spots;
  • protects from direct sunlight.
Rice broth is an Asian beauty secret.

The recipe for preparing a decoction for the face is as follows.

  1. Rinse 100 grams of rice and pour a liter of water.
  2. Put on a fire and cook until ready for cereals.
  3. After about an hour, filter and cool.

Store the ready-made decoction in the refrigerator, but not more than 5 days.

Decoction for weight loss

If you want to lose excess pounds, the rice decoction for weight loss is prepared by a different technology.

  1. Rinse a glass of rice and place in a saucepan.
  2. Add 6 glasses of water, cover and bring to a boil.
  3. Cook at the lowest heat for 3 hours.
  4. Finished product to filter and add a little salt.

Drink during the day in small portions. One meal can be completely replaced by the use of this remedy.

As you can see, the preparation and reception of rice broth is quite simple, and a positive result will not take long.

  • Mar 17, 2018
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